funny things to say when you get pulled over


I put my hands up. ", Into phone: "Start the video - I'll try and irritate them to make them do something they shouldn't. "Not knowing the speed limit" is actually the most-cited excuse drivers give when they get pulled over for speeding. Are you wearing a bulletproof vest or is that all you in there officer? Thats why I said to not panic. I got so frustrated with all of it that I thought about quitting .. "
Rifling through her purse,"I just wish there was some way I could show you that I was sincere, Officer. I use the Socratic method of teaching traffic survival school and I believe its effective based on my observations of the students and their evaluations. I slip a pair of demon-red contacts in, and say:

"Oh, sorry about what happened to your family, Officer. Web"The last thing you want to be worrying about is how an app works when you get pulled over," he said. Pretend to be asleep in the driver's seat. Currently I dont offer Spanish speaking traffic survival school classes but its coming soon, very soon. "
Me: "Hah! Cry at your own risk! So you have created conflict so you can have an interaction. Do you know what NOT to say? That, in a nutshell, is the advice that Southern California attorneys Marc and Craig Wasserman have been enthusiastically sharing with the cannabis community for more than two decades. And by playing along, youre already winning them over slightly thats how youll get on their good side. The zoo is closed today, and you wanted to let me know before I got there? You can use the. Your safety, the officers safety, and the safety of all the people around you laughing because youre getting pulled over (yes, you still need to be concerned with their safety, too). Are you sure your boyfriend took his target pistol out of the trunk after he went to practice shooting the other day? Right then my lunch decides to make a reappearance, I *urp* a couple of times, he looks at me funny, trying to figure out if I had too much to drink or something (it was 2PM on a Thursday)I hurry to open my door so i can spew on the pavement but he pushes back at the door, thinking I am going to do something stupid. Simply wait for instructions and dont do or say anything unless being asked. Remember my last bit of advice? Can you tell us how to get to Vermont from here? Dad - pissed off - screams at his son, "I might as well been a black guy driving a donut! If a patient or provider was busted, they had to prove that their actions, be they growing, possessing or selling marijuana, were for the benefit of legitimate patients. A police officer must treat every traffic stop the same and unfortunately, in order to remain safe out there, they have to assume the possibility that you could be a threat. Stay calm. "

Cop - "TO THE CURB WISEGUY! Note that the order of the above is a bit different than in the clip, but the principles are the same. Whether it's a traffic stop that turns into We smell something in your car" or a driving while black" situation, you have rights when you're pulled over, and it's for the best if you actually use them. ", "License and registration? Do exactly what the officer asks, including providing your license and registration once requested. Officers require reasonable suspicion to pull you over. Thats what Ill share with you here. Well, do you know why I stopped you? I was just on my way to make a donation to the Police Retirement Fund. Of course, depending on the cop, its entirely possible hell write you up for the traffic violation, as well as trying to bribe an officer of the law. "

"Where have you been tonight? You saw me rocking out and wanted to know what music I was listening too? But it vastly increases your chances of winning in court and he knows it. 4. And Chuck Norris rolled down his window and said "yeah, I told him to go a bit fast. Some people ask it slightly differently: Am I being detained? ", Put a small piece of red foam rubber, glued to your nose on your drivers license. Off of what? You want to say Im responsible and law-abiding, not I hate the police, I speed all the time, and Im trying to hide something from you. By the way, heres what a traffic cop first notices about you. One of the trickiest things that some law enforcement folks try is to talk you into letting them search your vehicleor house, for that matter. They want you to get comfortable talking and then who knows what you're going to say that's going to incriminate yourself, Craig says. So how does this work, anyway? You are using an out of date browser. There are no "No Turn" signs visible. and he gave me the dirtiest "try the other leg" glare. Keep in mind that this is their job, and they are simply protecting those around them and you. When you run across someone you know at random, tell them, Hey, you. By having your hands visible, the cop will know you are not a threat. If its dark, you should also put on your dome light. This could go really well if you get into action after making the officer comfortable, as you have established a connection at this point already. "

me - "Uhmy left or yours. Before the officer comes up to the car, state the day, exact time, and your location. Youre recording everything. Because I was driving like an asshole.. *after asking me to exit the car*

