regulus in 6th house

Rising 03Cap44. Ive never really thought of Aquarius as open-minded and flexible or perhaps thats due to the individual Aquarians that I know. Charles/Camila Davison; Royals Also Justin Timberlake, Uma Thurman, Robbie Williams, Avril Lavigne, Morrissey, Siouxie Sioux, Natalie Cole, Mystic Meg, Stephen Fry, Agatha Christie, Henry Ford (See Mars). [1]. (Jupiter on Regulus in 2011) I too has a handicapping neck issue and surgery all beginning in 2011. Regulus became a Death Eater . The Sixth House is ruled by Virgo and the planet Mercury. 2016 Update: Well well, here may be the next president! Regulus Ingress Virgo, age harmonic chart. 14th Dalai Lama;As a buddhist monk hedoesnt have to worry abouttrouble through love affairsand he is quoted as suggesting that the woes of the world, and the need to promote a more altruistic society mean that we might be entering the age of the woman'. I think transformation is meant to interrupt the flow of life and keep us in a state of constantly being awake and aware of everything going on around us so we can wake up to the next level of ourselves. If with Sun, Moon or Jupiter, great honor and ample fortune. [4]. Ive also heard that they get along great with groups of people, but individual relationships are challenging for them. :D) Where do you have REGULUS in your natal chart? Bob Geldof; Famous fundraiser. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Sun conjunct Mars conjunct Regulus (030 orb): This does create quite a problem. Cynthia Payne; (57). the truth of this chart meets a subaltern Sedna. Other times a designer will need . Mother to the future King of England - NNode/Regulus, Rescue of Alexander of Selkirk (the real "Robinson Crusoe"), Feb 2 1709 - Pluto/Regulus, Oct 28th 1998 A granite sphinx with the head of Ptolemy XII, Cleopatra's father emerged from the waters of Alexandria harbor after 1,600 years under water - NNode occulting/Regulus, Order of the Legion of Honor created, May 19th 1802 - Jupiter/Regulus, Mar 25th 1957, the Treaty of Rome established the European Economic Community. What if anything would that portend? He will be able to gain the person as his sweet heart. Its also interesting that you mention that 4 royal stars are now in mutable signs. A hierophant, political leader. The meaning for code 588 that I like best equates the 5 with freedom, change, evolution, mobility; 8 with power, ambition, balance, realisation (this came from, quite an interesting website). As human beings, we naturally have shortcomings. An old saying goes that Regulus in the 10th house makes astrologers to kings. You have now witnessed an amazing feat. For the first 588 years its in the 12 house, before contacting the Ascendant. Often clients will insist that interior design contractors use the products already present in the house. One will be very sensuous. The traditional name Aldebaran is from the Arabic word (al-dabarn) which means the follower (of the Pleiades ). The sixth house is traditionally associated with the zodiac sign Virgo and its ruling planet, Mercury. Regulus in Virgo - 2011 ACE - 4171 ACE. I suppose that could be about service too. In no way do I think you are a delusional nut! This placement could mean you actually thrive as a leader the world of wellness, but you might be a little out of touch with your needs and emotions. I think this is a huge deal for humanity, but I know you dont put a ton of focus into the Zodiac. Daniel Radcliffe;Actor famous for playing Harry Potter. Also having my Ascendant in the same sign and close to the same degree as that chart. Regulus is in my Xth house conjunct my IVth ruler Uranus and square my natal Sun. So, since 29 November 2011, all four of the Watchers are now in mutable signs. Margaret Thatcher; (09) A superb example, and she of course suffered her famous Regulus downfall in 1990 when was hounded out of her office by the men in suits. Didnt know I could be such a BITCH maybe not even in a good way. Prosperity from youth and in own city. Now we know him better, all the Regulus traits are there, good and bad. It is the third largest asteroid, located in the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. My significant other has his Sun on Regulus. We promote fair and open access to career opportunities without discrimination because of race, color, religion, age, gender, sex, sexual orientation, gender identity, national origin . Occult interests, powerful friends, danger from enemies and false friends, gain by speculation, public prominence, great power, honor, wealth, benefits seldom last, violence, trouble and sickness. Is it still conjunction?? Happy Birthday! Without a strong sovereignty, service-to-others can becomeco-dependancy and doormat syndrome! He was a member of the noble House of Black, an old wizarding family which probably started around the Middle Ages. Its image is a lion, cat, or an honorable person seated in a chair. It may not display this or other websites correctly. 2nd chart of the Trinity. Ha! I really didn't start my writing career until I turned 45. If at the same time, the Sun is with the Dragons Head in Gemini, or Jupiter is in the 10th house in trine to Mars and the Sun is with the Dragons Head, great preferment even from the lowest sphere to high rank. Finger of God yod, Moon-Pluto conj apex, an intuition of being manipulated. an inventory of sorts surrounding November 29, The Chinese spacecraft launch, journey, and docking to the spacestation The Aquarians Ive known were well-liked and easy to talk to, but Ive never known any that were unconventional. Elton John;By royal appointment. Aquarius symbolizes freedom, friendship, eccentricity, involvement in social issues. I am a pretty spiritual person. V/r LionKing. It can be helpful, especially if you are looking for new ideas. Mikail Gorbachev has Mercury Conjunct Regulus. That your transformation is part of your contract and that astrology is part of the details of that contract. I really enjoy talking to them! Potential oops. The 6th House represents physical health, routines, day-to-day life and work. But unfavorable for funerals and weddings. [3]. The ancient Greek mythological saga of Psyche has . Mercury rules children. Richard Branson; Founder of the multi-platform business Virgin which is appropriately named now that Regulus has moved into Virgo. Freddy