bonanza fanfiction little joe collapses

Coming! He shouted, alerting the guest. Lets look at the shoulder and back. Turning Joe on his side was going to be painful as it put pressure on his right abdomen. Breathe. A tear slipped out as Joe struggled for air. So, No! Ahhhh! Joe cried out as his now beaten body had all but given up. She died years ago. With a gloomy look, he stared at Joe as he tried to explain to him the reality of his mothers whereabouts. Nor did you let Hoss or I down. He couldnt even hear his own voice. Maybe you didnt hear me. The mans enormous hand just about surrounded Joes throat while the pressure choked him, Where is my Marie? It was becoming very evident just how annoyed and determined this man was. He heaved a deep sigh and continued. Help! Joe began to slowly stir as he cried out in pain, waking Ben. With his head down, Joe slowly walked back toward his waiting family. He wanted revenge to whoever did this to Little Joe. Their answer, lying just about in front of them on the floor, paralyzed them momentarily. Adam, hurts. With his good hand, Joe held his right side. Ben walked back to his chair beside Joes bed. , That monkey pick your French quarter mother gave you.. He knew some complications that could arise from a high fever, but he also knew how to be level headed. Little Joe, you alright? A wave of concern stopped Hoss in his tracks. Shhh! Joe tried to pull away, however, between his crippled body and the clump of hair within Davids grip, it was a battle he could not win. The radiant noontime sun flew in as the door opened wider. So alone? Come on Joe this is nonsense and you have a lot of work to do.. Little Joe eat breakfast. Slightly hunched he shuffled into the room. Joe, that is when I realized I had gone too far. Ad-am help me, pl-ease., Joe, Im here buddy, Adams eyes flew open. To get through the hardest journey we need to take only one step at a time, but we must keep stepping. Joe went ahead a took another one of those steps through the front door. Joe? Now go.. Hank, would you be willing to help the Sheriff and I find these., Pausing, he closed his eyes and clenched his teeth, then with a tear in his eye glanced back at Little Joes almost motionless damaged body, find whoever did this to my brother? Adam, usually could keep a cool, collected head in a situation like this, however, he now found himself backed into a corner and out of control, almost like a caged animal. I am so sorry. He sat up and gripped the younger mans hand. Maybe I can help., Wow, these guys both really need a bath! Joe thought. Bonanza Brand FanFiction Library. When Hop Sing returns, I will never complain about his cooking again. Joe took a big bite and began strolling out of the kitchen toward the table, but before he could sit down there was a hard persistent knock at the door. Joe was just. Have you seen them before? He was very careful with his tone as it was very clear that he now had two sons who needed his help. Oh God, how bad? Realization sank in hearing an ugly, familiar voice and recalling now where he was and what had just occurred. Little Joe and Hoss walked out and Ben put an arm around Little Joe's shoulders and said, "Little Joe, thank you for helping with Sparky. I need you to get over here so I can get some answers out of this piece of trash. The man stared back at Joe with the look of Satan in his eyes. Did you get them ? Ben anxiously asked . Everythings gonna be okay. Adam frowned and was confused as to what Joe was talking about. Crimson blood began streaming down the side of his face. I know it hurts Joe, but we cant leave you like this. The doc explained to him. Tug. Dax? As he walked over he saw his son holding a picture. Hurts. His breathing was becoming rapid. Age Gate will also appear each time a different web browser is used to access these stories. Placing his hat back on his head, Adam took one last glance back at Joe. His labored breathing had to be slowed to ease the pain. Little Joe was speechless, however, words were not needed to see just how much he appreciated what they had done. The only thing wrong with himhes young. Adam knew Joe would grow up soon, Adam just wanted it sooner rather than later. His eyes barely open, Joe gave a slight nod. The sun is about to set . He kept reminding himself, that day would come. Adam never took much notice when he was with Hoss because Hoss never got lost. Mine. Bonanza Ventures is not responsible for the content of this website, and any opinions expressed are the opinions of individuals and not Bonanza Ventures. A Reset font size. Little Joe was fond of New Orleans, where his mother was born and lived for most of her life. Grungy ole ripped jeans paired with a solid red button-down shirt covered with dirt. BonanzaBrand 2006-2023 All Rights