Giving more details is not possible, unfortunately, due to security reasons. The simulation mode is a feature which could help to initially create the ACLs. Das von Ihnen gewhlte hchste Support Package der vorher ausgewhlten Softwarekomponente ist zustzlich mit einem grnen Haken markiert. This also includes the loopback address as well as its IPv6 equivalent ::1. With this blogpost series i try to give a comprehensive explanation of the RFC Gateway Security: Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security. In these cases the program alias is generated with a random string. Since this keyword is relaying on a kernel feature as well as an ABAP report it is not available in the internal RFC Gateway of SAP NW AS Java. Falls Sie danach noch immer keine Anwendungen / Registerkarten sehen, liegt es daran, dass der Gruppe / dem Benutzer das allgemeine Anzeigenrecht auf der obersten Ebene der jeweiligen Registerkarte fehlt. Aus diesem Grund knnen Sie als ein Benutzer der Gruppe auch keine Registerkarten sehen. Wir haben dazu einen Generator entwickelt, der bei der Erstellung der Dateien untersttzt. The message server port which accepts registrations is defined by profile parameter rdisp/msserv_internal. Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. Sobald dieses Recht vergeben wurde, taucht die Registerkarte auch auf der CMC-Startseite wieder auf. The keyword internal will be substituted at evaluation time by a list of hostnames of application servers in status ACTIVE which is periodically sent to all connected RFC Gateways. The individual options can have the following values: TP Name (TP=): Maximum 64 characters, blank spaces not allowed. The RFC Gateway does not perform any additional security checks. Of course the local application server is allowed access. Bei groen Systemlandschaften ist dieses Verfahren sehr aufwndig. Evaluate the Gateway log files and create ACL rules. Visit SAP Support Portal's SAP Notes and KBA Search. There are two different versions of the syntax for both files: Syntax version 1 does not enable programs to be explicitly forbidden from being started or registered. The SAP note1689663has the information about this topic. As such, it is an attractive target for hacker attacks and should receive corresponding protections. The following steps usually need to be done manually to secure an SAP Gateway: Our SAST Interface Management module in the SAST SUITE provides support in hardening the SAP Gateway. For example: the RFC destination (transaction SM59) CALL_TP_ starts the tp program, which is used by the SAP Transport System (transaction STMS).Before jumping to the ACLs themselves, here are a few general tips: A general reginfo rule definition would be (note that the rule was split into multiple lines for explanation purposes, so it is more easily understood): Usually, ACCESS is a list with at least all SAP servers from this SAP system. You have already reloaded the reginfo file. Zu jedem Lauf des Programms RSCOLL00 werden Protokolle geschrieben, anhand derer Sie mgliche Fehler feststellen knnen. Save ACL files and restart the system to activate the parameters. The order of the remaining entries is of no importance. Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. Es gibt folgende Grnde, die zum Abbruch dieses Schrittes fhren knnen: CANNOT_SKIP_ATTRIBUTE_RECORD: Die Attribute knnen in der OCS-Datei nicht gelesen werden. Part 6: RFC Gateway Logging If someone can register a "rogue" server in the Message Server, such rogue server will be included in the keyword "internal" and this could open a security hole. In case the files are maintained, the value of this parameter is irrelevant; and with parmgw/reg_no_conn_info, all other sec-checks can be disabled =>SAP note1444282, obviously this parm default is set to 1 ( if not set in profile file ) in kernel-773, I wasted a whole day unsuccessfully trying to configure the (GW-Sec) in a new system, sorry for my bad mood. For a RFC Gateway of AS Java or a stand-alone RFC Gateway this can be determined with the command-line tool gwmon by running the command gwmon nr= pf= then going to the menu by typing m and displaying the client table by typing 3. If we do not have any scenarios which relay on this use-case we are should disable this functionality to prevent from misuse by setting profile parameter gw/rem_start = DISABLED otherwise we should consider to enforce the usage of SSH by setting gw/rem_start = SSH_SHELL. The related program alias can be found in column TP Name: We can verify if the functionality of these Registered RFC Server programs is accessible from the AS ABAP by looking for a TCP/IP connection in transaction SM59 with Technical Settings Activation Type = Registered Server Program the corresponding Program ID and either no Gateway Options or connection details to any of the RFC Gateways belonging to the same system set: Please note: If the AS ABAP system has more than one application servers and therefore also more than one RFC Gateways there may be scenarios in which the Registered Server Program is registered at one specific RFC Gateway only. P TP=* USER=* USER-HOST=internal HOST=internal. The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. The RFC Gateway can be used to proxy requests to other RFC Gateways. This allows default values to be determined for the security control files of the SAP Gateway (Reginfo; Secinfo; Proxyinfo) based on statistical data in the Gateway log. Die jetzt nicht mehr zur Queue gehrenden Support