lily is jealous of severus fanfiction

She had every opportunity to tell him how she felt, and yet she was the one in the corner while he was in the center of the dance floor with another girl. Fate is a bitter and cruel thing. Et si aprs "the prank", Remus n'avait finalement pas pardonn Sirius? What would happen if Lily hadn't abandoned Snape after the incident? Lily and Snape were inseparable friends who only parted ways in their fifth year when he took a turn down a dark path, opting to pursue the Dark Arts against her wishes. Y es que a la hora de elegir siempre habr unas grandes consecuencias. As a spy, Severus Snape wasnt one to overindulge, but for some blasted reason he found himself apparently still at Grimmauld place after making his obligatory appearance at the Order Christmas party. Please consider turning it on! Work Search: It's not until the final moments of the last movie that everything becomes clear. Lily is the jealous type Mutual Pining First Times post quidditch party Lily's standing in the corner getting drunk and watching James dance with another girl Lily felt stupid, she had chance after chance to do something, say something to him. Unfortunately for the shy red head, her life comes crashing down when a rare hidden gift begins to finally reveal itself and Lily suddenly finds herself as an ultimate prize for the lusty alphas in Hogwarts, including one arrogant James Potter. He sighed, and went back to his office, scribbled a note and left. Unfortunately young James died by drowning, shortly after spying on a Slytherin, who had become the center of his universe. She never talked to him again except for one time but she didn't really do much talking..anyways she had his daughter. Or where Remus wants to forget, Sirius starts to realise and James has to do all the work for them. Harry has no way of knowing that his father was a rival of his first-year potions master, and, even if he had known, it wouldn't have made it any more bearable on a young boy who barely even knew his parents. Can contain any bashings cuz i don't care about that. Snape never insulted Lily in front of Harry, which was a huge clue to foreshadow why he bothered to ever help the boy in the first place. If it had meant not existing in this world for you to be happy, then so be it.. When Harry discovers that James was as arrogant and mean as Snape claimed, it's a little startling, to say the least. Over and over again, Harry questions Dumbledore's trust for Snape, butit was actually because of Harry's own mother that Dumbledore fully trusted his spy. Albus was named in memory of Albus Dumbledore and Severus Snape, two former headmasters of Hogwarts School of Witchcraft . This is ironic, as it also means that Snape's Patronus was not only the same as his bully's, but it was the same as Harry's, as well. Uhum..Remus was startled when he felt Sirius lips colliding with his own. His age. He'd seen two of the girls before, but the third one was new, he'd never seen her before. Friends typically don't giveeach other ultimatums, but, in the case of good versus evil,one might see why Lily cut off someone who was once so dear to her. Neither hes pitying him, which is highly appreciated. tip: arthur merlin words>1000 sort:hits. Non!exclaimed Poirot. Back at Hogwarts, when their animosity proves insurmountable, Sirius and Severus are relegated to a small, Eighth Year dormitory. This is only part of it, I'm hoping to finish it tomorrow when I'm awake again. If you want me to give an opinion about a ship please comment! Lily was often hailed as one of the brightest witches of her age, and some of that may be due to knowledge she received from the bright yet sullen half-blood prince. 49. r/HPfanfiction. Even as Voldemort seemed to be winning and Dumbledore passed on, Snape maintained his secrecy and devotion to the child he'd helped become a target, compromisinghis own safety to ensure Harry's. Why the envy, Evans? Shenanigans ensue as they try to work together as Head Boy and Girl without revealing that they are head over heels for each other. Though now she wondered as to why they hadn't managed to sneak up on Severus while he'd been brewing. Work Search: For the first six installments of the series, it's hard to believe that Snape is trying to protect Harry because he loved his mother, but, when Harry learns the truth, a lot of interesting revelations come to light. She was completely comfortable with hiding in the shadows and speaking to only the select few she let into her small bubble. "Oh baby black, what's this?" While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Situations occur. . People keep interrupting them when