Reserved. Youre safe. Careful not to hurt his little brother, Adam pulled him close to his chest as he sat on the bed. He had no knowledge of Little Joe until Joe told them who he was. Firmly pressing his hands on the desk, he leaned over, facing his father. How come he had dallied on the way home? Martin will be here shortly. Neither had any way of knowing what was going on in Joes fevered dreams now that all four men were standing over him. 58 Stories. Pa, do you mind if I stay here with Joe.alone? Without waiting for an answer, he moved to the chair, pulled it closer to the bed and sat down. Hoss, hot on his heels slammed right into him. How can one kid get into so much trouble in so little time? Pa, his fever seems to be down. Hoss explained. Okay, Im done. The doc cleaned up his mess and tools. But now Sparky is walking around town acting like the hero, not thinking about anything or anyone else. When your mother died, I told you all about Marie and her stories, Remember? With a gentle hand David forced Dax to look at him, Remember how I told you she was going to be the one to read you the bedtime stories to make your nightmares go away? Hours had passed and every minute still counted. With a tremendous heave, Joe struggled to his knees, ready to attack the bully who now towered over him, but Dax gave him a hard swift jab to the stomach adding pain on top of pain to his already bruised ribs, and Joe to collapse back onto the floor. Im sorry. He winced as he struggled to calm his breathing. Like Marie gave me. They wouldnt, would they? Hello Ben. Adam please help! I need you Adam! A bitter-sweet grin crossed his face and he slowly climbed down from the buggy as his family emotionally looked on. Ben walked over to his middle son and bent down. Hop Sing had returned home and assisted in caring for Little Joe. Bonanza Tv Show. You hear me?, Hank, go find some towels we have to stop the bleeding. Charlie was nervous and couldnt believe what he what seeing. You dont deserve to look like her.She was just right there almost within his reach, and then .within a split second she was gone. Little Joe was miserably lost in his thoughts as he now sat atop his horse nursing his sore hand but not so much so that he didn't notice someone dart behind a stand of bushes in the distance. Joe., Ben, I believe he needs rest. The doc rechecked his patient one last time, closed his medical bag and headed for the door. No, an image like that will forever be branded in Joes mind. His heart raced and his tears began to choke him. He began to tremble. Im so sorry I wasnt there for you when you needed me. Hoss, can you walk the doc out?. What do you want with? He was cut off. It wasnt even a full day. You didnt deserve to have her as a mother. Her Pa, John, the younger brother of Ben Cartwright, was . Hes my brother. her.. Never! He bit his lower lip and squeezed his eyes shut. He had been extremely busy getting his chores finished on time, which left less time to spend with Adam. Dax come here. After motioning to his son, he ran his dirty sleeve across his moist forehead. Where are you going?. Adams nightmare returned and was staring right at him once gain. Definitely MA. Moments later, Doc Martin was at Joes bedroom door. Besides, this is actually a good opportunity for your younger brother to prove himself as you should not be gone long. Walking towards the steps he finished with, I think we both need to get to bed as we have an early start. Its Adam.. Hed known Joe since hed been a baby, and had taken the boy under his wing whenever any of the Cartwrights werent around. Wildflowers Adam knew were what she and Joe had picked every summer. Was his anger taking over his ability to think straight? Just listen to them complaining," Deborah said, smiling, as tears . Little Joe suddenly froze. I bet youre really not able to do a mans job around here. Hurts.., Joe cried softly, pulling Adams attention again. Joes head hurt. Do you think Im blind and deaf? Hoss, can you take over?. David noticed it was a picture of Marie. Yeah, we did. He sighed. YouYour speaking again. Tears welled up in his eyes. The tears flowed down his face and lightly wet the pillow. Not you and that scrawny body of yours. He is a hard worker, a strong worker, and has made me proud and would have made any mother proud. With widened eyes and a sinister gaze, he grit his yellowing teeth as he lowered his massive body next to Joes head. Doc Martin did an excellent job with the sutures on his face for the scar was barely noticeable. Oh, but it hurts so much. This should have been a red flag for him to just to lay still. The only difference was where thered been blood, there were now bandages, and bruises were beginning to appear. With both hands, the brute of a man nearly lifted him clearly