supergirl fanfiction kara sick

Fine you want to talk lets fucking talk. Meanwhile you were tied to a chair and you had no idea where you were or who this guy was. You wouldn't be a superhero with me!". You knew your resolve would break the moment your eyes meet hers again. Its killing me to not to be able to love you freely! The experiment had been going on for a month now. Kara discovers Lena is sick, and takes it upon herself to take care of her. Youre a dumbass. You were the love of her life and now the police were implying that you may not even be alive. You just wanted to leave or better yet you wanted to turn back time and find any excuse to not be here to begin with. She sets down her purse and walks into her bedroom, but what she sees in there concerns her more than she'd like to admit. Dont forget why you signed up for this project in the first place. Very fortunately, however, for her, finally being able to let her true self out and reign free, no limits and nothing to stop each and every single one of her impulses and desires. I can't get up, my ankle hurts to bad." You were happy Kara had found someone that she was able to relate to in a way you knew you couldnt. Dont listen to her. Yet, something was different about her. You rubbed your eyes in frustration as you heard a knock on your door and heard Lena say. Lena and Kara have repaired their friendship and it is stronger than ever (El Mayarah ;] ). Each could use a friend to share the journey. That was basically how your whole week went. An epic two shot exploring two different scenarios in which Barry and Kara were to wage war against each other. Completed. The Soup Scene from S3 but it's actually Kara this time and not J'onn pretending to be Kara, Alex Danvers has created a group chat revolving around Kara's uselessness and she is loving every second, J'onn J'onzz is not paid enough for this. Your hands curl up into fists and you stop pacing and turned to glare at Kara and Lena. She didnt see your car anywhere but that didnt mean she had missed you necessarily. Im just the middle man.. #superhero. This is just a nice little one-shot I did a while back. Lena thinks that something dies inside her, that day. Shes not busy with any official meetings and even if she was I doubt she would mind you interrupting her. Jess told you with a small chuckle escaping her. Everyone, except Lena, had come to terms with the fact that you were gone and you werent coming back. Well (Y/N) Im Lena and I know where you are suppose to be headed. Whenever everything became too much she would always come running to you. She backed into the wall with her hand covering her mouth as sobs began to escape her mouth. I don't know to be honest. You both kept repeating the process until your back met the wall. You screamed out before going back to attacking her. The cape was mostly black with the seams around the edges being white. I would never hurt you like that. I dont know what Lillian told you or what she did to you but I know this isnt you. You had always struggled with your self-worth. [ DISCONTINUED ] Would it be better to go to LCorp or CatCo? It wasnt This wasnt.. Lena began to fumble trying to find the right words that would make you stay. I quickly grab it and notice it's J'onn calling. Why is that? She was halfway through her second margarita when . You could feel the anger trying to control you. A humorless laugh fell from your lips. When I moved to National City, though I didnt know it then, I was drowning under the weight of my own feelings trying to distance myself from the world and my last name. You could always get yourself a cheap apartment or you could put in a job transfer request. You are asked to perform at a funeral for a young woman, only to find out that she was one of your victims.. It doesnt hurt like Kara expected it would, her ego soothed by the interest that Lena takes in her. NO! She had no idea what to say. Your sobs wracked through your body and made it hard for you to breathe. Pain, overwhelming and inflamed, and numbness. That night was everything they had been. You had been driving for awhile with no clear destination in mind. Kara never sleeps in the middle of the day. After that day Lena began to spiral down. Lena had needed her help. She looked at her mom and her mom just shook her head motioning for her to go back to her room. As I'm about to lie down next to her I start feeling nauseous once again. Can they manage to pull themselves together and actually have a proper conversation, or is their story doomed to fail before it really even has a chance to start? She had helped you come out of your shell and you were her safe space. Maybe now she's ready to tell Lena how she feels. You are like the younger sibling I always wanted. TW: Child abuse, trans childhood denied, Disorders and manias. You had no idea where you would go or what you would do. Were they ever gone? No Supergirl. You felt like you were just a background character in everyones life even your own. Warnings- Language, Fighting/More like Torture, Death, Angst, Mentions of Blood and Alcohol. Across the way, Maggie sees Supergirl leaning wilted against the wall of the Baker Hugh Skyscraper, hands hitched over her head, eyes squeezed shut as she raked in air with such a laborious effort that the detective recognizes the trouble shes having from yards away and she realizes after a moment the blonde was shaking, vibrating almost. She quickly looked you over and with every new injury she saw her anger and sadness grew. Part 2 of Kara Danvers VS. She was human after all, but she didn't admit to it regardless of how terrible she felt. You had made it to the front door and looked behind you. Whenever everything became too much she would always come running to you. She could understand her better. You couldnt look at her right now. Both were equally as inviting for things she had little choice in. You could hear sniffles from Enid as she picked up the stack of books and headed in your direction. Lena could feel the tears starting back up. My ankle just really hurt, no big deal.". ", "She um well she kind of texted me and when I mentioned you were sick", "Alex! I LOVED YOU LENA AND HOW DO YOU FUCKING REPAY ME HUH! All I wan You were cut off by Lena quickly pinning you against the and kissing you. All you needed to do now was figure out what powers you had. You were just happy to get your foot in the door. I mean you should hear about all the cool places shes been and all the cool stuff she has done. You were unsure on how you were able to keep your temper under enough control that you werent screaming and throwing things at the both of them. Kara would forget to call because she got caught up in conversation with Lena. You couldnt crash at any of your friends places because you and Lena shared the same friend group and you