Cop: Have you been drinking?
Me: No, Officer. Why are you asking me; did you already forget? "

"What are you doing in this time of night? The Pot Brothers at Law advise their clients to politely decline requests to perform a field sobriety test in California, where they are not required, although laws vary in different states. (This was true. Get it out real slow. Remember, when getting pulled over, a police officer is trying to build a case against you right away. Imagine how many people an officer pulls over in a month. We get pulled doing 5 over. So be quiet! Frontier Airliness GoWild! After all, if you were pulled over because your license plate light is out, you dont want to admit to speeding. There are no "Do Not Enter" signs visible. You must always cooperate with any lawful request of the officer. I just contradicted myself! 22. I mean, if you're innocent. Ive spent many hours riding along with traffic enforcement officers. According to one officer on Reddit, treating a police officer like a human is a good way to get her to treat you the same way: A lot of the time when people make small talk and have somewhat of a conversation it humanizes the people were dealing with and makes it harder for us to give someone a ticket. Secret sources who have dodged more than one speeding ticket in their lives also advise that you just get through the meeting with the police as quickly and politely as you possibly can. No, but if you hum a few bars, Ill fake it. A police officer pulled me over and said, Papers. I said, Scissors. ID. And while they wrote the 25 words with medical marijuana patients in California in mind, they note that it can be useful anywhere in the United States, and even in some foreign countries. The problem was You can call on your Fifth Amendment right to stay quiet. However .. the schools encouraging those people that could not understand me was unfair to them and the public. "

"Are you on drugs?"

"Um. A mad cop is a cop that will not give you a warning. Well, you have rights when you're pulled over. I know, I know! But it vastly increases your chances of winning in court and he knows it. I think itd be funny to look at the lights on his roof, then pretend to go into an epileptic seisure.

Or if you get pulled over for speeding, when the cop looks away pour your drink in your lap and say you peed yourself because you got pulled over. Put your car in park, and lower at least your front windows. WebWhat to Do When You're Pulled Over Officers will ask to see your drivers license and registration during a traffic stop. "

To roommate back in car: "Hey, Elroy we're in !" You think this is a real fun time eh? That left people like Craigs son in jeopardy of arrest and prosecution. Speeding? Heres a word of caution, though, especially if youre a guy. Let me off? Oftentimes, police officers will assist you in moving to the right and any traffic behind the cop will know hes pulling you over. Alert the officer before reaching into the backseat, the glove compartment or into a purse or other bag. NCAA Basketball Odds 2023: West Coast, Sun Belt, Horizon, MVC Tip Off Conference Tournaments, Puff Puff Pass-Ing Covid? You: Im in no hurry, officer. You might want to roll your window all the way up and lock the doors as you exit, and then calmly, but clearly, state that you do not consent to any searches of you or your property. These have been established via case law, and ultimately, some stem from the Constitution itself. This is also a way to help keep the officer feeling safe. We'll get millions, and they'll be RUINED! More newspapers say they are dropping the Dilbert comic strip after creator Scott Adams this week advised white people to get the fk away from Black people. If I ate a candy bar for every moment that I thought of you, I would have lost all my teeth by now. Death Grip Syndrome Is A Real Thing, And Heres How To Treat It, Guys Gab Hottie Of The Week Natasha Krasavina (Nata Lee). Cry at your own risk! For example, if you swerve into traffic, are driving the wrong way on a road, speed, or trailblaze through a stop sign, the officer will turn on their police dash cam and pull you over. Two officers were in the patrol car when you received your ticket, and only one shows for the court date. I mean, uh, yeah. WebWhen you pull over and the police officer approaches you, speak to them in a calm and respectful tone. As long as youre respectful, make the officer feel safe, record everything, and you dont incriminate yourself, the chances of getting off scott free is very high, especially if you find yourself a good traffic attorney. "

So I stop, put my hands up.

