obstacles in serving god

There's no doubt, that the Bible is full of Bible verses about struggle and perseverance. In v.24 he reveals how willing he was to deny self in serving the Lord. These challenges come to distract us from our mission; they come to make us quit running the race. Without prayer all that we do willlackGods power and enablement. Doesnt this remind us of what our Lord Himself did? Challenges in serving God. And so as Proverbs4:23says, you mustKeep [your] heart with all diligence; for out of it are the issues of life., Unfortunately not everyone in Ephesus heeded Pauls exhortation to guard themselves. And so, as a point of application, please ask yourself: Are you faithful in learning and obeying the whole counsel of God? (NLT). Thats why Christ bestowed all the spiritual gifts which the Church needs for service. God will help you knock down that wall in front of you. THE DIFFICULTIES IN THE SERVICE OF GOD ARISE FROM THE DISAGREEMENT BETWEEN OUR CHARACTER AND HIS. We dont have to be afraid of Gods judgment anymore. Worse, some of us feel too exhausted we just want to stop serving Him. The punishment has been paid. The Bible is God's unfailing, unchanging Word. Job eventually repents and is humbled before God. Earlier on we witnessed the addition of new members through baptism, reaffirmation of faith and transfer of membership. Second, we can have a rich God-accomplished relationship with God because Jesus prays for us (Hebrews 10:21). It is difficult while we have evil habits and affections lingering about us, and it is impossible so long as we cling to these voluntarily. Verse Concepts. Understand Gods love will help us demolish the intrusive thoughts we have. The ministry of food distribution lasted until the severe persecution broke out and people had to be mobilized. God allowed this to happen to mobilize the church from becoming inwardly focused. He said to them earlier on in v.20,I kept back nothing that was profitable unto you, There is an important detail here which I want you to notice. Here are 4 ways to find contentment in Christ: #1 Accept rejection. (Acts 4:34). As followers of Jesus, we battle against difficulties, obstacles on our way to accomplishing Christs mission in this world. Others have been blessed with spiritual gifts of faith, administration, discernment, hospitality, giving, mercy, or encouragement. 3. It requires a true heart in full assurance of faith. This is a full and rich and satisfying relationship one that is more real to us than anything else. The world tells us, Take charge! You are the master of your own destiny, and God helps those who help themselves. This kind of advice flies in the face of the Bibles urgings to submit to God, trusting and yielding ourselves to Him (cf. (praise and worship, teaching ministries, financial ministry, homeless ministry, recovery ministry, jail ministry, outreach ministry, cleaning ministry, building maintenance , food pantry, missions ministry, and so forth). The second part of verse 21 gives us another reason to draw near to God: Jesus prays for us. This means that we should not leave out any unpleasant teaching like the wrath of God and the existence of hell. The devil is always looking out for opportunities to gain a foothold in your heart and make you fall. 2. The most of men are careless and indifferent to then heavenly King; they remember all things else except the God who made them. There is one thing that everyone can do that is to pray. The apostles called the church (the disciples) together. With God, you can navigated the deepest and darkest valleys of life and walk high on the mountain. We have already read the first 11 verses of the passage during the responsive reading. There are obstacles in our way. Ive tried it before. Michael Chriswell. Join The Hoot & Howl community for access to all the insider info! Fast-forward now to a time about 40 years later, and we find this commendation that Christ gave to this church in Revelation 2:2I know thy works, and thy labour, and thy patience, and how thou canst not bear them which are evil: andthou hast tried them which say they are apostles, and are not, and hast found them liars.The elders had faithfully kept watch over their flock and had exposed the false teachers who tried to subvert the flock. As you travel to Allah, you will inadvertently face obstacles. Is anything too hard for me? When faced with an enormous obstacle, dont focus on how big the problem is. But now we come to the question. Everyone in the church knew who was overseeing the food distribution ministry. More Ken Boa on Trusting God in Turbulent Times. Before the Throne of God Above Shane Barnard and Shane Everett. But God equips us to overcome obstacles . Try. And we must be very thankful to Him. Choosing our own way over Gods is always a losing option. To be faithful to the Word is to give our attention to thewholecounsel of God. Trusting God gives us a better perspective a mindset focused on a higher truth (Isaiah 55:7-9; Proverbs 14:12). Jesus isnt appealing to the irrational, but to a higher truth. However, when it comes to serving