darlie routier dna results 2021

I think a combination of things in her life just overwhelmed her and I truly believe that she regrets what she did. There simply can be no understanding this and for the life of me, I cringe at the thought. TWO innocent lives lost in a bloody bath people! I would really appreciate it. It is just so arbitrary. 536. HOW could she have done this?. Darlie told her husband, Darin, that she first woke up from the weight of an intruder sitting on her legs on the couch where she had a brief struggle with him. 12)darins polygraph test 13) the 911 call. Anytime someone questions that or the evidence, people are quick to pounce. Darlie and Darin Routier going into the Rowlett Police Department for more questioning. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on November 19, 2019: Its quite presumptuous of you to assume you know things about me and how I handled the research of my article considering weve never met or spoken before and you dont know the first thing about me. Und die Socke die gefunden wurde knnte theoretisch dort platziert worden sein. This action was also successfully duplicated in the lab with a blood spatter expert wearing a white t-shirt using the actual evidence knife and mimicking a stabbing motion with blood on the blade. These two stories are completely different from one another. I have no doubts that he was accusing her in the 911 call based on what Darlie is saying to him, and I think that suggests a feeling of disgust and betrayal from his end. He spent $100,000 financing a private investigation of her case. Prosecution: Okay, Officer Wade, you actually told your Chief he couldn't come in? They say the judge slept through the trial, that certain defense witnesses weren't allowed to testify, and the transcript errors were responsible for determining the outcome. More posts from r/TrueCrimeDiscussion 574K subscribers Thank you! After the trial, juror Charlie Samford publicly stated that if he had seen the photo of her under arm bruise, he would have voted not guilty. Both officers testified that it was not on when they initially checked the garage and backyard. Anita Hasch from Port Elizabeth on April 06, 2018: I rest my case. So I send the link to my lil sis whom would have spent the next year and accasionally forever watching YouTube vids. As mentioned previously in this article, anytime a trial verdict doesn't go the way someone wanted it to, they automatically say the system failed. You completely created a narrative about a fight, divorce, money problems, Darin helping her cover the crime (didn't the police and DA he was not involved). darlie routier dna results 2021. This was a very disturbing case and an emotional case. Darlie and Darin divorced but Darin does not believe that Darlie murdered the boys. Detective David Frosch testified that he overheard Darlie whisper "I'm so sorry" in each individual casket. The problem however, is that the towel was dry, not wet as Darlie testified and the blood tested on it was not Devon's, it was her's. The stars may finally be aligning for Darlie Routier, the Rowlett homemaker who was sent to Death Row 22 years ago by a Kerrville jury thanks in part to the sexism and character judgments of male law . Now, you never saw any evidence of this injury to the right arm on her stay [in the hospital] on the 6th, 7th or 8th of June; is that right? There was blood everywhere; around them seeping into the carpet, on the walls and all over the kitchen floor. Bruises like that don't just come from someone grabbing your arm, they came from striking something. Despite Pardo's efforts, Spence was executed in 1997. Microscopic analysis matched the fibers from the serrated knife to the garage window screen. Did they have friends or family that were Satanists. The caller, Darlie Routier, frantically told police dispatcher Doris Trammell that her home had been broken into and that an intruder had stabbed two of her sons, 6 year old Devon and 5 year old Damon. He told her a neighbor had to help calm him down just to pick him up and take him out of there. Psychologist Dr. Lisa Clayton, handsomely paid by the defense for her testimony, testified Routier exhibited the typical blackouts and distorted memory of people who experience a profound trauma and are forced to give clear descriptions of it soon after the event.Yet in jailhouse letters to friends and private conversations to friends and family before she was arrested, (even with the hospital staff) she appeared to have perfect detailed recollections of what took place, and never mentioned she couldn't remember anything. On May 23, 1996, they received a notice of foreclosure on their house (Barbara Davis, Precious Angels, pg. Note - the author added the placement of Darlie, Devon and Damon to this map along with references for orientation of the 1st floor. She claims an intruder entered her Dallas area home in June of 1996, stabbed two of her children, and attacked her. Upon the jury retiring for deliberation on February 1, 1997, 8 of the 12 jurors were immediately prepared to vote guilty, while the other 4 jurors weren't quite convinced. Susanna Reid comes face to face with convicted killer Darlie Routier in the documentary. With Darlie's emotions as they were after the boys were killed, I have trouble accepting Darlie's ability to think clearly enough to do much scene staging on her own. If that's true, what caused the bruises? Darlie Kee would sell her tainted soul to the devil to get her child killer daughter off death row and no way would she let Darin walk if she thought he did it. Have a good day! TB3 was a mixture of Devon and Darlie's blood, and TB2 was a mixture of Damon and Darlie's blood. The Arena Media Brands, LLC and respective content providers to this website may receive compensation for some links to products and services on this website. 