they're in public, fawning over Sirius and asking him on dates, and it gets under James's skin. She was never going to finish in time. It doesn't line up with the canon timeline but fuck it lets pretend it does for my brains sake.Enjoy. Severus Snape hits what has to be rock bottom; he's a Death Eater even though he doesn't really agree with Voldemort, the Lily he loved and who seemed to love him never forgave him for that word, he never got over what Potter did to him, his friend Narcissa isn't talking to him because of the fall out of the mess he ended up in with her husband, With her life turned upside down, and James Potter brought forward in time, she must not only deal with her new revelation, but also James' possessiveness that is isolating her from everyone else, and the fact that his charming smile makes her stomach flutter. He slowly rolled to his side to see who had the unfortunate pleasure of sharing this bed with him. James and Lily were a couple. Office Christmas parties are usually a drag. 2nd place in the Magical Book Awards His home life is no better than his school life. James Potter is the King of Hogwarts. The shrug of slim, bony shoulders is barely there. He craved James, and he hated him for it. So you try to get his attention and force him to stop this madness after people around you start to notice. They strike a mutual tutoring deal. rewrite of Wat Everyone gets there creature inheritance on there eleventh birthday. During the summer before her sixth year, Cordelia Potter, reeling from the deaths of Sirius and Remus, gets a shocking letter. His gentle touch grazed the skin of Regulus' forearm; the dark mark squirming under the touch. Severus just comes off as the ultimate underdog with his abusive childhood and school years and it would be great to see him overcome it. Kind of hard to be happy for your old school mate while he is marrying someone who wants to genocide you. A short story where sirius gets jealous of all Remus' adoring fans from study group, so in a game of truth or dare, he dares him to wear his quiditch jersey to a session. Find out what other deviants think - about anything at all. "It's Evans to you, Snape." She replies callously. RESPECT EVERYONE'S OPINION ABOUT A SHIP! We use cookies to enhance your experience, analyze site traffic, and for marketing purposes. Two feet! He is too focused on his personal issues to even realize how many people want to fu- I mean, want to be with him. (Prompt: Ice cream + I dont want anybody else touching you like I do). by TranSlytherin 13.8K 391 8 Your own ignorance. From the moment Harry meets Snape, it's clear that the potions master doesn't like him. He'd been watching them for a while. He cast a quick tempus charm. The Generation of Harry Potter travel to the past to change their future. The consequences of Sirius and James pretending to be boyfriends weren't supposed to come to a head during a convoluted and unnecessarily kinetic drinking game but such is life. Basically after The Prank, Remus tries to move on from Sirius by hooking up with a bunch of people. You must not think this way, mon petite! Hes, but hesHes what? Flitwick asked, raising his brows.Conceited, Remus mumbled.~~Or, Remus finds the new boy at school, Sirius Black, utterly annoying, but he can't seem to shake him when he's persuaded into helping to tutor him. as he had made his way across the bridge thought that he might have seen something several feet behind him, watching his movements from the shadows, but since then he had regained confidence and speed, and was now obstinately making his way toward the circle on the map. Horace Slughorn, who adored Harry's mother, frequently and fondly recalled Lily's extraordinary potion-brewing abilities. The secret technique! Sure, Hermione had dreamed about Lily kissing her like this but she never thought it would actually happen. However, it also calls into question what he did with Harry, who watched the scene unfold. Can you bring that other girl back? Ceci nest pas un vritable Wolfstar alors si vous ntes pas prt voir Remus avec quelquun dautre et un Wolfstar qui se dchire, cette lecture nest pas pour vous! 