while single or serving while married, the . You know your sin and guilt, and although you like the idea of a closer relationship with God, you wouldnt dare pursue it. Many of us, however, get to a point of exhaustion and fatigue as we strive to do His will. The challenges that Nehemiah faced in building the wall are illustrations from God's Word of obstacles and opposition that Christians may face. Obstacles to serving God. Hearing from God is rooted in faith and belief. An important part of the gospel is that in Jesus Christ we can begin to serve God again with the promise of being able to serve him perfectly and forever in the age to come. He knows about every detail of you, and has your best interest at heart. Tozer acknowledged the paradoxes of a believers life and thinking: A real Christian is an odd number, anyway. Repent and believe right now! Challenges in serving God. Psalms 119:1-127 - ALEPH . It isfaithfulness to the whole counsel of God. They were appalled when they saw the severe suffering Job was experiencing. Certain Relationships Hinder Spiritual Growth. Perhaps some of us may have certain limitations that prevent us from serving. Let us turn our Bibles now to Acts 20:28-35. The sinless Savior died and he ever lives and pleads for me. This ministry functioned well before, as we are informed in chapter 4 that there was also distribution of funds (there was no needy people among them); the first Christians cared for their needs by sharing and distributing goods. (v.4) We will attend constantly or persist in prayer and the preaching of the gospel. Gods plan may seem confusing, unconventional, or mysterious at times, and especially when you are facing difficulty. This morning we will see how the apostle Paul highlights the need for faithfulness in Gods service to the Ephesian elders by his example and his exhortations. When the stresses of this world and the worst of suffering might seem to extinguish our hope, it doesnt. Trusting God gives us true success (Psalm 27:3-7; Proverbs 15:22). This is the goal of the Christian, and everything in life, including the trials and tribulations, is designed to enable us to reach that goal. They made pledges and promises which they had every intention to keep at the beginning, but sadly they did not keep them in the end. It means submitting to Him even when it doesn't make sense and serving others faithfully even when they don't appreciate our efforts. You see, regardless of the challenges we may face in life in our ministries, Jesus expects us to be faithful to his call of making disciples, his call to reaching those who dont know him. They wept, Gods pattern for his people! " The fear of the Lord is the beginning of knowledge " and " wisdom " (Proverbs 1:7; 9:10). After our conversion, our inner person matures and grows, but our flesh is neither removed nor improved. Here are some key strategies you can use to help overcome your obstacles with Gods help. Its a rich relationship, not a mechanical one. They were responsible for that. These dark moments can leave you feeling frustrated, scared, and broken. In our choices, we dont so much turn to evil as we turn from God. He suffered the wrath of God on our behalf. Hebrews 4:12 states: His word is alive and powerful, sharper than a two-edged sword, able to pierce to the division of soul and spirit, of joints and marrow and even able to judge the thoughts and the intentions of the heart. Gods Word is incredibly powerful and holds the key to many of our problems. We imagine that if God is putting us through something, he expects us to accomplish his will. This can be seen in the call which He gave to the church of Smyrna in Revelation 2:10. *A.W. You can tell God how you feel and in what areas of your life you are struggling to trust Him. Romans 1:1 Paul, a servant of Jesus Christ, This shows that Jesus was a very big part of Pauls life. This helps to shift your perspective and gain the confidence needed to know you can handle it with Gods help. Joshua was firmly in control of his actions and had his eyes fixed on the commandments of the Lord. Paul belonged to Him alone, and so he lived to do the will of the Lord Jesus. God continued to bless them by bringing more people into the community. Now we shall read what Paul said to them, as recorded in Acts 20:17-35. Let's stay in touch! Galatians 5:16 (NASB) calls us to walk in the Spirit. The Greek word for walk, peripateo, means to walk around, to conduct oneself. Walking is a step-by-step process, a sequencing process of behaving habitually. He died in our place. When we come within inches of making an enormous mistake that could lead to injury or some other kind of catastrophic failure, we have to praise God for allowing us to dodge a bullet. When this question has been settled, we should then go on to another area that requires faithfulness fulfilling our God-given roles. Do you remember when you first yielded your life to Christ? Jesus has an active, priestly role for our sake at the Fathers right hand. 9) 1 John 4:4 "Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them. Serve the Lord with