sharwil avocado vs hass

Youve spurred me to finally post on some portion of the topic at least. Im in Yucaipa (barely north of the center of the city.) I have a space there where its convenient for them to dump. I live in Santa Barbara, CA just less than a mile from the ocean. Over the past 2 weeks sheltering in place, Im noticing lots of small fruit starting. About the leaves, I think most people just think it looks messy. The same occurred with my newly planted atemoya: the leaves turned black, and the tree dried to death. Seeing as you can go buy a Hass avocado in your local supermarket any day of the year, maybe you might consider a different variety that you can't otherwise find. I have two questions, if I may The tree looks healthy and fruitful: auspicious for your plantings. SUPPORTERS (we thank you! We also have a Cate Macadamia tree in the backyard which is doing excellent. Vasco, thank you for your kind message. Thanks for the update. In fact the tree might be a hundred years old and is easily 60 feet tall or larger. I grafted some Sharwils here and there in the spring, and theyve grown more than any other variety I grafted this year (including Fuerte, which people often talk of as being so vigorous). Its super helpful for us newbies . Let me get things together on my side before I share too much about the Lamorinda tree. Then you can add a third one strictly based a flavor. Zutano, Mites like a dusty leaf surface. If you want it to spread very horizontally, Id plant a Fuerte. I see a lot of posts about cold tolerant avocado trees, how about heat tolerant (besides reed)? americana) Great read! The big difference: these avocados have significantly less fat. My experience with Sharwil in my own yard and my observations of other Sharwils confirm that its not the most predictable bearer, unfortunately. Fuerte and Nabal are both well known for alternating in this way. Thanks for the info. That sounds like an excellent setup and arrangement of varieties. More than half the fat in avocados is the healthy monounsaturated fat (the type in olive oil) and saturated fat is minimal. Wish me luck! So I tried a Reed for the first time today from the farmers market. Hawaii Sharwil avocado. Two main varieties on offer. But the distinctive smooth texture and nutty yellow flesh of a perfect Fuerte is so appealing to me that I dont even want to adulterate it as guacamole. Both trees have been prolific. I figured there had to be one. . GEM trees are a bit hard to come by, unfortunately. Thank you in advance for your assistance. I do know MacArthur avocados. I visited a grove with a soil pH of 8 and saw that their GEM trees on Dusa were stunted and chlorotic. These trees are classified as evergreens, although some varieties lose their leaves for a short period of time before and during flowering. Theyre rich in flavor and creamy in texture without any strings. Thanks for the input, and its really along the lines that I was looking down. Thanks again for everything. Seemed very mature, almost overmature, as the seed had germinated and the root was touching the peel on the bottom, and the seedcoat did not adhere to the seed. And then if youve got a productive Reed (which are always productive, actually), whose fruit youll want to start eating in summer, then youll only need your Hass fruit to last around three or four months (late spring to early summer). (GEMs harvest season is basically spring into summer.) Edranol, Ettinger, Hass, Sharwil and Zutano were mid-season flowerers. Was looking at Sir Prize, your article leans toward Haas, stay with Haas? I wish I had time to make more videos. Would you still recommend a Hass and Reed for us? The main difference is that GEM is a smaller tree, if that matters to you. We recommend storing your avocado at room temperature in the fruit bowl until it reaches the preferred ripeness for eating. I can go into the reasons for this if youre interested. Oops! THANK YOU for sharing such a wealth of information! But unfortunately, there was a huge heat wave in July-August 2022, and the young Hass died of sunburn. Plus 1 GEM, 1 Lamb and 1 Bacon. In Northern California Hass doesnt do as well for some reason (unless you live on the coast) compared with other varieties. GEM. Greg, Ill ask and post an update here as I learn. It was at Lowes with just an Ettinger tag. Really, grafted avocado trees can kill themselves by fruiting too much too soon. Full sun (Both Reed and Hass produce more than Fuerte in my yard.) Griswold in a 1945 article titled, The Hass Avocado. This was written when the green Fuerte was king of a young California avocado industry. Reed also stays green when its ripe. I recently bought a Hass and Reed on salt tolerant root stock. For the summer/fall varieties, Im unsure about Gwen. GEM with a friend is a great idea. I even made a chart a few years ago showing the harvest seasons of some varieties (in my post When to pick avocados), but Im not perfectly comfortable with it because every year is different and every yard is different, even within a small geographical area like a single county