off the ground, where his sandwich now lay. Lots of drama and trauma for our handsome Joe. Note: This is my first story. He was hurting, and feverish, but had seemed to be coming back to them. Just when was the right time to tell him? When the door opened, Adam glanced up to see pa and Hoss walk into the room. Like Ben, he, too was worried now for both of his brothers. Where should he begin? Joe, mamas dead. Okay, Joe, let me check this last bandage here, and then I will let you get some rest, I promise. He turned Little Joes head to the right. Joe was getting nervous, but there was no way he was going to admit to his brothers that he didn't know where they were. Youll be alright, Joe. You have to believe that.. Was he awake or was he dreaming? The man was very drunk when we captured them and he confessed. Adam gently grabbed his younger brothers arm. My mama. Joes glassy eyes weakly met Adams. Lets get to work boys. He turned toward Adam. Joe was very fragile, but very determined. He had been the one lately who Joe had been out with, working fences and finding strays. He looked down at Joe. Ben noticed Adams stoic expression and once again became concerned. Return to Library. Dont get up. He is only seventeen, Pa.. Squeeze my hand Joe, come on. There was no reaction. They not only looked like twins they dressed alike also. Joe was trying as quickly as he could to recover, however, he found himself back in the monstrous, vice-like grip again. With every swing of the ax, he could hear his older brothers hurtful words. Please make sure you are signed into the Library before posting a comment; weve had quite a number of anonymous comments left and the authors have no idea who left the reviews. Joe manages to pull her out and leans against her and starts crying. Was Adam really mad at him, or was there just more going on with Adam that he wasnt talking about? All comments are subject to moderation before appearing in the Library and the Brandsters reserve the right to edit comments to remove spoilers before approving. Seeing both the excitement and sadness in his son, David Debois was more determined now than ever to bring Marie home. Adam gently ran his hand over the young mans blooded mangled curls. Adam, come on son. The sheriffs concerned eyes met Doc Martins. He drew Joe closer to his chest and allowed a few tears to roll down his cheek. The angel and devil were having one heck of a fight in his head. Joe I have been so disrespectful of you recently. David began to drink heavily. Jimmy get Doc. Doc Martin filled Ben in on Joes condition. It wasnt easy, but Hoss understood just by seeing the scene that was playing out across the room. I want to check on those wounds of his for infection. After administering the medicine he began examining Joe. What was I thinking? A sickly moan was the only response he got. Mama you belong here. She is my mother! That was the last straw. Pa, there was so much blood, he began. Natures own silence encircled Joe and he allowed his mind to drift into dark places. Dubois firmly gripped Joes blood-soaked shirt with both hands, dragged him to his knees and demanded, Im running outta patience with you, boy! A-AdamHurtsHelp me! He cried as he slightly began to thrash around in the bed. Youre in good hands. A few stray rays of light filtered through the branches and began to warm the ground where Joe stood. Nooo!, Shhh., youre okay, Joe. This just cant be real Joe, Joe. AHHHHHH! Joe wailed as fire immediately erupted at the site of his injury. He unfortunately was also devious and prone to avoiding work whenever possible. Its not your fault, Joe and its not pas either. Joe. You did the best you could. His breathing got worse, as did the pain. Joe swallowed and answered, Well, Im sorry but hes not here right now., The man took a half a turn to the right, My boy and I have some business with him. He was weak so weak. I am keeping my fingers crossed I posted it correctly and you enjoy it. Bens reminiscing came to an abrupt end when Adam bolted upright from his chair, knocking it over as he hurried toward the door. Oww!, Easy, buddy, Hoss jumped in. With every nightmare was continuing pain. What do ya got there son?. Joesph., The three men in the room simultaneously glanced at each other with a puzzled look. Have a seat, Roy., Thanks, Ben. He took off his hat and began fidgeting with it. Ben had insisted on buying Marie the finest dress. Hey, brother., Hey to you. He smiled back. Crimson blood immediately began to flow from the wound, quickly seeping into Joes shirt. Long, ragged nails scrapped Joes chest while tiny shards of glass dug into from his back. How ya feeling?, Wanna race? They all chuckled. An argument between brothers sets off a series of events that turns into an unstoppable torrent of trouble which