gladness. God made it possible for you to know. The apostles recognized the severity of the issue. As the people contemplated God's instructions, they faced the challenge . The apostles remained faithful to the task of preaching and teaching Gods word. Notify me by email when the comment gets approved. Within that time, Paul put in all his efforts to fulfill his role in several ways: Public teaching is mentioned in v.20 , But Paul did not expect the elders of Ephesus to do what he did, because they had a, Did the Ephesian elders fulfill their role well? As a result of this they become spiritually weak, they fall into sin and become ineffective in their service. You can count on Gods promise (Joshua 1:5; Deuteronomy 31:6; 1 Chronicles 28:20; Hebrews 13:5). They had a great system going on, a great fellowship and God reminded them that though that ministry is important, it was not the mission of the church to run a food program, but to preach the gospel to those who are lost. But Jesus was the sacrifice for us. Click to share on Facebook (Opens in new window), Click to share on Twitter (Opens in new window), Click to share on Pinterest (Opens in new window), Click to email this to a friend (Opens in new window). Some ministries exist only for a time. But its not that simple. While he was there, Paul sent a messenger to Ephesus (which is about 40 km away) to call the elders of the church to come for a conference with him, as he believed that he would never see them again. Theres really nowhere else to go, as the apostle Peter said, for true life eternal life is with Him alone. This issue needed the attention of the apostles before it would escalate. If He leads us to it, He'll lead us through it. If God Is Loving, Why Is there So Much Pain in this Life? Thats why Christ bestowed all the spiritual gifts which the Church needs for service. But what do we see here? Get more than a Sunday sermon. He is there right beside you. These commands, then, can seem foreign to us. Persecution mobilized the church, and the food ministry came to an end. Thus we have seen that Paul and the Ephesian elders were faithful in fulfilling their respective God-given roles. Philippians 4:6-7 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God. The answer to this is that our confidence must ultimately be placed in God. Warning. Jesus Tells Us to Love the Lord Yes, our pain and our disappointments are real and valid. He bore our sins in his body on the tree. Staten Island, NY 10314, http://sichristianchurch.org/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/Sept.19.mp3. (Food pantry ministry). Most people in the world have no experience of lasting joy in their lives. Confess Unbelief Be honest. He didn't say, "you should not serve both God and money.". Christs mission must be the churchs main priority. There is no right way to pray, all you have to do is begin speaking with God. Jeremiah 32:27 states I am the Lord, the God of all mainkind. You may be diligent in feeding others, but you also need to, If you want to remain faithful, you must give sufficient time to the study of Gods Word. I signed up . If you are united to Jesus by faith, the anger is gone. About, There is one good way to know whether you are spiritually well or not. Paul did not say, I kept back nothing that waspleasantunto you.Certain teachings in the Bible maynotseempleasantto our ears but they are profitable. The answer is simple, but not necessarily easy. (Hebrews 10:1922). Resist the devil, and he will flee from you" (James 4:6-7). We must look to Him for all the help we need to remain faithful. Unfortunately many would rather listen to a message that makes no demands on them at all, but offers them all the blessings of God they could ever wish to receive, like good health and wealth. And everyones role is important for the church to grow and to be used of God. These are emotional, intellectual, and volitional barriers. Other people of faith who are overcoming their own challenges can lift you up in spirit, remind you of Gods truth, and cheer you on as you strive for your goals. Growth is great, but with much growth comes great challenges as well. We are here to help and encourage you! He will listen to the pain you have filling your heart. Look at what he said in v.33,34I havecoveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel. After all, God had purchased them with His own blood, as Paul mentioned in v.28 (to feed the church of God, which He hath purchased with His own blood.) This of course refers to God the Son who suffered and died on the cross for our sins. Life is full of ups and downs. First and foremost, you must know that you are a part of Christ. We can speak to God about the obstacles we face in a safe, judge-free setting. But everywhere the disciples of Jesus went, they preached the gospel, and more communities were born in different towns. The apostles would give their attention to prayer and the preaching of the word. Audio Version. 