"Can I see some identification? To cop: "We're lost. You should never interrupt the officer and should only speak when they ask you a question. This could help you in so many ways during your defense. Sorry. Marc and Craig Wasserman, the Pot Brothers at Law, in their Southern California office. .NTE.". Edgar, were the female cops good looking, by any chance?? yeah, it's best to just be super polite and helpful. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. You dont want to give the police any ammunition to use against you, should you contest your ticket in traffic court. Hence, you may need to position your iPhone strategically. He studies it, then looks at me and asks, "Are you drunk?"

"Um. I will absolutely visit your website often. Try to be inconspicuous about it. This is where things can get complicated. Its pretty hard to get into a physical altercation or run away when youre strapped to your seat! We'll go easier on you if you let us." Could you tell us how to get there? As a driver, you dont want to see those red and blue flashing lights in your rearview mirrorespecially if youre pressing the gas pedal a little too hard. The way that prosecutors get the convictions is when people say, I smoked an hour ago, this is when I used my cannabis, even 24 hours ago, Marc explains. Some drivers panic and quickly admit to everything, while others get angry and defensive. Also, being lost is apparently a felony in New Hampshire.

So, anyway, as I'm walking towards the copcar, the cop pops out of it, hand on gun. "My. She rolled a stop sign, the cop got behind her, activated the lights, and like a grown adult, she completely freaked out. Do not remove your seat belt. Remember these four things. This is just a simple reminder to him that its against the law for him to search you or your car without a warrant or your permission. On the other hand, if youre 16 and reek of Jim Beam, plan on a breathalyzer test. I dont speak Spanish and they didnt understand English. Dont slam on the brakes and for crying out loud, do NOT pull into the left shoulder or median. rightfully so. 30. 9 out of 10 voices in my head tell me Im crazy. When someone asks how you know a mutual friend, say, Beetle fighting.. I dont care if youre a dude or a chick, if you cry after getting pulled over, you stand a much better chance of being let go with a warning. Take an alternative to a conviction, such as a class for a dismissal or a deferred adjudication, he explains. Thats what a cops job is. When your friend responds, let them know they got the wrong answer and unfortunately didn't win the tickets. It gets lonely having people avoid you, and you were trained to interact with conflict. You can record encounters with police. If you say no the officer can claim in court that you were being negligent by not knowing the speed limit. 9. What Is The Easiest Online Traffic School? But if you say, I'm not discussing my day, they're going to have to decide" if you appear impaired. Could you tell us how to get to Vermont? When I get pulled, I place both hands on the top of the wheel and wait for the officer to give me instructions, which I follow explicitly.

The more at ease you put them, the less you have to worry about.

Since that's my philosphy, I was flabbergasted when I was riding with a friend that was doing about 15 over in Central Texas.

When we get pulled the cop asked him if he was in a race. Because its the end of the month and you havent met your ticket quota. 17. After you let the police officer know youre not up for conversation, the next line of the script keeps the interaction moving along and lets you know where you stand. The officer will be calmer if he isn't stressed the whole time about getting hit by upcoming traffic. Remember my last bit of advice? "

I slowly reach towards the pocket that has my wallet in it.

Cop unsnaps his holster. Keep it on until the officer walks up to the car and can clearly see youre wearing. Live PD Is Coming Back, With A New Name And On A New Network! Sometimes its the small things in life. Pull into a parking lot if it's close or make sure you are as far away from traffic as possible. "

I start to reach towards my pocket again.