2023 Cinemaholic Inc. All rights reserved. The appellant court judges also know, that's why the bitch is still on death row 20 years later!!! Though not admissible in court, the judge ordered the Dallas County jail to allow the polygraph test without the knowledge of the district attorneys office. All while her husband Darrin and 7 month old son Drake slept . As obvious as that towel is next to Devon's body, how could paramedic Brian Koschak not have seen it when he checked on Devon? Kathy Cruz, author of the book, Dateline Purgatory: Examining the Case that Sentenced Darlie Routier to Death, (A book that contends Darlie is innocent) stated: "That sock is the most important piece of evidence in this entire case," It is important, but not the most important. (she was only tried for his murder). Darlie Routier is sitting on death row for killing her two young boys, although she has only been officially charged with one of their murders. Hopefully 2021 will be a better year for all! And your average routine burglar doesn't want to encounter someone at home - they want to get in, get the goods, and get out. Let me know your thoughts about the episode. He said that money wasn't a problem with the family, and even if they were in trouble, a poor financial situation would not have been a motive for Darlie to kill the children. There is no way she could have committed suicide. The fingerprint brush fibers did not contain any asbestos.". But that assumes that Damon was stabbed four times at the same time. Ultimately, I went searching for a primarily factual, detailed look at this case. Greg Davis: Was there a rag or towel or anything else on top of Damon? On May 3, 1996, Darlie wrote to her three sons in her diary stating that she hoped one day they will forgive her for what she was about to do. Darlie Routier, 48, has been on death row in Texas for more than 20 years Her sons Damon, five, and Devon, six, were stabbed to death on June 6, 1996 She was found guilty of Damon's murder but. You dont hear it often anymore because it's been replaced by the more plausible, but equally bogus, explsnation that it is cross-contaminarion from fingerprinting the knife block. The press in-turn, (at the family's approval and invitation) jumped at the opportunity of getting photos of Darlie in bed in the ICU. Due to most published literature referencing the Darlie Routier case being a one-sided opinion (the author either believes in her innocence or her guilt) the closest one can come to achieving unbiased information about the case and proceedings would result from reading the court transcripts in their entirety. i can understand when she speaks to the police officer the conversation is inaudible, however when the operator asks her a question i can clearly hear her give a reply to the operators questions. This net worth is surprising for a criminal who has been sentenced to death by lethal injection. Darlie will turn on the charm and the tears and use her "I'm the true victim here" little girl voice, convincing nearly each person that met with her that there was no way she could have murdered her sons. When Im in the courtroom I am bound by certain things. She bounces back and forth from saying "he" and "they.". You'd expect a woman would recognize her husband of 10 years wouldn't you??? In 2021, a judge finally ordered DNA testing on the evidence collected during the case. What happened next remains a mystery. November 2017 Routiers lawyer filed for and was granted moreMORE DNA testing. Sergeant Walling: No, sir. 11) her polygraph test. It really doesnt pay to put on a documentary 25 years later to show someones guilty, Shook said. Paramedic Koschak radioed for an additional ambulance as he followed his partner into the house. Working in emergency medical service for 30 years I've seen it firsthand. She's committed to that claim at this point, she's on death row; the very moment she admitted guilt her appeals process would come to a grinding halt and a date for execution would be scheduled immediately. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on April 08, 2018: Fed, I didn't retrieve the 2014 re-investigation story from the Internet, it came from a 2014 Time Magazine article I researched in a library. (Barbara Davis, Precious Angels, pages 90-91). SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 06, 2018: fedematias95, the link definitely works I tried it on my computer at work. The problem these groups consistently run into is the evidence that convicted Darlie Routier. The stems were unbroken giving the investigators the impression that they had just been laid there, not knocked over during a struggle. Rug in front of the sink. That idea is so preposterous it's not worth considering. Most multiple murders do not have eye witnesses. Dr. Janice Townsend-Parchman testified that Darlie Routier's superficial neck wound could have been self-inflicted and possibly does show hesitation. The other theory is that Darlie (or with Darin's assistance) created the bruises herself to support her story of fighting the intruder.. A trauma surgeon, an emergency room nurse and four ICU nurses testified during the trial that the bruises under her right arm were definitely not there while Darlie was in their care and up to when she was discharged. Darin Routier, Darlie's husband was called to testify and also asked about the towels that Darlie stated she placed on Damon's back. Everyone but the Darlie supporters of course. I found a LOT of bias unfortunately. They appear to be keeping quiet about their investigation. You say theres no evidence to support this; while on the contrary theres nothing but evidence to support this. And she told me she thought shed messed up the fingerprints. Location of the sock found down