Packages sind weiterhin in der Liste sichtbar und knnen auch wieder ausgewhlt werden. In this case, the secinfo from all instances is relevant as the system will use the local RFC Gateway of the instance the user is logged on to start the tax program. The syntax used in the reginfo, secinfo and prxyinfo changed over time. If the TP name has been specified without wild cards, you can specify the number of registrations allowed here. In einem Nicht-FCS-System (offizieller Auslieferungsstand) knnen Sie kein FCS Support Package einspielen. there are RED lines on secinfo or reginfo tabs, even if the rule syntax is correct. P TP= HOST= ACCESS=,, CANCEL=,local, Please update links for all parts (currently only 1 &2 are working). If USER-HOST is not specifed, the value * is accepted. The solution is to stop the SLD program, and start it again (in other words, de-register the program, and re-register it). After the external program was registered, the ACCESS and CANCEL options will be followed as defined in the rule, if a rule existed. The first letter of the rule can begin with either P (permit) or D (deny). The wildcard * should not be used at all. Part 5: ACLs and the RFC Gateway security. Part 5: Security considerations related to these ACLs. Part 5: ACLs and the RFC Gateway security. A Stand-alone Gateway could utilise this keyword only after it was attached to the Message Server of AS ABAP and the profile parameter gw/activate_keyword_internal was set. However, you still receive the "Access to registered program denied" / "return code 748" error. The prxyinfo file is holding rules controlling which source systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) are allowed to talk to which destination systems (based on their hostname/ip-address) over the current RFC Gateway. Then the file can be immediately activated by reloading the security files. Click more to access the full version on SAP for Me (Login . You can make dynamic changes by changing, adding, or deleting entries in the reginfo file. 2.20) is taken into account only if every comma-separated entry can be resolved into an IP address. Help with the understanding of the RFC Gateway ACLs (Access Control Lists) and the Simulation Mode, in order to help prepare production systems to have these security features enabled without disruptions. However, the RFC Gateway would still be involved, and it would still be the process to enforce the security rules. Somit knnen keine externe Programme genutzt werden. Someone played in between on reginfo file. The RFC Gateway hands over the request from the RFC client to the dispatcher which assigns it to a work process (AS ABAP) or to a server process (AS Java). As we learned in part 4 SAP introduced the following internal rule in the in the prxyinfo ACL: To use all capabilities it is necessary to set the profile parameter gw/reg_no_conn_info = 255. With this blogpost series i try to give a comprehensive explanation of the RFC Gateway Security: Part 1: General questions about the RFC Gateway and RFC Gateway security The Gateway uses the rules in the same order in which they are displayed in the file. Thank you! This order is not mandatory. If these profile parameters are not set the default rules would be the following allow all rules: reginfo: P TP=* Once you have completed the change, you can reload the files without having to restart the gateway. Check the above mentioned SAP documentation about the particular of each version; 4)It is possible to enable the RFC Gateway logging in order to reproduce the issue. NUMA steht fr Non-Uniform Memory Access und beschreibt eine Computer-Speicher-Architektur fr Multiprozessorsysteme, bei der jeder Prozessor ber einen eigenen, lokalen physischen Speicher verfgt, aber anderen Prozessoren ber einen gemeinsamen Adressraum direkten Zugriff darauf gewhrt (Distributed Shared Memory). Host Name (HOST=, ACCESS= and/or CANCEL=): The wildcard character * stands for any host name, * for a domain, sapprod for host sapprod. Its location is defined by parameter gw/sec_info. All of our custom rules should bee allow-rules. Thus, if an explicit Deny rule exists and it matches the request being analyzed by the RFC Gateway, the RFC Gateway will deny the request. It is common to define this rule also in a custom reginfo file as the last rule. If the TP name itself contains spaces, you have to use commas instead. Based on the original Gateway log files in the system, default values can be determined and generated for the ACL files directly after the evaluation of the data found. In production systems, generic rules should not be permitted. Should a cyberattack occur, this will give the perpetrators direct access to your sensitive SAP systems. If other SAP systems also need to communicate with it, using the ECC system, the rule need to be adjusted, adding the hostnames from the other systems to the ACCESS option. In case of TP Name this may not be applicable in some scenarios. File reginfo controls the registration of external programs in the gateway. If the Gateway protections fall short, hacking it becomes childs play. The default configuration of an ASCS has no Gateway. Part 2: reginfo ACL in detail If the Gateway Options are not specified the AS will try to connect to the RFC Gateway running on the same host. This way, each instance will use the locally available tax system. For example: you have changed to the rule related to the SLD_UC program, allowing a new server to communicate with it (you added the new server