vanguard and blackrock conspiracy

Not only are they the largest institutional investors of every major company on earth, they also own the other institutional investors of those companies, giving them a complete monopoly.. Are they talking about there hearts after they sold them to the devil? Its a long letter, so I wont reproduce the whole thing here. Alain Merieux was one of the individuals who was instrumental in the construction of the Wuhan Institute of Virologys P4 lab. This is a forum for free thinking, not hate speech. Following a dispute with a merged company in 1974, Bogle formed a new company called The Vanguard Group of Investment Companies. BlackRock, it turns out, is the worlds largest money manager, with $9.5 trillion currently under management. Therefore, someone that has purchased shares of a Vanguard fund is a Vanguard owner. LOL and this last 2 year Covid, i would like to thanks a lot DR. Joseph Mercola, because this is really important information for me and other, and btw so im not tottaly mad at this step. Soros owns the German company Winterthur. Unverified theories have suggested the virus that causes COVID-19 was synthesised by the Wuhan Institute of Virology (here). Without the media whores tarring dissident doctors and scientists as "anti-vaxxers" it all falls apart. BlackRock was the firm chosen by the Obama Administration to clean up after the 2008 financial meltdown, buying up toxic assets the Fed was not legally allowed to purchase. "ETF Issuer AUM League Table. Many belong to royal bloodlines and are the founders of our central banking system, the United Nations and just about every industry on the planet. It implies these connections, many of which are fabricated or misleading, are evidence that the pandemic was deliberately orchestrated. The stone in mecca pertaining to Islam? })(); Vanguard is a shareholder of German Allianz. Hi folks, ive very proud because that match exactly that we publish since what about fuck 12 years ? As outlined above, Pfizer has many shareholders. window.mc4wp = window.mc4wp || { If you invest in (or are forced to invest in because of limited options offered by your employer) mutual funds or ETFs, you forfeit your voting rights, and those rights go to the management company. But as two recent reports have made clear, theres another group climate watchers need to consider if the world is to avoid catastrophe: asset managers. So Blackrock and Vanguard are just holding assets for their clients. Winterthur built the Chinese laboratory in Wuhan. Bogle. Unsurprisingly, asset managers have not used their considerable power to promote genuine climate sustainability or justice-promoting responses to the climate crisis. In 2016, Oxfam reported that the combined wealth of the richest 1% in the world was equal to the wealth of the remaining 99%. Supposedly, PepsiCo is Coca Colas competitor, Apple and Android vie for your loyalty and drug companies battle for your health care dollars. Wall Street is insolvent and has had an ongoing liquidity crisis since the end of 2019. No, you're pretty much right. Climate crisis destroying the world would eventually wreak havoc on portfolio returns, so shouldnt the firms managing those portfolios have a direct financial interest moving climate policy forward? Good job, however I have one caveat to your closing statement. The Wuhan Institute of Virology is not funded by the British pharmaceutical company GlaxoSmithKline (GSK). It is a forgery. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Has The World Economic Forum Just Reached Peak Creepy? The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has owned Pfizer stocks since 2002 (here here) and a 2019 tax return from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Trust lists Pfizer among its corporate investments (here , see see Foundation Trust annual tax return 2019). I know, I've done it. In November of 2019, three technicians at the Wuhan Institute of Virology developed symptoms consistent with a flu-like illness. Who controls the corporations who control our news? This small club of investment companies, banks and mutual funds, are also the largest shareholders in the primary industries, where our raw materials come from.. If they It is a leader in offering passively managed mutual funds and ETFs. The Chinese biological laboratory in Wuhan is funded by Glaxosmithkline. We should get started yesterday. Although the fund's growth was initially slow, it took off. Keep the name Rothschild in your mind as you read on, as it will feature again later. Jeannette Cooperman holds a degree in philosophy and a doctorate in American studies. Microsoft owns Windows and Xbox. Vanguard is the second largest shareholder of Allianz (here). The Big Three cast more than 25 percent of votes at corporate shareholder meetings, meaning they exercise something akin to state authority over the largest corporations that account for the vast bulk of economic activity in the world economy, as investment strategy analyst Anusar Farooqui put it last year. Many of the claims have appeared in similar posts debunked by Reuters (here) and other fact checkers (here and here) in December 2020. Climate justice will require a serious course correction. For example, Facebook owns Whatsapp and Instagram. Simple. Our continued reliance on the private sector for climate financing all but guarantees that profiteering off misery will continue. Updated at 3:50 p.m. He also states the Jesuits took out Abraham Lincoln. For the vast majority, it's not even an option. State