the alley from the Routier home, 3 house away. The spa had a hot tub, a TV, a bar, and a stereo system in it. He didn't even use sutures or staples, he used steri-strips. Darin did NOT DRUG HIS WIFE. Police officers Wade and Ferrie testified in court that were posted at the front door and were ordered not to let anyone in the house during the investigation. Waddell instructed Darlie to get a towel and put pressure on the boy's wounds. Darlie must have put her earrings back in for the photo. Is there any way you can download the PDF and send it to my email? It will show up under a black light even if attempts are made to clean the blood up. 10) darlins statements afterwards about mess in house to clean up, money from life insurance and her diary. You guys be safe! She definitely remembered to give everyone a reason as to why her finger prints were on the murder weapon. Each of the points that you raised were addressed in the article. On November 14, the court announced jury selection was complete and it would consist of seven women and five men. The Luminol application to the kitchen area showed that a significant amount of blood had been rinsed down the drain most likely with the sprayer. Darlie must have sensed her guilty verdict. She could never explain how this intruder was able to run through the kitchen, through the blood, through the utility room and garage, without leaving a single bloody footprint anywhere, yet her bloody footprints were found all over the kitchen floor mostly going back and forth from the kitchen sink to the couch area. Im also bound rules of evidence and procedure. After realizing the magnitude of the crime, Lt. Jack thought it best to call for some investigative assistance. Those of us on this site devoted to justice for two murdered little boys dont just smell bullshit a mile away we smell it across country. -. Darlie denied cleaning or even being anywhere near the kitchen sink, despite her blood being everywhere around it and in front of it. I know he did it." Most of towels were scattered around a good distance from the boys. One such author and this author have discussed the case on her HubPage on several occasions and we both politely agreed to disagree. DAVIS: Okay. Why weren't the palms of her hands or her fingers cut while fighting a man with knife? Like she woke up on June 5th and thought to herself "Well, tonight's the night I'm going to kill the boys." This "time frame" as it's called, didn't begin until the moment Darlie dialed 911. Darlie Routier Responding to Darlie Lynn Routier's frantic 911 call from her Dallas County home in 1996, police found her two sons, Devon Routier, 6, and Damon Routier, 5, dying of stab wounds. Even as I write this, the mother in me (which is literally my entire being!) None of these were connected to the murders. I grabbed the phone and called 911. Fuckery alert! You should use it. Which, it should be pointed out here, she didn't do. Born on January 4, 1970, Darlie Lynn Peck Routier was 26-years-old when she made a frantic 911 call from her suburban brick home in Rowlett, East Dallas, claiming that an intruder had broken in and attacked her family. Author Note - Out of due respect for the victims and family, no photos of the boy's body's will be displayed here. So, on the witness stand, most likely under the advice of counsel. Satin is not responsible for killing those children. My tears came 2 days later. We all read and study transcripts, read newspaper articles and TV news footage too. They say he lied in court about parts of a conversation between himself and Darlie based on not hearing those words on the 911 call. There is no evidence that she did this. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on July 07, 2018: I'm sorry to hear about the tragedy that you and your family went through and you made a very good point; people react to disaster and tragedy in different ways. She had all the time in the world prior to dialing 911 to stage the scene at the house, stab the boys, and walk the sock down the alley in an attempt to confuse police and draw attention away from herself.". Darlie Routier denies her guilt. Darlie Routier. A total of twelve days later, though, four days after what would have been Devons seventh birthday, Darlie was charged and arrested on two counts of capital murder. (Believed to be where she cut her throat). Each time it was reconstructed, a certain amount of blood spatter shot off to the sides of the blade when dropped. SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 30, 2020: Hi there and thank you for commenting on the article, I appreciate that. Cameras weren't as frequently allowed in courtrooms in 1996 and Turner Broadcasting's Headline News (HLN) and Court TV didn't exist to broadcast each day of the trial into every home. At this point Darlie began crying again. 73 (44%) of the sentences are unintelligible and marked so on the transcript. Not one shred of evidence supports ANY of those theories. SClemmons- "It is all in how you tell your story.just tell the story right". Both letters stated " I know who did it, Glenn did, I saw him. Did you hear him bark the night of the attack? Darlie paused, then calmly replied, Come to think of it, no, he didnt. (p.121). SClemmons (author) from the Carolina Coast on January 03, 2018: Happy New Year to you too Everton, and you Jade as well. How you tell your story.just tell the story right '' certain things to pounce and author! ; while on the witness stand, most likely under the advice of counsel up money..., 1996, they came from striking something mixture of Damon and Darlie 's.... That Darlie murdered the boys regrets what she did distance from the knife. Wade, you actually told your Chief he could n't come in kitchen sink despite. 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