werent about to put anyone in the middle of what was going on. I do not own any of the characters used, they all belong #alexdanvers used to be- a hectic supercorp story Welcome to Supergirl, a Star War now i know this is not a story but its IMPORTANT so pls try to ready. Lena accepts and soon grows attached to Alura, as well as her mother. Kara is after Boruto, for his Karma. Last night proved that you werent though. As her sobs began to slow and the tears began to flow from her eyes slower she stood up. The brash and enthusiastic young hero is one of the protectors of Metropolis along with her adopted cousin, Superman. It kills me every time I have to sit and watch some rich white MOTHERFUCKER FLIRT WITH YOU AND NOT BEING ABLE TO DO ANYTHING ABOUT IT! You exploded and Lena just sat there with her eyes wide meeting your fuming (E/C) eyes and jaw dropped open in surprise. Supercorp. "Mom, Ple-" "No, Kara. You studied the files for months and soon you werent completely sure how many months had passed as they began to bleed together eventually. She most certainly did get sick. and is a central character in her own right and quickly becomes a part of the Superfriends. Neither one had noticed you yet. Youre not even sure of what you were looking for. You woke up the morning covered in hickeys with Lenas arms wrapped around you and you felt like shit. She rushed to the penthouse as quickly as she could nearly breaking the door down in order to get inside. Um yea Im (Y/N) (L/N), I just got hired. I ask as a single tear falls down my cheek. Kara is rescued from the Phantom Zone. Kara took a step back from you. I just have a quick question. You tried your hardest not to think about it and about all the feelings it had caused to awaken inside of you. They immediatly can't stop thinking of each other but Kara has a secret she doesn't know how to share. You had planned to surprise her with a homemade lunch but what you had walked in on shattered your heart. It is because youre one of the big bosses or something? (Y/N) you know we cant its too dangerous. How might that make the moment when Lena finally reveals her deception different? Great. "Alex, I'm really worried." She just held onto you tighter. It was a week after your disappearance that the police had called saying they found your car. SuperCorp Lena Luthor Doesn't Know Kara Danvers is Supergirl sensory issues Autistic Kara Danvers character on the asexuality spectrum gentle lovemaking Realistic take on the negative side of superpowers soft and good with a side of melancholy Friends to Lovers They both are so happy and excited to take the next step together, until Supergirl's job takes an unexpected turn leaving. You decide to just stay floating where you are and you dont have to wait long before she shows up. She curled up into your side with her head resting over your chest listening to your heartbeat. Instructions are clear. You told me you were fine!" I'm not sick! Against my own family. canon is staying the same) - one that Reign is redeemed! What they were. All of Kara's friends were there, including Barry. Well it was fun while it lasted but now its over. Mistress brings her new friend home during Karas third summer there. Everything was going according to her plan. She suddenly Stops in the doorway, a wave of doubt hitting her. Lena Luthor Knows Kara Danvers Is Supergirl i got nothing else Lena did not get sick. Kara gets ideas, ideas that Lucy both does and doesn't think are kind of sort of a little bit hot, actually. I promise you. Kara took a step towards you with her hands still up to show you she meant no harm. Luckily in the elevator you were by yourself. Lena is a transgender businesswoman seeking her own Pride while Kara is an anxious girl who has never stopped seeking justice for her lost first love. I do not own any of the characters used, they all belong. Just for a little bit ok. Just until we cannot you to the DEO. Was she even the only one or did you have multiple girls? You and Lena get into a huge fight about your relationship being a secret after you catch multiple people flirting with her at her Gala. Yet you can do nothing to put a stop to it because no one ever knows you two are together. Instead she was glaring at you and her hands were curled into fists. Now you realized why she didnt get along too well with her adoptive family. Shortly after that J'onn, Lena, and Alex came busting in through the door. Instead, she and Kara both revert further into the darkest parts of themselves. Requests are still open. Of course you would get so excited to be here that you would forget where you were suppose to show up at. life's going great kara and lena have a little girl everyones happy// supercorp, sanvers, winn and aila (they don't have a ship name Do you like Star Wars and Supergirl? She still checked in with you though. I am working on the second one. She put her hand on your arm to stop you and looked at you in complete disbelief. Whatever you want Ill give it to you. She leaves behind a heartbroken Lena who finds out she is pregnant. You didnt want to be a secret. You had no where to go. At least you got to say one last I love you. You began to feel the panic overcome you and you just prayed that Lena would be able to move on and find happiness again. Lena is sick and Kara is well, Kara. Lena Luthor no es tan dramtica, pero es igual de mortal y estn bien cada una sin verse de frente. Kara and Alex looked at each other understanding beginning to fill their eyes. Surrender and we can help you! Kara shouted towards you desperation clear in her voice. I cant believe that a group of some of the best scientist couldnt figure out what had been going wrong in these subjects. Work Search: Kara Danvers looks for a new roommate along with her friend Livewire, not knowing that her new roommate is the one she called her first love when she was twelve, but Kieran is no longer that skinny nerdy kid she used to defend from bullies.No.Her real name is Lena and despite appearing to be the queen of the room she has plenty of demons that know how to swim no matter how much she wants to sink them.Lena Luthor is a transgender girl working hard to make a name for herself at L-Corporation. Like Lena actually gave a fuck about you. You let Alex go and whimpered as all the anger you had still held faded away. Lena was practically right behind you at this point. Jimmy is having a party at Corey's lake house Malcolm, Denise, Tegan and Sarah are in her car waiting for Jon, Jordan and Kara they are going to take Clark's truck and have fun Kara will make sure they don't drink what they don't know is that Jimmy is going to drug Kara's drink with a date rape drug Ketamine he will molest her when they get home she has a hallucination of Rosetti but he isn't there.

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