Street Corporation is the fifth biggest shareholder, Apple The top four institutional investors are Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation, Microsoft The top three institutional shareholders are Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation. The group has been in operation for 46 years as of 2021. Story continues below "As BlackRock and Vanguard grow, and as money flows from active to large passive investors, their per centage share of every firm increases," said Azar in an interview. Among them we find the Rothschilds, the DuPont family, the Rockefellers, the Bush family and the Morgan family, just to name a few. In virtually every major company, you find these names among the top 10 institutional investors. With $9.5 trillion in assets hanging in the balance, BlackRock feels a responsibility to monitor and provide feedback to companies. It promises transparencybut also notes the power of quiet, one-on-one conversations. Murder, they have committed genocide so killing 1000s of Chinese citizens and others is no problem for them. Take everything? The average expense ratio for Vanguard funds was 0.89% in 1975. Pharmaceutical companies, investment groups and philanthropists, False. "See the Difference Low-Cost Funds Can Make. This gives them a complete monopoly. Above all else, we respect everyone's opinions and ALL religious beliefs and creeds. BlackRock and other firms, including Vanguard, have been selling out of those positions as required by the Executive Order. Mercola really has been kicking assso much that his life was threatened. Keep the name Rothschild in your mind as you read on, as it will feature again later. In 2021, Fink took the opportunity of BlackRocks annual letter to CEOssomething of an unofficial State of the Union for the global nation of capitalto remind chief executives that there is no company whose business model wont be profoundly affected by the transition to a net-zero economy. The largest asset managers hold major stakes in every industry and asset class on the planet and possess the size and reach to make sure that they profit off both the industries causing the problems and the violent, unequal solutions they fund. My theory studying the history of the Rockefeller Syndicate/Skull & Bones, and their love of symbolism as seen in Rockefeller Center, is the name BlackRock is a double entendre. BlackRock and Microsoft provide a particularly vivid example of this: BlackRock uploaded its data analysis system Aladdin, by far the most important database in global finance, to Microsoft's Azure cloud in April 2020, so it is now dependent on Microsoft for data. The Elites are Neo-Malthusians and believe that we are overpopulated and that resource depletion will collapse civilization in a matter of a few short decades. Due to its scope, the company has been able to reduce its expenses over the years. You have to show a different perspective to get people to understand your point. Advantages and Disadvantages of Index Investing, Who Was John Bogle? Dozens of BlackRock employees have held senior positions in the White House under the Bush, Obama and Biden administrations. Tell me youre financially illiterate without telling me youre financially illiterate. This compensation may impact how and where listings appear. Publicly traded investment management firms must cater to their shareholders and the investors in their funds. The smallest number of media companies are now reaching the largest number of people in U.S. history, and the strongest critical analysis I can find is not in mainstream media, but in the student newspaper at Vassar. . Highly informative documentary exposing the people who control the media and the majority of information perception in the United States and other western countries. The company has no other owners than its shareholders, which sets it apart from most publicly-traded investment firms. Investopedia requires writers to use primary sources to support their work. . Take Big Tech, for example. If you buy shares in a company you get voting rights. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. ", ETF Database. This means that index fund investors are receiving and benefitting from professional investment advice by passively tracking indexes without even talking to an advisor. Sixteen percent of CBS, and therefore also of Sixty Minutes. Misleading. The US central bank hired BlackRock in March 2020 to manage commercial mortgage-backed securities in an effort to shore up the economy (here). They literally vote using other people's money. You find them dominating virtually all other industries as well. Thats why government, media and corporations seem like they are following a poorly rendered video game script for the last couple years because they are taking advice from a supposed all powerful ai. I completely understand but some people wont look at the bigger picture. I whistle under my breath$9.5 trillion is a lot of cash in play, and it makes BlackRock considerably larger than the worlds largest bank (the Industrial and Commercial Bank of China). Of the top 10 shareholders in Pepsi Co., the top three, Vanguard, Blackrock and State Street Corporation, own more shares than the remaining seven. The video has been added to the post after the first two paragraphs. Rothschilds were involved, too. But these can only mitigate the deeper problem for climate justice, which is that injustice has been and will likely continue to be profitable. Diving deeper, we find that these major investment firms are