leaves one of Ben Cartwright's sons with a terrible task to perform, and another near death, trapped in the Belly of the Whale. The most beautiful dress for my beautiful wife.. Dubois wiped the bloodstained blade onto Joes already soiled shirt and placed it back in its sheath. Sort by: Hot. How was he to make responsible, logical decisions with his baby brother critically lying there on the floor right there in front of him. He was finding understanding and forgiveness, the forgiveness he needed for himself, for the only way for him to eventually help Joe was to help himself first. Roy Coffee finds Joe Cartwright, newly kidnapped and held hostage, on the side of the road miles away from the Ponderosa. Ben C., Adam C., Hoss C., Little Joe C. - Chapters: 3 - Words: 8,462 - Reviews: . 14 year old Joe Cartwright was just trying to do something nice for a friend. It was a chore for Joe just to try to catch his breath. Boy to Man #2 - The Best Days of our Lives (by Terri) - Bonanza Brand - Fanfiction Library. The guy was huge, bigger than Hoss and as rugged looking as they come. He knew Adam was his only hope, for Pa and Hoss would be away for a few days. The men briefly glanced over at Adam who suddenly stopped at the doorway, emotional, motionless, and filled with rage when Doc Martin spoke, I will need you two men to gently hold him so he doesnt further injure himself while I administer the morphine., Adam, The sheriff placed his hand gently on Adams shoulder, snapping him out of his trance, we better go. As Joe peeked out the door, his jaw dropped and his eyes just about popped out of their sockets. A-AdamA-Adam! Pa, can I have a drink? Joe was beginning to feel better. Shes my mother, Adam. Just the thought of Little Joe wanting to open up brought light into his heart and a tear to his eye as he stepped out. Joe I cant believe how Ive treated you all these years. His memories came flooding back to him. It wasnt until he forced some information out of Little Joe that he went into a fit of rage. Sheriff Coffee slowly stood up and began pacing the room. Joe, come on look at me.. Thanks Hop Sing. With many pillows supporting him, Joe was now able to sit up in bed, but was, still very much in pain. Nooo! No one talks about his family like that and gets away with it. Where? He really didnt know where to start. You did what you had to, Ben repeated. He could only guess it was the nightmares. Sure, the kid could get on his nerves and act immature, like a child at times, but like Pa said, He is only a boy, not a man like you. The night before, Adam had been pacing the floor not at all comfortable with this set up. He staggered as he bent over Joe, who now lay in agony and bleeding from his side as well as his shoulder. Your father didnt deserve her, and had no right taking her from us. Im here Joe, Yes, the voice he had been searching for since his nightmare began. Pa, where is the medicine the doc left? Adam shot Ben a worried look. Uh yeah, lets go. Joe breathed in a breath of fresh ai,r remembering what Hop Sing had said to him just a couple of weeks earlier, when hed struggled to approach his father at the desk, his mind taking him back to the far different struggle hed faced at the hands of the monsters in his nightmares. Um, well Im his son. Deborah almost collapsed with relief and sat heavily on the side the bed, taking Melinda's narrow hand in hers. Now where is she buried? Davids stern voice and devilish eyes suddenly sent chills down Joes spine. At the tender age of five, hed watched her fall as she came galloping in on her horse. Even as he grew up, the nickname stuck, and Hoss remained taller and larger than Joe. I know it as you have always had a fight in you, just like your mother. He spoke softly as a glassy sheen formed over his eyes. Ben, I mean it, I need your word. He was very adamant. He slowly drew up his legs. M-y mot-her, not his. Why am I wet? he thought feeling a bit disoriented. M-M-Ma A tiny tear rolled down the young mans face as his sad eyes met his fathers. Sure. Answer me boy! Suddenly Joe began to cry out in pain as Doc Martin was applying pressure on his right side while Charlie was tending to the left shoulder and, taking care not to cause more harm to his back. