battle brothers nimble forge

This build can also freely use a shield since Puncture cant get Double Grip anyway. + Provides a good chunk of FAT+ Helps equip heavier/better armor Usually you would enjoy being able to skip this if you can get away with it Less useful on famed armors, Calculates on the helmet/body separately, rather than combining them and doing one reduction Always rounds up in your favor regarding value gained by the perk. Fearsome enemies will now impart a hefty RES penalty on your units when they damage you, making RES more important than in the past, and making Mind a more enticing pick by extension. Caves of Qud Beginner Guide (Spoiler-free) . If you are going to be using Indomitable with your heavy armor then you can get away with a lower HP count as Indomitable + armor does a wonderful job at mitigating armor ignoring damage, but without Indomitable a low HP count is risky. If there is a damage sharing hex on one of your bros but they have 9L then you can still attack the Hexe with impunity because 9L will save you. Furthermore, an enemy dropping to Fleeing status yields a morale check on his team, and an enemy dying yields another morale check on his team, so dropping enemies to Fleeing first before killing them helps increase the panic wave spreading to their teammates. One reason being headshot damage applying last in the damage formula (see Game Mechanics). Nimble and Forge: Nimble and Battle Forged are the go-to mitigation perks so they will be referenced a lot when talking about other perks, as most bros will want one or the other. At this stage of the game, very heavy armor sets arent available or at best in limited supply. Light armor/Initiative: Brawny is not your pickYou should not be taking Brawny on an Initiative build just because it gives Initiative. If your Resolve target is 60 (going from 48 to 60) then you are getting 3.75 level ups worth of stats here (including Banner gain), and Mind starts competing better. This occurs before things like Morale, Lone Wolf, Nightime, Injuries, etc., meaning those effects will modify the stack value up/down from the base 10% yield. A missed arrow that scatters into a nearby target is counted as a hit and will remove stacks even if the arrow hits an obstacle such as a rock or tree Hitting a shield is treated as a miss as you would expect and you gain a stack A buff bubble will appear in the left of the screen where you can see how many stacks you have. Rather you may want to grab Adrenaline if you want your Forge unit going fast, which Brawny can help support by giving you more FAT. After -15 Nimble armor and a weapon you are going to be around 70-80 which means you start the battle at +10-12 defenses. This makes headshots weaker than expected, which disfavors Brow. Understanding how the AI works makes FW less relevant as a panic button because you will get better at preventing those panic scenarios from happening in the first place. + Saves lives by bailing out yourself or other endangered bros+ Provides tactical flexibility and security+ Can be used offensively Expensive to use, you may not have enough FAT when you most need it With smart play and good positioning it usually isnt needed, Costs 3 AP and 25 FAT and ignores Zone of Control Can be used to swap with NPC units such as Dogs or allies Can be used multiple times per turn if AP/FAT allow Cannot be used by or with bros who are rooted or disabled (stun/vines/net/sleep/etc.). Even though Dodge is technically a defensive perk, you can translate that extra defense into offense if you want to. With the cycle dead the synergy has gotten worse. Tricky math aside, the point is that the Fearsome penalty will make it a lot easier to get morale drops and the cumulative effect of many attacks with this penalty over the course of battle will be noticeable. Misconception Heavy Armor + Forge = SafeNo. CS Shamshir does have some advantages. For Goedendag, Mace Mastery will only effect Knock Out while Spear Mastery will only effect Thrust. Theres a clear downside here in that the perk does nothing to prevent bad situations from occurring, it only gives you a chance to salvage those situations if they do occur. All forms of ranged units are very good at dealing damage and enjoy having Berserk, except for the Handgonne where the AP and targeting is clunky which can make it difficult to capitalize on Berserk gain. Refer tothis discussionfor a more detailed analysis of higher value Nimble lines. Compared to other damage perks, Berserk is usually better, but Berserks faster damage output does cost more FAT while Frenzys does not. This is where you need to decide for yourself whether it is worth cutting your accuracy in half to try and shoot these targets vs whatever is guarding them. If you take Bags then you are also probably going to want QH to make use of those slots, but you dont need to take Bags to make use of QH. The reason Lances/Axes are better than Swords, because they have easy/cheap access to 1-2 range.. Misconception Gifted is bad beyond the early gameNo. This reduction also takes place before the 10% remaining armor mitigation and the critical multiplier, effectively decreasing HP damage taken even further than advertised: In this example, the effective Nimble value is