15Making a whip of cords, he drove all of them out of the temple, both the sheep and the cattle. The apostles handed the food distribution to seven men selected by the church. First, we can have a rich God-accomplished relationship with God because of Jesuss sacrifice (Hebrews 10:1920). Regardless of any problem or issue we face as a church; we must never neglect Christs mission: to reach the lost; to make disciples of all nations through the preaching of his word. God wants you to be successful and triumphant, and has a great plan for your life. During the voyage one of the ports that the ship stopped at was Miletus. Through the Bible, we can understand the promises God has made for us, how He can help us in our time of need, and His amazing love for us. Satan began to attack the church through severe persecution. Were to make a choice to make up our mind whether to trust and serve God or not, and then act accordingly. If you are still outside Christ, you are still in your sins. Paul would never think of himself apart from the Lord Jesus. . If your love for Him has grown cold, you are unwell and you need to rekindle that love before things get worse. The problem: a complaint from the Grecian Jews (Hellenistic Jews). The natural gravity of the flesh pulls us away from grace toward law-based living. Obstacles Serving God's Purposes? But the enemy doesnt like this, so he would use anything to stop you. Jesus said in Luke 16:13 (NLT) "No one can serve two masters. Confusion: Perhaps worse than the ignorant are the confused. These verses will strengthen your faith in God. Living for Godwhy is it so difficult? one hundred popular worship songs and hymns. Can God change your life? 4. They would rather increase in fame and fortune. Fear is the first item listed in Joshua's challenge to the people. Through these strategies, you can gain the confidence to face your problems head on and come out victorious. Without the proclamation and teaching of Gods words disciples are not developed. This gravity is like a built-in magnet that draws us toward controlling, creating, and manipulating. For the past 66 years, we have seen how faithful God is to provide, preserve and protect us so marvelously despite all our weaknesses, faults and our little faith. Will we be able to do these things well? The Bible says eternal life is to "know God and His one and only Son." As I made the transition from knowing about God for 19 years, to actually . That sounds crazy because rejection is not easy. You inevitably will be faced with moments in life that seriously challenge you. It is acceptable to have feelings of anger at God when hard things of life happen. This exhortation is found in v.32 And now, brethren, I commend you to God,and to the word of His grace, which is able to build you up,and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.(v.32) Paul said this because he had to leave the Ephesians, and would no longer be present to teach them as he had done before. Let us turn our Bibles now to Acts 20:28-35. Prayer is the best way to communicate one-on-one with God. Only God the Holy Spirit can change a heart. Psalm 37:4, "Delight yourself in the Lord, and he will give you the desires of your heart.". They help us see how strong and powerful our God is. . Right beside the foundation of Jesuss death in our place is this glorious picture of Jesus praying for us. As we now enter into our 67thyear, let us resolve to give Him thefirst and central placein all that we do as a church, so that we may be faithful to Him. Have you ever wondered why we get caught in the same sins over and over? . Right when the church experienced such growth (a problem arose). This is similar to how the higher law of aerodynamics supersedes the lower law of gravity for a hang glider. The three tools Satan uses to keep us ineffective on the volitional level are as follows: These three tools work, often interrelatedly (Ephesians 2:1-3), against the life of Christ in us and present the volitional barrier to our trust in Him. Proverbs 8:17 love those who love me, And those who seek me diligently will find me. The church of Jesus Christ has faced huge challenges throughout it existence and will continue to face challenges until Jesus comes back again. This is because the fear of God is a foundation. But it was a problem now. There is one good way to know whether you are spiritually well or not. If you have an immediate prayer need, please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000. The writer to the Hebrews commands us to draw near to God. Tit was through all these works of God that the Ephesians had now grown into a thriving church, But there is still so much more that needs to be done as we move forward as a church into our 67, build a united church family that is committed to making disciples through Salvation, Sanctification and Service to the glory of God. Yes, we deserve punishment. He alone can give us the strength and wisdom we need to endure. They were responsible for the spiritual health of this new community. Materialism. Sign up for a CBNDaily Bible Reading Plan. 5 MarWe Must Obey God Rather than Men (Acts 5:12-42) by RevQuek KK, 12 MarGods Wisdom and Requirements for Church Leadership (Acts 6:1-7) byRev Charles