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The doc will need it when he gets here, Charlie ordered, his eyes, still focused on his patient. His concern now lie with possibility of open stitches with all the tossing and turning Joe had been doing. Mama, he whispered. My mother. It was neither the time nor the place for Adam to be drifting off worrying about this. Late again, he thought. There we are. He finished. Blood oozed from her head, staining the dirt beneath her as she silently lay on the ground. You never appreciated her. He hastily gathered up the wood and filled the bin near the front door. He wanted to get away from the ranch, even if it was just for a few hours, especially after the confrontation he and Adam had had yesterday. Jenny Thompson was about to have her baby and it was breach. The doc finished checking Joes heartbeat. Why was he allowing himself to look possibly at making a mountain out of a mole hill? He grabbed the decanter on the table beside him and guzzled some of Bens fine brandy before walking slowly over to the burning fireplace where he began pacing. Come on. Little Joe snapped himself out of his man-made fog and dragged his feet slowly back over to the chopping block. Adam?. What a great story, a lot of emotions, sad and Happy. Poor Joe gets beat up a lot. Pictures To Draw. th-ey want her.. bo-dy. He exhausted himself and slowly let go of Adam, closed his eyes and let the tears just flow down his pasty cheeks and whispered . But when a buggy accident claims the life of Nora Cromwell, leaving Little Joe fighting for his own life, both Ben and Joe end up blaming themselves for the other's pain and sorrow. Adam, where are you? I cant talk to Pa cause wellhes pa. They both made eye contact and chuckled. Familiar voices. Ben glanced over at Hoss, and with raised eyebrows answered. Hed been playing checkers with his Pa on the front porch, when Maries horse had reared up, throwing her to the hard ground, rendering her unconscious. Joe? Ben slowly leaned forward as he softly called to his youngest boy. Little Joe youre okay. Whoever it was, was on foot so Little Joe knew he could easily overtake him. Thanks. His parched mouth was finally wet. Joe Francis. He and his son are from New Orleans. I know it is time consuming and takes a lot of work. Why? Oh Joe. Water, Joe pleaded as he attempted to get up. Oh Joe there was so much blood just like He paused and slowly blinked as he glanced over at Little Joe. cartwright bonanza ponderosa western adamcartwright oldwest delly hoss hunger wildwest mellark games peeta adam romance fanfiction love. They cant take mama. I believe if it wasnt for Dubois finding his son with this, Joe would be a goner. He slowly handed Ben Maries slightly wrinkled picture as he scanned each mans watery eyes. It isnt your fault Joe, it isnt anyones fault., No! Joe perked up catching Adam off guard. Who are you? I need to go with the Sheriff, too. The inner voices within his head continued to persistently whisper, giving him an intense headache. Lynne C.'s Bonanza Fanfiction: Little Joe Zone: Bonanza Brand: Puchi's Bonanza Library : Bonanza Hideaway: Vicki's Bonanza Page: Bonanza Events Pernell Roberts: Desideratum : Women's Writers Block (While our site does have a large number of Bonanza stories, we do post fanfic for other shows) Bonanza Round up . Hoss, North and South (by Writing Woman) . He would return home retelling these storing to Dax, however, he never seemed to get it right and the boy would just get frustrated with him. Im sorry Joe. Flashes of red were appearing in front of him. Joe eased his way over to her headstone and, laid the flowers atop it as he carefully and painfully knelt down. You sleep now buddy. Adam slowly and carefully made himself comfortable, until he fell asleep, as he cradling his little brother. Who is she? He was still sore but, had cabin fever. Um, sorry Pa. Adam sat down in the chair next to Joes bed, leaned forward, rested his elbows on his knees and rubbed his face, then slowly allowed his weary body to rest against the back of the chair. His eyes focused though on what was right there, foremost in front of him, his mothers gravestone. Do you understand? I CAN'T REMEMBER THE PASSWORD. I will need some hot water, more towels, blankets and lots of help. Doc Martin ordered as he placed his medical bag down next to Joe. His goal was to visit New Orleans one day. The wounds have been oozing and a bit foul. Marie darling he has your sweet smile and your beautiful eyes.. Ride fast now. Then gigantic hands latched onto Joes tan shirt. I .wont ..let.. you ..take. Joes heart was pounding so hard he heard it in his ears. I..I..Im seventeen. Joe was struggling to keep his toes touching the ground. Joe stopped again, standing breathless and distraught and staring at his careless pile of split logs. And just how, with these two giants in his home? But you and your pa stole all that from us, and you will pay! Rage was etched into the mans face. Ma-ma, ma-ma, mama. How could Joe think that? Not. I have been no more mature than he. He was limited in what activities and chores he could do, and still moved slowly. Then he grabbed my arm, and wanted me to promise, he needed me to promise to save herher body and then he collapsed into my arms. He imitated the position in which hed held his baby brother. Close