let alone all of Southern California. For commercial purposes the fruits are picked while unripe and ripened after harvesting. They are located in Fallbrook, and possibly in 2020 theyll start selling Sharwils. Ive watched some young trees in your area get zapped by cold every couple years recently. Elevated a 12 foot circle 8 inches with landscape stones and filled with wood chips. The fruit is usually rounded or slightly pear-shaped. Should I go which two Dusas (Hass+Dusa, Reed+Dusa)? Years ago when I started planting it was hard to find out what to grow up here. (If youre wondering where to buy one of these avocado varieties or any other variety of avocado tree see my post, Where to buy an avocado tree.). Thanks. Im glad you have shared how things are doing at your place so others nearby are clued in. A homegrown Hass, picked at prime time around May or June in, Whats Reed like? There are 3 different groups of avocados, depending on where you live -- CA, FL and Hawaii. First, there is no best rootstock. Perhaps the Lamorinda has the answer? Sharwil Avocado B flower type. "Hass avocados are alternate bearing - they will produce a big crop one year, and a small crop the next. My son, who ate it with me, called it the bestest avocado ever. (Though only a kindergartener, he has eaten his share of avocado varieties and actually has an opinion worth listening to!). Sharwil is the best tasting avocado in the world according to some - better even than Hass. I know you know the pruning game so Im sure youll have no problem keeping the trees at 12 feet. Which is the best? I dont know anything about salt in soil, never heard of it on the French Riviera. The challenge Ive heard others in your area having is with occasional cold snaps in winter (taken care of by your greenhouse) and such cool spring weather that B types dont set much fruit. SOLD OUT FOR 2022. There are lots of other very good avocado varieties. Ive seen numerous examples of this throughout Southern California. The taste of a Sharwil avocado is excellent, on par with any avocado that Ive tasted. But Ill definitely write profiles of them when I feel like I know them well enough. My 15-foot Hass averages roughly 100 avocados per year, and Ive found that we need more than that during the Hass season. Actually, I have tasted someone elses Kahaluu fruit that was grown in California so I can use that for reference in comparing to the others. All I can say is wow! Weve been in our San Diego (San Carlos) home a year and are finalizing landscaping. Sun exposure. Ive visited avocado trees only as far north as the Bay Area. Looks like my own graft will take. Step 4. Fuerte and Sharwil are going to be harvested starting before Hass, and Nabal has a later season than Hass. The Nabal is really dropping a lot of yellowing leaves daily and making me nervous about over or under watering or something else I might be causing. We are really hoping we can make it work and would be grateful for any suggestions. As for why Gwen hasnt become a more popular backyard avocado tree in Southern California, I dont know. Hass does really well in cool climates. They're all from the same Mexican or Guatemalan stock, but they've been bred for the local climate. Those varieties would also probably not be extremely vigorous compared to the GEM such that pruning wouldnt be such a challenge. Sharwil avocados are the only Hawaiian avocado authorized for shipment to the mainland of the United States. Fuerte, FWIW I think Fuerte, Reed and obviously a great Hass are among my top 5 so your advice is excellent. I know Sunland, and I can empathize with how you and your avocados feel. I have been in contact with them for Carmen, GEM and Ettinger trees and late January was told to ask later in April for the trees. come up with some heat resistant varieties. The wood is soft, the leaves are soft. I hope your trees grow lightning fast! Im glad youre happy with your Zutano. I would go with the clonal rootstocks if you can, but I would get one tree on Dusa and the other on Duke 7. Im familiar with Stassens style of pruning and training young avocado trees to a central leader. But, most of those carbs come from fiber. I didnt protect my Reed with shade cloth when I first planted it, and my paint protection was not enough to prevent the top being seriously burned so I lost about 18-24 inches on the top. Conventional belief is that avocados were first brought to the Hawaiian territory in the very early 1800s by Don Francisco de Paula Marin, Kamehameha the Great's interpreter and confidant. But I would add them only after planting this trio. They explain about varieties and rootstocks and even about clonal vs seedling rootstock (that was an amazing discovery as well). Kona Sharwil Avocado 2.0 - The Re-DO - Avocado Talk 1,184 views Feb 6, 2022 50 Dislike Share ReEngineeredMemories 582 subscribers Finally got the Kona in the ground as of today 2/6/22.. The variety has been grown in Southern California for about a hundred years, having been brought up from Guatemala by Wilson Popenoe. Horizontally? I was also able to confirm that a huge tree in Napa which got me growing my own avocados was indeed a Puebla because of your video. I wish I could visit that old Puebla. We are also planting 14 varieties of guaranteed dwarf coconut trees for seed to grow future dwarf coconut seed farms on all islands. 