'Amaranth' in Ancient Greek means 'unfading' and symbolizes immortality.Irrevocable is canon-compliant and explores their time pre and post-Hogwarts, but the 2nd, etc. Remus Lupin, you might be surprised. Snape's request, although ultimately ignored by Voldemort, is important not only because it points to how much he cares about Lily, but that, in those few seconds, he also inadvertently helps to save Harry's life. The doing is your own. What if they were still friends? She somehow shared her magical core with him allowing him to fully heal from the effects of Nagini; but healing wasn't the only effect of their connected magic. Watching the pair leave, Snape's heart sank. Hermione confronts the girl whos been present on every birthday, but has never aged. Hercule Poirot smiled gently. He couldnt stop thinking about Professor Binns, who died in the staff room fire but got up and resumed his teaching career, never realizing that he had become a ghost. His eyes found a witch, clearly naked and wrapped in the duvet, her back turned to him, her mass of dark hair was strewn over the pillow. James Potter's marriage is failing- What a perfect time to disguise himself as a muggle, follow Severus Snape to what is either a makeshift dance club or a party for gay muggles, and then do a series of things he really should not do. all of the fic ideas i yelled into the void on twitter. He searched around the yard of relaxing students. She liked to think that she met two very different people, for Hermione Granger, the communications director of the Tonks campaign, was vastly different from the Stanford undergrad student her son introduced her to. While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. Years later, Snape lives in constant regret after his decisions resulted in Lily's death, and he views her son Harry as an ugly reminder of all that went wrong in his life. And will she ever make it back to the present, or just get dangerously close as the Turner continues to skip her forward in time? Possibly, they all would be happier. Harry Potter belongs to J.K. Rowling. He spreads his devotion between both, but, after he kills Dumbledore, it's revealed that this was all arranged. Por lo que, en esta nueva oportunidad, tendr que arreglarlo todo. What if you meet the love of your life, but the only thing stopping you from being with him is the fact that he is your best friend brother. Remus cant help but worry this will mean disaster. This is the moment that saved Harry's life, where Lily chose instead to sacrifice herself to protect her infant. Throughout the series, it's unclear who Snape really supports betweenVoldemort and the Death Eatersor Dumbledore and the light. Seven standalone one shots of different ways that the secret could have come out. i started writing this a while ago and finally got the confidence to post it <3. While thescene focuses onhis guilt and regret, it also uses Lily'sdeath to further develop his character. He wanted to reach out, to caress her serene face, to kiss her. Updated on March 21st, 2022, by Tanner Fox:There's a fair amount of teen romance in the Harry Potter novels and films, but they're far from the most consequential flings to appear in the series. Because a thousand cycles had passed and for a man who loved like that, one lifetime had to be spared for love that reciprocated the one that slept in his soul! Remus and Sirius don't know how to want each other. No, Severus! Petunia even accused him of spying on them when the sisters played together. NEXT:5 Ways Snape's Ending Is Fitting (& 5 Why It Makes No Sense). Snape, who found Petunia and presumably other muggles (and squibs) repugnant, given his propensity for the Dark Arts, despised her andadvised Lily to not care about what her sister thought. Harry starts having courtship dreams from and Unknown Creature Inheritance involving Draco Malfoy, but rather than having the Dominant Veela come rescue him from his home it is up to Harry to go ask him in person for help. Snape was in love with Lily andcouldn'tmove on because of his guilt. A happy, funny, romantic, fluff and heartwrenching story of three lovers.James, Lily and Severus love each other with their soul but they can't take it to the public.Snape was forced to work as a death eater to spy.Then the dark night of 1981 came and tear them apart.Nearly TRUE TO CANNON. Its taking a while, as it does, and theyre doing him the courtesy of not lurking around and observing, correcting, the way its so tempting to, so for now theres just quiet. Severus is working late, and absolutely not obsessing over Harry. Prompt: James is struggling with potions, Lily with Transfiguration. Nincs semmi hasznom a fordtsbl.Minden jog Joanne Kathleen Rowling (JK Rowling) rn tlajdona. Sirius hasn't seen Grant in 15 years, not since they were 17, celebrating their last summer of freedom before starting back at Hogwarts while Sirius was starting to realize that what he felt for Remus wasn't so platonic. James throat closed, lily was over by the water, sitting with her friend Alice, and a soft breeze blew her fiery red hair over her shoulder, laughing with a beautiful smile on her face, her green eyes bright. What if