to the ACCESS option). Program cpict4 is allowed to be registered by any host. Check the secinfo and reginfo files. The reginfo file have ACLs (rules) related to the registration of external programs (systems) to the local SAP instance. Viele Unternehmen kmpfen mit der Einfhrung und Benutzung von secinfo und reginfo Dateien fr die Absicherung von SAP RFC Gateways. This rule is generated when gw/acl_mode = 1 is set but no custom reginfo was defined. Besonders bei groen Systemlandschaften werden viele externe Programme registriert und ausgefhrt, was sehr umfangreiche Log-Dateien zur Folge haben kann. A LINE with a HOST entry having multiple host names (e.g. It is configured to start the tax calculation program at the CI of the SAP system, as the tax system is installed only there. Part 7: Secure communication For example: an SAP SLD system registering the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC programs at an ABAP system.The secinfo file has rules related to the start of programs by the local SAP instance. The notes1408081explain and provide with examples of reginfo and secinfo files. There are various tools with different functions provided to administrators for working with security files. There are other SAP notes that help to understand the syntax (refer to the Related notes section below). You have a non-SAP tax system that needs to be integrated with SAP. Registrations beginning with foo and not f or fo are allowed, All registrations beginning with foo but not f or fo are allowed (missing HOST rated as *), All registrations from domain * are allowed. Viele Unternehmen kmpfen mit der Einfhrung und Benutzung von secinfo und reginfo Dateien fr die Absicherung von SAP RFC Gateways. 2. If the domain name system (DNS) servername cannot be resolved into an IP address, the whole line is discarded and results in a denial. As soon as a program has registered in the gateway, the attributes of the retrieved entry (specifically ACCESS) are passed on to the registered program. Hello Venkateshwar, thank you for your comment. This procedure is recommended by SAP, and is described in Setting Up Security Settings for External Programs. This means that if the file is changed and the new entries immediately activated, the servers already logged on will still have the old attributes. For example: an SAP SLD system registering the SLD_UC and SLD_NUC programs at an ABAP system. In addition, the existing rules on the reginfo/secinfo file will be applied, even on Simulation Mode. Part 5: ACLs and the RFC Gateway security. All programs started by hosts within the SAP system can be started on all hosts in the system. RFC had issue in getting registered on DI. Part 8: OS command execution using sapxpg. How can I quickly migrate SAP custom code to S/4HANA? File reginfocontrols the registration of external programs in the gateway. The default rule in prxyinfo ACL (as mentioned in part 4) is enabled if no custom ACL is defined. Very good post. Program cpict2 is allowed to be registered, but can only be run and stopped on the local host or hostld8060. If the option is missing, this is equivalent to HOST=*. To set up the recommended secure SAP Gateway configuration, proceed as follows:. In SAP NetWeaver Application Server ABAP: Every Application Server has a built-in RFC Gateway. Only clients from the local application server are allowed to communicate with this registered program. Registered Server Programs at a standalone RFC Gateway may be used to integrate 3rd party technologies. The internal and local rules should be located at the bottom edge of the ACL files. Maybe some security concerns regarding the one or the other scenario raised already in you head. Please note: SNC User ACL is not a feature of the RFC Gateway itself. Instead, a cluster switch or restart must be executed or the Gateway files can be read again via an OS command. Someone played in between on reginfo file. You have an RFC destination named TAX_SYSTEM. About this page This is a preview of a SAP Knowledge Base Article. There may also be an ACL in place which controls access on application level. Part 4: prxyinfo ACL in detail. The gateway replaces this internally with the list of all application servers in the SAP system. Only the secinfo from the CI is applicable, as it is the RFC Gateway from the CI that will be used to start the program (check the Gateway Options at the screenshot above). Part 6: RFC Gateway Logging. There are two different syntax versions that you can use (not together). so for me it should only be a warning/info-message. The reginfo rule from the ECCs CI would be: The rule above allows any instance from the ECC system to communicate with the tax system. The secinfosecurity file is used to prevent unauthorized launching of external programs. secinfo und reginfo Generator anfordern Mglichkeit 1: Restriktives Vorgehen Fr den Fall des restriktiven . This means that the sequence of the rules is very important, especially when using general definitions. Each instance can have its own security files with its own rules. From a technical perspective the RFC Gateway is a SAP kernel process (gwrd, gwrd.exe) running on OS level as user adm. When editing these ACLs we always have to think from the perspective of each RFC Gateway to which the ACLs are applied to. For example: the system has the CI (hostname sapci) and two application instances (hostnames appsrv1 and appsrv2).
Jefri Bolkiah Wife Claire Kelly,
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