your eyes, Joe.. It's clear that the 15 year old has been hurt in many ways. Just look at you boy, you cant even defend yourself, youre so frail, and pathetic. That varmint isnt going anywhere., The younger man was clumsy as he strolled across the floor. It was very evident to them that Adam was distant, distraught, tired and dirtyyes he needed a bath. His ribs were still healing as were the other wounds. Joe stopped swinging for a moment as he searched his thoughts for reasons. I love you, brother., Joe? Shocked out of a surprisingly deep sleep, Adam sprung up in his chair. Adam help me. He knew his odds were not in his favor. Adam saw an instant of shock in both the docs and the sheriffs eyes when then they discovered Joes bundled form on the settee. Menu. Lets go get your mother. And then they were gone. . I have one more bandage to change and then Im done.. Maybe Seth decided to come and see me.. Uh, yeah. Deja vu. What the heck happened? Sudden fear came over Adam as he sucked in his breath at the first glimpse of Joes mauled, balled up, bloody body. Hes just a kid brother. It wasnt a fair fight by a long shot. Your Pas here., Im here Joe. Ben became surprised as to how alert his youngest son had suddenly become. Hoss wasnt that old and Ben was struggling himself, so Adam took it upon himself to care for his little brother. We need to keep that fever down., Yes, of course. Hoss, you cant take this personally. He tried to make eye contact but failed. Joe was barely able to slide his injured left arm across his body so he could examine his right side, where he now lay. I shouldnt have had that beer. Adam was now burdened with guilt. I love you. Tears now began to flow freely down both sides of his face as his closed eyes. Heck they had both apologized right? Ben sat on the side of the bed while Hoss chose the large wing back chair by the window. Get some fresh air. He walked over to his chair by the fireplace with his morning coffee and sat down. Fine sir. Puzzled, Adam eyes met Bens and Hosss. It was going to be a long and bumpy road, and this was just the beginning. His mother? What the hell are they talking about? I am now.. Well, he didnt tear anything but Im going to change his bandages. No copyright infringement is intended. As she rose from the rocker she noticed Ben leaning against the wall by Joes bed, I love you so much Marie! He walked over, kissed her and then watched as she gently lay the boy down in his bed. Even now, all these years later, the scene was so vivid every time he played it back in his mind. Up above the world so high, Like a diamond in the sky! Marie softly recited her sons favorite poem as she slowly rocked him in the chair by the open window. What has gotten into me lately? Pro-mise..prom His upper body slumped against Adam chest causing a natural cradling reflex. Felling better?. I promise, well get whoever did this to you and save mama. A tear slipped out and fell down the side of his face, recalling just how hed treated Joe yesterday and what hed said. This story is part 3 of the "Child of the Heart" series. He wanted to tell his father but, it wasnt just fatherly advice he wanted. He was hurt, helpless, angry and now more afraid for his life than ever. The attack, Ben. He stood up, cracked his back and walked over to face Joe. Joe suddenly realized that things were going from bad to worse. He just had to pull himself together for his little brotherfor Little Joe. Deserve to look like.. my mother, and that is when he did this. Joe pointed to his face, he hung his head, and could no longer hold it in. I just dont know, but what I do know is that I made a mistake, a mistake I intend to fixas your brother. A small tear slipped out. He needs me. He was to be her son, not you! He couldnt even remember seeing Adam cry before. Bonanza ~ Joe calls to Hoss before collapsing 11,020 views Dec 17, 2017 82 Dislike Share Save Jessica MacLellan 387 subscribers A clip taken from Season 7: All Ye His Saints. A little. His head hurt. When Doc Martin had entered the house along with the Sheriff and Jimmy, none of them could help but notice the pile of bloody towels that had been abandoned on the blood-stained floor. What is her name?. Cleaning up had been the last thing on Adams mind, and both Charlie and Hank were too focused on looking after both Joe and Adam to bother with the mess left behind. Tug of . Youll be alright Joe I promise nothing will happen to mama, and I promise we will get these no good. Hopefully Pa got the telegraph and will be here soon. Th-ey..gon-natakemy ma-ma buck-board. His breathing was becoming more labored, and just by looking at his clammy face, it was very clear just how much pain he was in, both physically and now emotionally. 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