closer to 33% than 40%! This means that you do still need decent RES on your team and cant just run a bunch of clown Deserters at 30 base RES and expect to get away with it just because you have a good Bannerman with Rally. For example, if you field 5 Forge and 1 Nimble in the Frontline then the Nimble bro is very likely to take most of the range fire, even if he has more RDF and/or Dodge and/or Anticipation compared to the Forge bros. Gifted and Lone Wolf are the only perks in the game that raise both your accuracy and your defense. If the mercenary life doesnt work out, become a street magician.. mega thinks he can go around being so nice to everyone, little can't go one day without sending some dumbass heart emoji Mega#4361 THIS MF I HATE HIM Famed shields: You dont want them breakingTo prevent your fancy shield from breaking and to further multiply shields with extra defense, youll want Shield Expert. You cant go wrong. Incidentally, surrounding an isolated enemy will try his Resolve harder. Anti-Necromancer: Fish for faster winsI personally dont recommend bothering with Necromancers at all. Recover if needed. The heavier your armor and helmet, the more you benefit. Reason 2 is that getting 300/300+ armor takes a long time, especially for many bros, and Nimble will outperform low Forge easily, especially Raider tier Forge. It is important to understand the formula. Its over Anakin! Misconception Dodge requires you to level Initiative to get good valueNo. Your veterans should be able to keep your fresh blood safe in battle so the short term loss of missing a perk isnt as big a deal. You can reasonably skip Mastery for an extra perk as well. Having one or more bros capable of doing this does a very good job at keeping the Hexe distracted while the rest of your team clears out the mobs. Student is unique in that it technically doesnt cost a perk slot in the long run. Plus! The +10 Dog dropDogs count for surround bonuses which also means that they work with Backstabber. A scattered shot also does 25% less damage to the new tile/target. There are enough good defensive perks in the game that it is hard to find room for 9L. Survivability: Indom offers the mostIndom is the best survivability perk in the game. Archers: LW is awkwardAlthough the huge RSK buff might seem exciting, it is pretty hard to get good value here on an archer. 6AP 2Handers can try and take advantage by adding a 1Hander and QH to switch to on a turn where you want to Recover, provided that there is a kill set-up for you to take advantage of. The point is that low HP Forge is very vulnerable in Chosen fights, which leaves you with a few options: use Indomitable, raise your HP, or minimize contact. CS isnt necessary for injuring some targets but picking it up does increase the reliability of getting first strike injuries against Orc Berserkers, armored Young/Raiders/Footman, etc. Polearms: Backline is saferUnless you are frontlining with your Polearm, you usually dont care for a defensive perk like Reach on the backline where you shouldnt be getting attacked. Better on slower brosThe slower you bro is compared to the enemies that you are facing the more you gain from Adrenaline. Of course I will talk about perk tips, synergies, relative strength, and builds here and there, but Im not creating a build script for you to replicate. Mortars do pretty low damage, so while you could just eat the Mortar, you would like to avoid the morale check and the Shellshocked status if you can. Adrenaline, etc.). Having two attacks at range and the ability to target high priority targets before they reach your line can allow Warbows to fish for drops early and often. The more bros you can send forward the stronger and safer this strategy becomes, but even just one or a few can give the rest of your team a lot of breathing space and swing the battle in your favor. It is good in the other fights as well with the exception if Ijirok where it is useless. Instead I will be talking about other aspects of the Mastery. Repositioning: Ignoring ZoC can let you improve your position and/or flankRather than escaping, you can use FW to dance around a mothball of units ignoring ZoC and getting into more favorable positions to reach certain enemies or use AoE skills. It is a good idea to use these if they can work on your build. Once the ads are dead the Hexe herself isnt really a threat. Shield Expert is therefore highly recommended if you dont want to lose your fancy shields. Thats great right? The Nomad faction in its entirety will spam their Throw Sand skill and provide the Distracted status (-35% Damage/INI). as quickly as possible then Student will help you get there faster, but it will make you weaker in the short term. Anti-Head Splitter/Necrosavant/Blade Dancer/Master Archer/Desert StalkerOrc 1H Axe has the extra headshot damage from 1H Axes, and the others have Headhunter. LW builds are perk starvedLW appreciates many perks.. too many. They have perks like Crippling Strikes and weapon mastery, though. Even with both low or average HP and FAT, Nimble can still make sense. Note that Additional Fur Padding (AFP) attachment reduces the amount of AID you take. CS is good against them. Recall that melee defense has increasing returns (see Game Mechanics), and