Seet, 19 MarStephen-A Man of Faith (Acts 6:5, 7:54-8:3) by RevQuek KK, 26 MarPhilip-A Light in Darkness (Acts 8:4-8) by RevHo Chee Lai, 8.00 am English Worship I9.40 am Catechism Class Sunday School 11.00 am English Worship II Chinese Worship Children's Ministry Filipina Service2.30 pm Thai Service4.00 pm Indonesian Service. Others struggle to serve the Lord because of illness, a serious disease, or a litany or other reasons. All you have to do is put your trust in Him. Giving up our ways and will isn't easy but that is what moving into a . We serve not just because we want to serve but love man has to carry out; that we have a loving Creator, a true genuine Father in every sense of the word. The fear of disappointment, on the other hand, says, Oh yeah, I get that relationship stuff. It can be frustrating to give up control of your life, however to be a follower of Christ it must be done. First, the apostles identified their main priority. The same thing happens if one member is not fulfilling his or her role faithfully The whole church suffers! Remind yourself that this isthe word of His grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you an inheritance among all them which are sanctified.. Its always telling us, Youd better take charge. So how do we stay yielded to God? They see the ministry of the Word merely as a means to get what theywantinstead of what theyneed. With God, you can move from being a victim to being a victor. He is much more powerful than any obstacle you will ever face! Paul was faithful in his role as achurch-planter, testifying of the Gospel of the grace of God wherever he went. During the voyage one of the ports that the ship stopped at was Miletus. "The way is hard that leads to life," He said ( Matthew 7:14, ESV ). Faithful is He that calleth you, who also will do it.(1 Thessalonians 5:23-24) May we all be greatly challenged through this to serve faithfully, by remaining Faithful to the Lord, Faithful to fulfill our God-given roles of service, and Faithful to the whole counsel of God, until our Lord Jesus Christ returns! We have already read the first 11 verses of the passage during the responsive reading. Your browser does not support the audio element. This relationship were called to is not our building a tower, or our climbing stairs, or our somehow trying to maneuver our way to get close to him. knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. Faithfulness to the Lord demands this attitude in our service:He must increase, and we must decrease., It is sad that many who serve today arenotinterested in decreasing. Choose seven men from among you: men of good reputation (Good testimony) (known to be full of the Spirit and wisdom. Verse Concepts. The Bible says that the church is like a human body. Three years was actually the longest time that Paul served in one city throughout all his missionary journeys This was because of its strategic location in reaching out to the whole province of Asia. Paul did not withhold any teaching of Gods Word from the Ephesians. God was Pauls confidence that the Ephesian church would remain faithful. He will surely see to it that His Church will endure to the very end. Yes, we are sinners. They told the church they had no desire to abandon the preaching in order to embark into another ministry. Three obstacles keep us from coming to Christ, and these are the same barriers that keep us from yielding to, trusting in, and submitting to Him on an ongoing basis. The particular, electing love of God from before the foundation of the world is the reason why anyone becomes a Christian. Overcoming Obstacles to Serving. If you handle the small things, God brings you big things to handle. Tit was through all these works of God that the Ephesians had now grown into a thriving churchwithin three years. You can be confident in Gods ability to handle your problems (Job 42:2). He said, "you cannot serve both God and money.". This warning comes in the form of a close call, or near miss event. Christ went to Jerusalem towards the end of His earthly ministry, despiteknowingthat He would be betrayed, condemned to death, humiliated and crucified there (Matthew 20:18,19). Money from tithing is used to build God's kingdom upon the earth. You can be comforted by Gods commitment (Psalm 46:1; Luke 15:11-32). Actively involving children in the planning . Job had three friends who came to see him when they heard about the misfortune that befell him. We relish our sin too much to renounce it. Just before those verses, the Beatitudes (Matthew 5:1-12) define a path to spiritual happiness and significance totally contrary to what were normally taught (blessed are the meek, not the proud). In order for us to get grace we have to surrender ourselves to God and accept His grace as a free gift. This actually happened to the Ephesian church about 40 years later. CBN's ministry is made possible by the support of our CBN Partners. When Paul wrote his epistle to the Philippians some time later, he said,I count all things but lossfor the excellency of the knowledge of Christ Jesus my Lord: for whom I have suffered the loss of all things, and do count them but dung, that I may win Christ.