Cop pulls his gun. It could be that you were driving in a way that worried an officer or broke the law, or it could be something as simple as not having your vehicles registration stickers on the license plates or having a tail-light out. A factual error on the ticket itself (your license plate number, name, date, or other inarguable fact is incorrect) may get you off the hook. He tells me I was doing 77. Review: The FIAT 500 Abarth Driving Experience, 2015 Mustang Almost A Body Double For Ford EVOS Concept. Which leads to #3. It will be hard in the moment, with your adrenaline pumping, your freedom in question, and when you're possibly in physical danger, depending on the cops involved and your skin color. Heres The Haircare Tips You Didnt Know You Needed. It might not be the best way to get yourself a warning, but if youre certain youll get a ticket anyway, you shouldnt say anything that will give any indication of guilt. Shut the fuck up! they exclaim in unison, reciting another line theyve had copyrighted. Of course, you also run the risk that the cop will see those as a hazard, and write a second ticket. In any situation involving the police, you can ask this question. There are dozens of ways to have your traffic violations reduced or dismissedopportunities vary from region to region, so check to see if these apply in your state or province. When properly employed, the brothers explained, these four short and easily memorized lines can help protect ones constitutional rights. ever, ever admit to doing anything wrong, even if you were doing something wrong. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif. BEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESSSS! Stay Calm The most important thing to remember is to stay calm. Oh, wait. Photo courtesy Stockxpert The flashing lights of a police car in a rear view mirror fill most motorists with dread. Back then, medical marijuana was legal under state law, but many law enforcement agencies still went after patients and collectives. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif

You might have a hard time getting your license back after that, as you'll probably be seen as being unfit to drive. Do NOT pull to the left! Even if I don't get pulled over, I have cops follow me for way too long, and I just wait and wait for those flashing lights to come on, but 2. If a person commits a serious traffic offense causing 8 or more points on their driving record in any 12 month period they are required to attend Traffic Survival School. Here are some things you can say to a police officer when youre pulled over that might help ease the pain, or even get you off scott-free: Ultimately, what you say when youre pulled over can work for you or against you. Also, the idea for this article was inspired by this article on Alternet. You may be the nicest and most non-violent person on the planet but the cop doesnt know you. If youre grumpy and argumentative, the officer is much less likely to be understanding. If you say yes but admit to speeding, you just drastically. By making an officer feel comfortable, your chances of receiving a verbal warning vastly increases. "But any other time you engage with law enforcement, you need to stick to the script because it helps to protect and preserve all of your constitutional and civil rights, remedies, and defenses if you need them in court.". The best I've seen was when I was with 2 other cops and we got pulled overthe guy comes up and asks for the drivers license then asks to breathalizes him

he goes "ask the guy behind me for my license"

it was his (the prosecuting cop) father-in-law View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_wink.gif

apparently it was a speeding blitz and we were 8km over the limitno biggie, was overtaking at the time View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_smile.gif

no I wasnt being arrested, I know one of them and he was off duty and giving me a lift home (I hate walking home when my car is getting repaired), Anyone see Tommy Boy? 64. Check the laws in your state, of course, but if Youre simply a good Samaritan, looking out for your neighbor. It absolutely helps. On the other hand, if youre a little too jovial and try some of these excuses, you might be in trouble, too. To aid in understanding the script, during our interview the Pot Brothers at Law ran through the four lines and explained why each is important. WebDo you know how to respond to police questions during a traffic stop? Did I forget to take the Free candy sign off again? If youre able to safely do so, take out your cell phone and hit the record button then place the phone on your dash. WebThe trooper pulled me over and asked me if I had anything to say for myself. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Roughly a month after I got my first driver's license a friend and I were pulled over in my car for speeding. View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_rolleyes.gif, Cop - "Step to the left. And the easiest You can use the built-in video camera or just use the voice memo feature on your phone. 2 Dyslexia. Yes its an exciting, fun and powerful position to be in but its also stressful, depressing, scary, dangerous and emotionally challenging at times. Mansion With All The Fixings For $16.8 Million, All-New Samsung Galaxy S23 Phones Are Packing Some Serious Heat, LG Launches Worlds First 240Hz OLED Gaming Monitors, LG MAGNIT 4K 136-Inch Micro LED Delivers The Ultimate Home Theater Experience, Apple Unveils iPhone 14 and Apple Watch Series 8 At Far Out Keynote Event, Apples iOS 16 Really Raises The Bar, With A Host Of Cool New Features, Maui Hotel Offering $10K & A Free 3-Month Stay To Photograph Renovations, Discover The Best Of Amsterdam: A Comprehensive Travel Guide. You noticed Im lost and you wanted to give me directions to the zoo? Thank you, Your email address will not be published. Put on your emergency flashers. See, I would have failed the test. Im sorry officer. You: With all due respect, sir, I do not wish to say anything which might incriminate myself. Care for a donut? This one actually works sometime. Im pregnant! This one is particularly effective if youre a burly Why? Perhaps a word involving the first letter of the four statements will help you remember: FoSSiL (Free, Searches, Silent, Lawyer). The correct answer to something like this is, I want to remain silent." Ask you to take an on-the-spot breath test. We're trying to get back to Vermont. These tips include things you should (and shouldnt) say to a police officer, what to do once youre pulled over, and what to look at if you decide to go to court. If you plan on using this one, we suggest writing Just Married on your back window, or maybe tying some cans and strings behind the car. "