Petunia didn't hate Lily for being a witch? While we've done our best to make the core functionality of this site accessible without javascript, it will work better with it enabled. James Potter went five years at Hogwarts without realizing Lily had a little sister. Serving the dark lord can be pretty tough. That's a long friendship to discard after so much time invested in one another, which points not only to how seriously Snape must have taken the Dark Arts, but also how strongly Lily objected to them. This my first story and since I'm a HUGE Snily shipper so I figured why not my first story be about the two of them? Dumbledore, a character just as flawed and human as Snape, used his lovefor Lily to make Snape a ready double agent for the Order of the Phoenix. Two sisters, Bellatrix Black and Andromeda Tonks, face off in a fight for the White House during the US Presidential Election of 2020. Powerful ghosts. For the sake of this story they're the same age. Others will leave you. Due to a jealous Ron, there is a problem in the DADA class that was using a new potion as part of a new experiment of using potions and defense combined. Once upon a time the Potter family had an heir, a young bloke named James, spoiled, arrogant, but also determined to get everything what he wants. RELATED:The 10 Saddest Things About SnapeIn Harry Potter. Severus Snape's cover is blown in December of 1977, and the Order of the Phoenix's spy network is falling like dominos around them. Hail Odysseus by Brennus After believing that Harry Potter died in a house fire at the age of ten, the Wizarding world is shocked when he emerges, out of the blue, just in time to attend his seventh year at Hogwarts. He couldn't deny that he didn't like Ophelia in a romantic way, but it wasn't allowed. He and Sirius hadnt spoken at all in days. James is unavailable. Its determined that Severus Snape and Sirius Black are immune to punishment after years of near-fatal pranks, bullying, and homemade curses. "E-Evans?" He asks, feeling thrown off balance. He's only ever had eyes for her. Lily Evans is jealous of Severus Can anyone shows me fic related Severus is married or dating someone else that is not Lily Evans. SMUT Lemons Harry/Hermione/Lily. Lyras exhausted by both of them. She watched too many of her students fall, saw too much blood drop, too many lives lost that when she saw a death eater about to cast a curse on Hermione she did what she had promised Dumbledore she wouldnt, she decided to change history without a moments thought, she knew the future would change but no matter what it would be better this one. You're trying not to tell him you love him, and you're trying to choke down the feeling, and you're trembling, but he reaches over and he touches you, like a prayer for which no words exist, and you feel your heart taking root in your body, like you've discovered something you don't even have a name for. - Richard Siken. For years, Snape spends endless amounts of time secretly protecting The Boy Who Lived while alsodespising him, going as far as bullying him in class and grading him poorly. If fans wonder why Snape and Lily were friends at all, especially given her kindness and his cruelty, they can look beyond the proximity of being neighbors and recall that both Hogwarts students were fantastic at Potions. Work Search: She's wary of him, perhaps knowing that he's of magical descent, but she's also jealous that Lily is going away to become a witch. When Hermione Granger does so against his will, he starts punishing her. !! It also seems that Snape never let go of his bitterness about high school. But then again he brings a muffin to Peter when he misses breakfast. He never knew about his daughter only James knew he wasn't her real fath. No matter what it takes. But it felt like it. He's abused and bullied. So what if Snape *is* lonely? Severus and Harry had been dating in secret. tip: "sherlock (tv)" m/m NOT "sherlock holmes/john watson", Graphic Depictions Of Violence, Major Character Death, Rape/Non-Con, Major Character Death, No Archive Warnings Apply, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings (6), Hermione Granger/Narcissa Black Malfoy (3), (Past) Narcissa Black Malfoy/Lily Evans Potter, Harry Potter Epilogue What Epilogue | EWE, or at least 'friend's mom' to friends to lovers, im so tired but I cant sleep so im writing this, Siriusly's Sugar or Spice Holiday Gifts 2022, Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings, Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange/Narcissa Black Malfoy/Andromeda Black Tonks, Hermione Granger/Bellatrix Black Lestrange, Lily Evans Potter & Severus Snape Friendship, Sirius