in turn owned by their own set of shareholders. clumps. The NIAID is part of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), an agency of the US health department (here). Vanguard's owners are its funds' shareholders. Rule 2 does not apply when replying to this stickied comment. This post claims to reveal links between the origins of the coronavirus pandemic, pharmaceutical companies involved in COVID-19 vaccine research, global investment groups and billionaire philanthropists George Soros and Bill Gates. It was made by entering a gene sequence by hand into a database, to create a cover story for the existence of SARS-CoV-2, which is very likely a gain-of-function chimera produced at the Wuhan Institute of Virology and was either leaked by accident or intentionally released. But any entity this big contains contradictions. Subscribe to our "Mixed Issue" email newsletter. Ten percent of the Sinclair local television news, which controls seventy-two percent of U.S. households local TV. Since the mid-1970s, two corporations Vanguard and Blackrock have gobbled up most companies in the world, effectively destroying the competitive market on which Americas strength has rested, leaving only false appearances behind. ET on April 29, 2022. They are Vanguard and BlackRock. US government websites show that the Wuhan institute received $814,608 between 2015 and 2019 (here, switch from Prime Awards to Sub-Awards in the upper right corner). This connection may explain why Allianz, AXA and Winterthur are mentioned in this social media post. Intravenous Vitamin C. An antioxidant. False. He provides performance analysis of hedge funds and investors. Gielen cites Oxfam data showing that two-thirds of billionaires obtained their fortunes via inheritance, monopoly and/or cronyism. The Vanguard Group advertises that the company is owned by its member funds, which are owned by the fund shareholders. In closing, I want to highlight a mysterious letter posted by an anonymous individual who goes by the name Spartacus.. . Just because you can clearly see it doesnt meant they can. The BlackRock, Vanguard, & State Street GRAND CONSPIRACY Ryan Hogue Investing 8.12K subscribers Subscribe 2.3K 47K views 1 year ago BlackRock, Vanguard Group, & State Street are some of the. By the time certain facts are being headlined and others excised, it is hard to tell where the influence originated. However, at the time of publication, the majority of virologists and infectious disease experts say the new virus most likely evolved naturally. Antony Sutton, Eustace Mullins, Webster Tarpley and others have described Skull & Bones as an American branch of the Illuminati tied to (Russell Co.) opium smuggling. "Vanguard Announces The Passing Of Founder John C. Heres a sampling: You can continue going through the list of tech brands companies that build computers, smart phones, electronics and household appliances and youll repeatedly find Vanguard, Blackrock, Berkshire Hathaway and State Street Corporation among the top shareholders. } Look no further to see who is dividing, inflaming and fearmongering the American people. These four Vanguard, Blackrock, State Street and Berkshire Hathaway are the four largest investment firms on the planet. "Black Rock controls the central banks" False. The same ownership trend exists in all other industries. BlackRock, the worlds largest asset management firm, owns 7.5% of GSK ( at the time of publication and is their largest shareholder (here). His vision was low-cost investing and transparency for non-institutional investors. I think [the central bankers] are really depending on the smart grid and creepy technology to help them go to the last steps of financial control, which is what I think theyre pushing for,she said. And we will not hear much beyond the rhetoric, because . BlackRock and Vanguard are two of the Big Three ( every industry is clumping) passive fund asset management firms. Managed Mutual Funds vs. Index Funds for Your Roth IRA. Olfmi O. Tw is an assistant professor of philosophy at Georgetown University and the author of Reconsidering Reparations and the forthcoming Elite Capture. Between ten and fourteen percent of Gannett, which owns more than 250 Gannett daily newspapers plus USA Today. Hes such a douche nozzle, WHO OWNS THE MEDIA? To understand whats really going on, watch Tim Gielens hour-long documentary, MONOPOLY: Who Owns the World? above. When Gates stepped down from Microsofts board in 2020, news reports said he owned 1.3% of the companys shares (here and here). A Facebook post suggesting that pharmaceutical companies, global investment groups and billionaire philanthropists conspired to bring about the COVID-19 pandemic has been shared online. Create an account to follow your favorite communities and start taking part in conversations. The pandemic and its response served multiple purposes for the Elite: The Elites are trying to pull up the ladder, erase upward mobility for large segments of the population, cull political opponents and other undesirables, and put the remainder of humanity on a tight leash, rationing our access to certain goods and services that they have deemed high-impact, such as automobile use, tourism, meat consumption, and so on. O. Tw is an assistant professor of philosophy at Georgetown University and investors. Local television news, which owns more than 250 Gannett daily newspapers plus USA.! Rock controls the central banks & quot ; Black Rock controls the central banks & ;! 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