Shield Expert + Heater Shield makes it very easy to achieve high defense scores. Max Overwhelm stacks to 7 (was 6) 20/07/14 Minor edits in Weapon Mastery, Shield Expert, Reach, and Lone Wolf. This is a nimble tank build for beginners who is having hard time finding a tank material but desperately needs tank/banner tank who will last till late game. This can make Overwhelm awkward. Generally, Duelists just feel more flexible with 4AP attacks instead of 6AP attacks. It just doesnt work that way. This is very expensive on Fatigue and you should really try to either kill that enemy or smack him away with a different bro, but if you want your spearman to have his own ability to do so then this is an option. It isnt really the way you should be evaluating perks in game. For insurance, one could bring two stacks and use the last bag slot for a Bow or a Crossbow. If you begin the turn loaded and get a kill you can do a double blast which is pretty good, but if you are unloaded at the start the AP can only be used for repositioning. You can beat Monolith/Library with a few dead perks. Normally the rarity of headshots can make them prohibitive to actually killing enemies as they have a healthy helmet to absorb the blow. Nimble: 40/160 Brow line beats other 40% Nimble linesNimble does a wonderful job of mitigating the occasional headshot that you might take, but Brow does allow for a unique armor line to be used that takes advantage of how Nimble works. Thats not to say you cant use Adrenaline with Nimble, just that it is slightly better on Forge to help counter the low Initiative inherent with heavy armor. Also reduces Fatigue cost of Nets/Grenades. Myself and other players have beaten every fight in the game without using Indom. Bags saves FatigueBags does spare FAT for carrying items besides two-handed weapons and this can add up to a meaningful amount of FAT. These changes wont make 9L incredible, but they are welcome changes to improve the consistency of 9L usefulness. Warscythe could potentially use both. Lets find the mean hits to die of a character with 80 HP and 300/300 base armor (no attachment) against a Goblin Ambusher (Ambusher) using a Reinforced Boondock Bow, an Honor Guard (Guard) using an Ancient Bladed Pike, and against a Barbarian Chosen (Chosen) using a Two-Handed Spiked Mace. Well that +25% Ignore damage is a lot stronger than you might expect it to be. Misconception Nimble builds are worse than Forge buildsIt depends. Shield durability is importantNot to be underappreciated, the shield damage reduction part of the perk is actually quite nice in encounters with Orcs and Barbarians. Spearwall no longer disables when enemies breach into your Zone of Control. Lets take a case: If the critical multiplier was applied earlier in the formula, damage taken would have been 11 instead of 6. Mastery CS Duelist Gash has a 25-100% chance to first hit injure a Chosen, depending on their armor. In many ways FA is more useful on damage dealers than mediocre shield bros. Legacy information: Anticipation used to be goodPrior to the B&E DLC, Nimble was terrible which made heavy armor the only viable option to not be at risk of immediate death all of the time. 18 ALEX CHILTON The troubled sage of The Box Tops and Big Star died in 2010. Tanks: Claim important tilesTanks usually want to grab a position and then hold there, so they may not benefit as much from Pathfinder as others. Puncture builds also tend to spend a lot of time using Recover, so Executioner can make more sense than Berserk/Frenzy here. With Recover and Adrenaline in the mix you can easily keep up a permanent Spearwall like this. Now it can serve as a damage perk that should be considered with and against the likes of Executioner and Frenzy. Dont answer to twinkle toes, its not manly!. Brow is similar in purpose but weaker than Colossus. + Good for damage dealers+ Better against harder to kill enemies Requires setup Not very useful against weaker enemies. You do not want to use this strategy expecting you will never get caught with an attack. In perfect 250/200 -8/-8 armor nimble + battle forged = nimble + colossus in terms of survivability and saves you some tools. Moving around in a swamp without Pathfinder is a real pain. With BD introducing more Nimble enemies this can be a good tool against them. Two, most enemies can be killed quickly by high tier weapons. Orcs: Indom blocks their skillsOrc Young love their jumping Stun spam and Warriors want to push your guys around. What about 2H Cleaver? Dagger specialist PuncturePuncture builds benefit a lot from Executioner since they can usually deal injuries on first hit and can attack three times per turn. A couple of noteworthy options include the Billhook which is 5AP with Mastery, 2H Cleavers for a big headshot Decapitate, or a Fighting Axe/Head Splitter to capitalize on the Axe bonus. Armor damage taken is reduced by a percentage equal to 5% of the current total armor value of both body and head armor. For example, a Warhammer bro would be better with a Sword in a regular Unhold fight even if he has Hammer Mastery, so give him a sword for that fight. As you can see from this example, Indom made us take far less than half damage. 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