(Philippians 3:8). There is no more condemnation. Mailbox Club Bible Correspondence Courses, As we thank God for His faithfulness today, let us be reminded that God requires faithfulness from us. They really piss me off. And it is the Holy Spirit who made the elders fit for their role as overseers, so that the flock would be well fed. Handling the problem: (v.2) He was committed to obedience. We serve the same God who said: "And the Lord, He is the One who goes before you. Fear. Stephen was murdered, Philip and the rest had to leave. The Third Sunday in Lent Sermon starts at 14:15 in recording Service Booklet All Readings Gospel: John 2:13-22 13 The Passover of the Jews was near, and Jesus went up to Jerusalem.14In the temple he found people selling cattle, sheep, and doves, and the money-changers seated at their tables. I hope that everyone who is serving in any ministry of Life Church will take this exhortation seriously Guard yourself! This was his role in serving the Lord, and he devoted himself to fulfill it faithfully wherever he went. Get FREE "He Cares for You" teaching sheet, Build up your faith as you meditate on inspiring Scripture verses of how much God loves you, "It's not what goes into your body that defiles you; you are defiled by what comes from your heart.". There is no way that you can escape from the fires of hell, unless you, Unfortunately many would rather listen to a message that makes no demands on them at all, but offers them all the blessings of God they could ever wish to receive, like good health and wealth. Listen now to what he said at the end of v.24 so that I might finish my course with joy, and the ministry, which I have received of the Lord Jesus, to testify the gospel of the grace of God.Paul knew exactly what role the Lord wanted him to fulfill: He was to testify ofthe Gospel of the grace of God. There's three main categories: People, Places and Things. The emotional barrier deals with bad experiences, but the intellectual barrier deals with bad teaching. He said, Paul was heading for Jerusalem in obedience to the Lords direction for him, despite knowing the awful trials he would have to face there. Jesus was able to recognize Satan in Peters words. Cf. Over the last three months we have seen God clearing away all the obstacles for the launching of a new Bible College. You can be assured of Gods intentions that He has your best interests at heart (Jeremiah 29:11-13; Hebrews 12:10). Colossians 3:24. These are emotional, intellectual, and volitional barriers. Bible maynotseempleasantto our ears but they are profitable confidence that the ship stopped at was Miletus men! Seek me diligently will find me becomes a Christian all mainkind everyone can do that is give... Obstacles on our way to pray suffered and died on the cross for our sake the... Seen in the church needs for service the whole church suffers amp ; Howl for. Recognize satan in Peters words hearing from God is ; no one can serve masters... Would remain faithful comforted by Gods commitment ( Psalm 46:1 ; Luke 15:11-32 ) us through it verses. 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God, you will ever face as well arose ) a complaint from the Grecian Jews ( Hellenistic Jews.. Life church will take this exhortation seriously Guard yourself course refers to God: Jesus prays for us Hebrews! 1 Chronicles 28:20 ; Hebrews 13:5 ) handle your problems ( Job 42:2 ) which! Be placed in God challenge to the Word is to pray, all you have to surrender ourselves God. Else except the God of all mainkind have an immediate prayer need, please call 24-hour... V.33,34I havecoveted no man 's silver, or encouragement cross for our sins his. But they are profitable by faith, the God who said: & quot ; so much to. Please call our 24-hour prayer line at 800-700-7000 of them out of the passage during responsive! Would escalate were born in different towns ) together Bible says that the church through severe persecution receive. Without prayer all that we do willlackGods power and enablement Proverbs 14:12 ) intellectual barrier deals with bad,... Love of God is Loving, why is there so much pain in this world said to them as! Our inner person matures and grows, but to a higher truth ( Isaiah 55:7-9 Proverbs... Step-By-Step process, a serious disease, or near miss event issue needed the attention of the pulls! Judgment anymore thing that everyone can do that is what moving into a churchwithin! Was firmly in control of his actions and had his eyes fixed on the other hand, says Oh. The emotional barrier deals with bad experiences, but our flesh is neither removed improved. Or other reasons handle the small things, God brings you big things to handle problems! Sinless Savior died and he devoted himself to fulfill it faithfully wherever he went or.. Will we be able to recognize satan in Peters words Revelation 2:10 he went that paul and the Ephesian would! You remember when you are spiritually well or not, and then act accordingly pleads me...

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