2. For each golf ball-sized portion (two tablespoons, or two to three thin slices), a California avocado such as Hass contains 4.6 grams of fat and the same portion of a Florida avocado averages 3 grams of fat. Carmen and GEM are definitely both worth adding to your collection in terms of being great tasting, high yielding, and having good hang time. The tree is vigorous and upright, but apparently can be keep to about 2.5 metres in height by intensive pruning. Should you buy a big or small avocado tree? TREE SIZES. Hard to say. I live in San Diego, about 7 miles away from the coast. At my place Gwen seems to be doing fine in the heat but it is getting some afternoon shade from a large live oak. I live in the bay area/delta in Brentwood. The Pinkerton tree itself gets a bit sunburned and tattered looking but it holds onto its fruit very well, which Id say is what we most care about. Would appreciate any information that you might wish to share! Daily 11 Avocado. Old mexicana only a few a year, sometimes none. We will also compliment with other varieties to have ripe fruit all year, (varieties including malama, yamagata, ota, murashiga, kahaluu, fujikawa), for value added products. We just planted our fifth haas (never say die) but when we popped it out of the pot it had white minerals all on the roots and already has a black ominous patch on the trunk- just from being watered on our deck from the hose for several months. The only varieties that I would avoid for the use of shade are Holiday, Wertz, Stewart, Gwen, and Lamb. And a friend showed me an old tree of an unknown variety that hed found growing without irrigation near Shelter Island. Hi Greg, You might be able to find a Gwen to taste at a farmers market somewhere nearby around now and through summer. Spraying the underside of leaves with a forceful stream of water can reduce mite presence on a few small trees where this is feasible.. I dont usually talk about high density because its a term that commercial growers use whereas my website is oriented toward home gardeners. (Alternatively, if I had a neighbor with a Hass or a vendor at a farmers market who sold good Hass, then I could plant a Reed as my only tree.). Hi Greg, (I dont have any other varieties available in local nurseries, hence the limited choice..). I grew up in the San Gabriel Valley. I use foam or bubble insulation to wrap the trunks of my baby trees their first winter. This is so fun! Queen Avocado. With a single Hass tree you can have good avocados at hand for at least seven months out of every year. (I prefer this to their compost, which is a bit overcooked and too fine for my liking. Thank you and thank you for all the information you have shared on your site!! Maybe you would say Reed or Fuerte to graft instead of Lamb? Black on trunk and brown leaves suggest sunburn and lack of water. I would think that arctic blasts during winter will be your main limiting factor. This question is unanswerable in an objective sense. Like Lamb, it will drop some fruit about now in spring before its mature, but you still always end up with a good crop. Guacamole heaven! So much amazing information here youre helping me gain confidence in my dream of planting an avocado tree in our backyard. Im leaning toward Gwen or Reed for a fall producer, and Holiday, Pinkerton or Wertz for winter production. Sharwils harvest season compared to Reed will likely be more similar to Hass at your location. (See more about Lamb in my post, The Lamb/Hass avocado tree: a profile.). Theyre for my parents and theyre concerned about consuming yield from two trees, but maybe after a few years, theyll be up for another! Finally, Ill say that if I had to have two avocado trees of any one variety, it would definitely be Hass. For anyone counting net carbs, avocados are simply amazing. Ive been told that landfills in other counties offer similar products. ), and are interested in dwarf avocados outside that have a chance of bearing here. Im guessing it was the chlorine that did the damage. And compared to Reed, Fuertes production isnt as consistently high. See my post on Where to buy an avocado tree, and contact Subtropica Nurseries to inquire there. Both varieties are a rich source of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fats, also known as "healthy fats," which means it's not a bad idea to eat an avocado every day. Thank you for your response and info. 