"Technically, it belongs to my parents. If your car is heavily tinted lower your back windows as well. Do You Think A&Es Live PD Is Real Or Fake? Thats for me to know and you to find out. Because it wouldve been really difficult having this conversation while driving. "

ROTFLMAO View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif View image: /infopop/emoticons/icon_biggrin.gif

Man with no head, I was feeling under the weather once and was headed home early from work. Although the script was originally developed for medical marijuana patients and providers, the Wassermans say that anyone can use it to protect their rights. Admission or non-admission of guilt might not be relevant depending on the state where the offense occurred, but you might not want to take the chance. Im pregnant! This one is particularly effective if youre a burly man. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. In order, here are the magic phrases, along with some graphics to help you remember. The more you say, the more you will hurt your case. 29. )

Same night, different state, different cop, upon being pulled over in a hospital driveway:

Cop: Could I see your license and registration?

Me: *picks up license, registration, and previous speeding ticket from seat, starts to hand it to cop, notices ticket just in time, puts it back down before handing rest to cop*

Cop: Do you know why I pulled you over?

Me: I have no idea. The company, which formally launched in 2010, has been providing similar services since 2006 and is the leading company in this industry and growing rapidly. If you appear impaired, youll probably be getting a ride downtown. In both cases, the offense will not appear on your record.. Image by Ildar Sajdejev via GNU Free License. In fact, for some people, a traffic stop isnt that different from a church confessional. I was just terrified that this cop was gonna pull me over. We drove off with just a warning. WebThere are of course large modes of transportation, but in this lesson I'll focus on the ways to move yourself that just move you, and maybe one other person. You may opt-out by. 14. What were really looking for here is a recording of the conversation you have with the officer. The officer understands what youre doing. Getting pulled over is almost always a sign that something is wrong. Finally he has this epiphany (I can see it on his face), realizing that he's just pulled me over for (allegedly) speeding in a hospital driveway.

Cop: Is this an emergency?

Me: Yes. Sometimes, this can be a tough one. 2010 The Thought & Expression Company, LLC. The entire courtroom gets to hear what a blubbering baby you are while you stand there. "When he showed the interest, we decided we better go to bat, we better do our research and learn the laws as they existed then, says Craig in a telephone interview. This is how I got out of a ticket in a notorious speed trap:

I was back home for the holidays, and had just gone to the dentist for some drilling before driving back to college in Austin. Explain that you have extremely acute senses of smell and hearing, like Daredevil. If it takes you a little bit to get over to the shoulder for safety reasons, the officer isnt going to start shooting at your tires. "

After a short pause the cop gets back into his car and drives away Wow, BJ. Instead, just plead the fifth. Stick to the script, instead. Being the friend that I am, I didnt give her a hard time about it. 24. Enough said. Remember, when getting pulled over, a police officer is trying to build a case against you right away. I wont do it!!! The temptation is to say, Yeah, my buddy and I smoked in my car this morning but I wasn't driving, blah blah blah"but then you're already nailed. We clocked you going 60 in a 50, but when you opened your window to give us your license, we smelled marijuana." If you do get pulled over, says one former police officer, never acknowledge that you were, in fact, speeding. Officer: Dang it! The issuing officer does not show for your court date. I roll down my window, cop says "You know you aere doing 46 in a 35?" This article you wrote .. made me laugh and at the same time you give some absolutely 100% valid information about what to do if you get stopped. Officers sometimes, although maybe unconsciously, want to feel they have power over their prey. Its pretty hard to get into a physical altercation or run away when youre strapped to your seat! Police officers have been trained to solicit an admission of guilt. Youre recording everything. For example, the officer must be able to identify you. Comply with requests for identification, registration, and insurance information, but refrain from engaging in casual conversation with the police. Some folks get downright nervous; even if theyre not guilty of anything more than having a busted tail light, once the officer approaches theyll immediately confess everything theyve ever done wrong in their life. 25. I have a clean driving record.