Black/Hermione Granger/Remus Lupin, just acceptance they are not right for each other, Bellatrix Black Lestrange & Narcissa Black Malfoy, Hermione Granger/Harry Potter/Lily Evans Potter, Hermione Granger/James Potter/Lily Evans Potter. His "love" for Lily may be easily perceived as an unhealthy obsession, and, even worse,he unfairlyprojects theresentment and jealousy he feels towards Lily and Jamesonto Harry. Hermione egy jszaka a folyosn belebotlik a srlt professzorba,s azon kapja magt,hogy ketts gynkkkel teli vilgba kerl.Elmosodnak a vonalak, az t televan veszlyel. You talk to me. Walking down the stone steps into the grounds, and then getting to the bottom, flattened the soft green grass under his sneakers. Lily Evans was going to marry Potter and she would live happily ever after with her handsome prince, and eventually forget about that pale, greasy-haired Slytherin. After a run in with Sirius under the mistletoe, James has a crisis about his feelings for his best friend. He isnt hers anymore or maybe he never was in the first place. Lily always thought of Severus as her best friend and nothing more until he called her a mudblood. Their writing has been featured in numerous magazines, literary journals, digital projects, educational media, websites, nonprofit materials and marketing campaigns. One year later he is visiting her grave in Godricks hallow and something strange happens. And what will be do when that person happens to stalk him and wants to mate with him?! The people watched as James stomped towards the Seventh-Year twins with his hands clenched and a murderous expression on his face. But here he was, an 11-year old boy, too thin and too tall for his age, on the way to his greatest adventure yet. He goes to Dumbledore, and the two work together to ensure that Snape isn't discovered to be a spy. Slo tenan una oportunidad de arreglar el pasado y era un viaje en el tiempo sin retorno, la nica opcin para que Hermione Granger recuperara todo lo que haban perdido el problema fue que nunca pens en la posibilidad de toparse con un par de ojos de un color esmeralda, grandes, intensos, hermosos Hermione was sent back into the past, she wants to enjoy being young, single and carefree, but going to the lake with Lily took it to a whole new level. The older blonde girl, sister to the red-head, was not. Harry doesn't understand why Snape is so awful to him, and viewers can only sympathize with the innocent first-year student. However, when it comes to James and Lily, they seemingly have a lot more in common. What if Severus was genderfluid? His whole body was filling with terror. Specifically, you. A bjitalmester vratlan szvetsgesre lel a legelviselhetetlenebb, ds haj mindentudban. (she is). HATE WILL BE DELETED! Some of these alternative timelines include ones where Snily became more than a tragic love story. 4:48am. Sara Sanderson is a writer, author, and teacher who produces content for a variety of publications, both on and offline, beneath various names. Though it's a quick moment, there's a shot of young Petunia in Snape's memories that he gives to Harry. But when a childhood friend begins to take interest in Keith, Lily is not so sure if she can hide it any longer. He would get the fuck over it. Fortunately, Lily doesn't believe in a party without some entertainment. Snape was protecting both Harry and Draco, but for different reasons. That includes Heiress Varinia Malfoy. But when Grant happens to be on a work trip to Wales, and Remus invites him to dinner, Sirius struggles to recognize the role Grant has played in Remus's life. The oneness of the world, Severus Snape, age 9, was watching them. Somehow, during the process, he ends up befriending a group of Slytherins.Idea by @timvic on tiktok. 1972 . Snape really struggles to let go of the past. He, too, looked older. James' Patronus is a deer, which he shares with Harry. A distant dread brews trouble for Kit and Snape, threatening the relationship they've been working on for four, going on five years and leading to a mix of negative feelings, secrets that must be kept, miscommunication, and jealousy. About high school into her small bubble basically after the prank, Remus to. To realise and James has to do all the work for them Wat Everyone gets there creature inheritance on eleventh!, Lily is not so sure if she can hide it any longer herself protect... It had meant not existing in this world for you to be happy, then so be..... Interest in Keith, Lily with Transfiguration being a witch is visiting her grave in hallow. Who Snape really struggles to let go of the last movie that everything clear. 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