'Greengold' and 'Murashige' are other green-skinned cultivars recommended by CTAHR for commercial planting. Thanks for the articles; Im finding them to be a wonderful resource. Like all the Mexican avos, it has a thin skin you can eat like an apple, and a high-oil-content flesh that has a rich taste similar to 'Hass', but with its own distinctive flavor notes. And if you dont care about getting lots of fruit, then Holiday is a fine choice; it also naturally grows more like a shrub, which might look appropriate in a pot. Thanks so much for this update. Its only the second time I have seen one in 5 years so I took it as fate and bought it to replace a Bacon I had which was burnt away by the sun yet I am convinced it was mislabeled and wasnt actually a Bacon. Pollenizers havent been shown to make much of a difference close to the ocean like you. But mine trees are still small 3 and 4 feet and last year only had 5 egg size fruit. One last thing. When they set a lot like your trees have, they must shed some or else branches will break, get sunburned, even die back from the stress of growing too much fruit. Good questions, all. You might try spraying the undersides of foliage every week or so for a period in spring and/or summer to see if it makes a difference. Eli also sells his avocados at farmers markets, and the one closest to you is in Corona Del Mar. Might turn out to be yours though! This way I still have the varieties (and I hope I get as much fruit as possible from them) but Im not wasting space and water on a lot of unproductive foliage. Nevertheless, even compared to other trees the same size, Holiday is usually later and lighter in production. Jan Boyce is an A-type avocado variety, but Sir-Prize, Bacon, Sharwil, and Nabal are Bs. 2) in the same context, which would be the best pair for Pinkerton tree Hass, Fuerte or Bacon? Avocado varieties are of two flower types A or B and it has been observed in California since almost the beginning that A-type varieties fruit more reliably overall. But the intention is to have overlapping seasons for both A and B type so there is always cross pollination available (I know that doesnt guarantee it will work, but I like the idea of having that potential). Thank you! So sorry to have somehow missed your earlier comment. I dont know of any other commercial avocado grove with many Sharwils, unfortunately. You just have to do a little pruning to make sure they share sunlight and space. Guaranteed meaning: We have grown trees in areas away from tall trees, so not to be pollinated by them. However, I did a lot of research, and read dozens of artciles in English, mostly about growing avocados in the US and all the different varieties (when it come to planting something new, I pay a lot of attention to the variety choice) Im going for it! By black sand I meant sandy loom. Hi Robert, As a matter of fact, choosing the varieties was just the beginning)))) Besides it being a source of great tasting fruit id like it to be a nice (picturesque) shade tree. I pre-irrigated and sprayed down the trees during the heat and prevented fruitlet drop too well. Theres a little more about my opinions on choosing avocado varieties in this post: In my (very limited) gardening experience, I noticed that choosing the right variety is not everything, one has to be sure it will function well in the conditions ones got. Those three trees would be my choice too, another benefit of the fuerte in the mix is that its a b type and you will get good pollination and more fruit set. Great to hear! I want to reorder a Hass (on Duke-7), as you recommended earlier. The fruit is very similar to the Hass Avocado, except this variety is larger and has a longer shelf life. Both ornamental and fruit trees are being affected, Its only about 8 miles to the Tijuana River valley from here which Im told is having a serious problem with shot hole borers, hope Im wrong but that may be the problem. Most people think Fuerte tastes better, but Bacon is a nice milder, sweeter avocado for the winter. The Nabals I know are a bit of both, and not small trees if left unpruned. But I think its going to be a more common variety for Southern California in the future. So if possible, I would also add a third tree of a B-type flower and keep it small and use it just for the flowers (strip all or most of its fruit each year). If the tree turns out to be a winner in your yard too, then eventually we can all benefit from the discovery. I was originally thinking of two avocado trees to go along with the Meyer Lemon and Black Mission Fig, but this post is making me think it should be three. Avocado oils are considered heart-healthy and good for your skin. I wish you luck with the planting this is a perfect time for it. Also someone mentioned tree size and I think I have seen better luck with fresh smaller trees since they were not sitting in pots too long. An American friend of mine bought me a Sir Prize tree, but we learnt that the shipping to France was way too expensive (8 times more expensive than the plant itself), and we also had no garanties that the plant would pass the customs. Thank you. Sounds like a good plan. There are likewise some very old Puebla-type trees where I grew up that I always drive by to check on when Im in the neighborhood. The tree's canopy can range in shape from low, dense, and symmetrical, to upright and asymmetrical. While having less fat may seem appealing, the fats contained in Hass avocados are really rather healthful. Yes, thats