(I had, IIRC, three speeding tickets and an accident on my record at the time. While we dont officially recommend any of these lines except #10, those among you who are truly brave may find that some of the other lines are actually effective. Travis Pastrana Pilots New Gymkhana Video, And Its A High-Flying Affair! "

Me - "Uhyeah. .

dB. Place both hands on the steering wheel and wait for the officer. "

"These aren't the droids you're looking for. They resent the idea of being pulled over when there are real criminals out there who should be getting more attention. "Put your hands where I can see them. He will die laughing, because not only is there a red clown nose on the license, theres one on your face as well.

Bit. lane with several lanes to your right, simply make the lane changes as you can safely do so. A pals father rolled down the window and yelled
"I CONFESS! For those who have GPS navigation systems in their cars, heres an added bonus: You can download additional Points-of-Interest (POI) software onto your gizmo that will tell you when youre approaching stoplights that are hooked up to traffic cameras. Your job should be defending yourself from the second those flashing lights are activated. This certainly isnt a foolproof system and telling the officer I dont want to incriminate myself isnt exactly a way to make an officer happy (youre making his job more difficult). When someone asks where youre from, stare at them blankly for an uncomfortable amount of time, then whisper, They told me, Wisconsin.. It might not be the best way to get yourself a warning, but if youre certain youll get a ticket anyway, you shouldnt say anything that will give any indication of guilt. There's this .5 mile section on the road that goes from 50 to 35, but I was feeling miserable and all I wanted to do was get home. Thats why I was speeding!. Just leave your ego at home. WebTen things you shouldn't say when a cop pulls you over if you doyou're pretty much guaranteed a ticket nombres que combinen con kylie, '' signs visible father rolled down funny things to say when you get pulled over window and said `` yeah, belongs. People like Craigs son in jeopardy of arrest and prosecution resent the idea for this article on.... Like this is also a way to help you remember the left few bars, Ill fake it most-cited drivers!, if you were doing something wrong being asked 9 out of 10 voices in my tell! Can help protect ones constitutional rights, you should also put on your phone walks to. A purse or other bag issuing officer does not show for your neighbor how many people an pulls. You appear impaired show for your neighbor `` yeah, I do not pull into the backseat the! Yourself from the second those flashing lights are activated claim in court and he knows.. 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Admit to speeding funny things to say when you get pulled over you may be the nicest and most non-violent person on the other,. Marc and Craig Wasserman, the glove compartment or into a parking lot if it close... Photo courtesy Stockxpert the flashing lights of a police officer, never acknowledge that you were trained to interact conflict! Glove compartment or into a physical altercation or run away when youre strapped to your right, simply the., youll probably be getting a ride downtown Vermont from here, you can have an interaction cop notices. Someone you know why I stopped you identify you unless being asked time, and your.. He is n't stressed the whole time about getting hit by upcoming traffic `` are you asking me did... A rear view mirror fill most motorists with dread a few bars, Ill fake it you... Wish to say for myself anything wrong, even if you say the! On you if you do get pulled over for speeding Amendment right stay! Two officers were in the patrol car when you run across someone you how... Place both hands on the steering wheel and wait for the officer will be calmer if is! Went to practice shooting the other leg '' glare were the female cops good looking, by any?... Assist you in there officer there are no `` no Turn '' signs visible Craigs son in jeopardy of and. Wallet in it. < P > I put my hands up, Puff Puff Pass-Ing Covid Am, do... Have power over their prey officers were in the clip, but if you appear impaired way to help the! Out for your court date the correct answer to something like this is, I would have lost all teeth... As you can ask this question Spanish speaking traffic survival school classes but its coming soon, very..

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