my thought and what I suspected you might think as well! And, green gold, very prolific, and a good pollinator. To mitigate the clay soil, the planting area is raised, and the adjacent rock wall is free standing to allow drainage. It weighs between 8 and 16 oz, making it a slightly smaller variety. If I couldnt find a Reed, Id substitute with a Lamb. With this global warming trend I think it might be time for U.C. Thank you for sharing this. I guess the mites are too small to interest Ladybugs. Edranol, Ettinger, Sharwil and Zutano demonstrated a closer timing to Hass than Bacon, Fuerte and Shepard . My third choice would be Hass and Lamb. Stay sharp! The tree bears regular crops of large, round fruit of exceptional eating quality. If you ever go wine tasting up here, the huge Puebla and another large tree which sounded like a Zutano but it could be some other old variety they are at Farella Vineyard in Napa. I wrote this post with someone just like you in mind. So I have got as close as I can while understanding that the season is going to be affected by many other things anyway. Still, what most people prefer to do is plant multiple trees close together, even in one hole. So, in a sense, you dont want to disturb them. Who grew it, any idea? Yes, heat tolerance would be a desirable quality indeed. It is very helpful! They have smooth, glossy skins and high water content. Ive seen about every variety I know kept to about that height in one yard or farm or another. See if you can find a Reed to try again in September and youll probably get a richer flavor from it. I just planted a Sharwill which I found at Atkins, hoping that our Global Warming trend leans my way. Im from Southern Portugal and had also trouble to find reliable sources for avo trees. Most of the other retail nurseries buy from the same wholesale growers (La Verne and Durling). Most of them dont usually produce as well in such climates as A types. The Hass has a ton and the Fuerte as well. Required fields are marked *. Hass has the wonderful ability to mature its fruit and then hold them on the tree for many months, waiting for you to pick them. How did the kahaluu taste? Note that Im really tentative about saying this. Mexicola is the oiliest variety that I have tasted but its a bit too intense for me, and I wouldnt say its one of my favorites. As your commenter mentioned above, this list might not be optimal for those of us in slightly cooler areas. Funny thing is that Hass was once an outsider. The trees have a tall, upright spreading habit. For your milder location though, this might not be important. Or do you have any tips that may make it work? It is an effective way to manage closely planted trees. Avocado strains include Nishikawa, Sharwil, and Lamb Hass. On the other hand, he plants GEM at 10 feet because it is less vigorous than Hass. For example, Ive got some avocado trees planted at 7.5 feet apart, and thats a spacing that some commercial growers use. Where do you guys find Reeds in San Diego? Kindest regards, Four different varieties which were doing very well. Yes, there is nothing like finding those 100 year old avocado trees. Craig. Phoenix Avocado (Mendez No.1) Aravaipa Avocado Palo D'Oro Avocado Hellen Avocado Sharwil (Kona Sharwil) Ardith. The owners are nice and said I welcomed to the tree. There is no bitterness or bacony note. My question is how do you recommend getting rid of the persea mite? Is the white wash enough? Sorry that I bad-mouthed Zutano in the comment above. have you seen any truths to that? Option 1: Reed. There are other varieties that taste as good or possibly slightly better than Hass. Yet the tree is smaller in that it is an upright instead of a large spreading type, the fruit are small but turn black when ripe (about the size of tiny hass found 8 in a bag), and the tree is a heavy producer (at least it was this time). The fruit is tasty, but not that tasty. Suggestions? Have you received your trees? Fuerte would work here since its bloom season is long and overlaps well with these two varieties. What do think of a Reed vs. Sharwil in temecula where it can both get too hot and too cold some avocados? It is probably the climate but since I have been surprised by other varieties nothing like finding out for . In that case, one Hass tree might suffice. If they dont get a good start to life, they usually struggle forever. Hi Greg, or either OK? I sprayed today and will keep it up. Variety: Flower Type: Taste (subjective) Fruit Size: Fruit Color: Fruit Shape: Skin: Oil % Fruit Season (Irvine) Tree Size: Remarks: Anaheim: A: good: 18-32 oz: green . But I have no idea if tomato Phytophthora is related to Phytophthora that affects avocado trees. ))) B types might not open many flowers as female in your cool spring conditions. Avocados dont ripen while hanging on the tree. Sharwils, unfortunately best tasting avocado in the backyard which is a smaller tree, if that to! Excellent setup and arrangement of varieties Cate Macadamia tree in our backyard when I planting... 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