Mercury; How Regulus can you get!? People like this can reach high positions, positions of trust, preferment and favors; fortunes. They are always in a position of authority, and they demand total recognition for their achievements and abilities. Regulus, Alpha Leonis ( Leo), is a multiple star system located in the constellation Leo. This gives you the energy to go out into the cold cruel world. Fixed star Regulus is of the nature of Mars and Jupiter (great pride, grandly liberal, commanding, cosmopolitan views.) Fixed Stars and Judicial Astrology, George Noonan, 1990, p.43. Ascendant conjunct Regulus: Military honor and preferment. In 1915, during WWI, he funded a peace ship to Europe, but by WWII he went back on his principles and his company was used to arm the war. It portends glory, riches, and power to all who are born under its influence. This is the house of work and health and is the sixth of the twelve houses of the zodiac. When Regulus shifted into Virgo in 2012 my entire game in life shifted to my side as a collective shaman, I took the beatings so to speak up to that point in my life to pay off my karma this lifetime. [1], According to Anonymous of 379 AD, Regulus is like Jupiter and Mars (high ambition, pride, love of power, grandeur of view, If rising, military honors. Ive heard it said about them, that they love humanity, but that sometimes individual human beings leave them cold. Mundane Astrology. Regulus was one of the fifteen Behenian Fixed Stars, associated with granite,mugwort,celandine, mastic and the kabbalistic symbol . Or Mussolinis. Donald Trump; His net worth is $4 Billion and in 2013 he spent $1 million to research his possible candidacy for the President of the USA. Im 42, single, poor, isolated, in bad health and seriously questioning any of these so called royal or the behenian fixed stars having any beneficence or power to override a crap chart at all. His Regulus Venusalso connects to his late Grandmother Diana with her Mars on Regulus. Ford reigned supreme until he reversed his original anti-war stance. It's a boost, not to your ego and self-expression like the first house, but to your sense of feeling right in the world. Mercury conjunct Regulus: Honorable, just, popular, generosity abused by opponents, fame, gain through high position. Your astrological chart can tell you about the many ways in which you agreed to present the information to us, for example prominent Scorpionic features for depth and with Mercury in Virgo for precision and details. My thoughts came from developing a deeper understanding of astrology and from my intuition. From arrogant hints the Dark Lord had dropped, Regulus figured out what the locket was - an evil Horcrux. I strongly believe in the spirit world and believe that when we experience something that cannot be fully explained we should pay attention to it. 10 years old. and. I remember that year well because I lost my sex drive and definitely felt less masculine. for the first 588 years Virgo in the 12 house, before contacting (precessing to) the Ascendant. From several years ago, the Axial Age chart still resides in my astrology data base: May 8, 577 BCE. This is said because Regulus is one of the brightest stars in our sky, as well as laying on the ecliptic. Power, authority, great influence over friends, honor and riches, but violence, trouble and ultimate disgrace and ruin, sickness, fevers, benefits seldom last. [4]. Interesting. Cheiro; Shows the ability of Regulus to prophecy and the occult interests of this placement. Honorable, just, popular, generosity, abused by opponents, fame, gain through high position [4]. When Jupiter, the planet of gifts and growth, is found in your 6th House, it gives you a heightened sense of humor, an optimistic outlook on life, and a loving family. It makes the wearer temperate, gives favor and appeases wrath. Mother Theresa; Too holy to be disgraced.. A pre Regulus/Virgo figure. with AGENT 12 - JULIJA SIMAS. Or Stalins. Sun, Mercury & Venus : Once a month. Regulus Great Mother Virgo Ingress, November 29, 2011, 23:22 UTC Terence McKenna; Again occult interests in his mushroom inspired metaphysical lectures. We have both learned lessons in humility (and service) since 2011, particularly in my case. than it conj. Ive been called often worshipped as unusual all my life; but my life certainly has been unusual in that fate has somehow deprived me not only of what should have been mine, but even of the most common experiences. I have regulus in my 7th house conjunct my vertex (which is also in 7th house) at a 4 degree orbit so not sure if this conjunction counts. He attended Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house. The planets and signs that are placed in this cadent house on the birthchart influence activities of day to day life and govern daily routines, services, health and habits. With moon (part of a stellium with venus and pluto) in the 6th exactly squaring the midheaven. One may suffer mourning. If culminating, martial eminence, success in trade and occupations of a Mars nature. - Neptune /Regulus, Marie Antoinette guillotined, Oct 16th 1793 - Uranus/Regulus, May 5th 1980, Marshal Josip Broz Tito, president of Yugoslavia, died three days before his 88th birthday. Regulushas its negative side. Reference posts May 29 and 31, 2021. [5]. Do you see how we use symmetry in calculating several Interregnums, past, present and future? Helen Mirren; British Actress usually plays strong, regal female leads. They are known as a fixed sign, but Ive also seen them described as humanitarian, open-minded, flexible and unconventional. Regulus is still in my 9th house, and my sig other still has it in house 6 (the Virgo house coming home in 2011?)! Regulus ingress Virgo, 2nd chart of the Trinity. (Image credit: Starry Night . I have Sun conjunct Regulus. It gives violence, destructiveness, military honor of short duration, with ultimate failure, imprisonment, violent death Bernadette Brady associates Regulus with downfall. They are more of a higher frequency of 2 and 4 and serve in more a spiritual way than a practical way. I wonder why? I suppose the fact that its right on the ecliptic, or perhaps its due to Proclus, that this was said. Bill Clinton; disgraced by the notorious Monica Lewinsky affair. Your 9th House details the ways in which you expand your mind. my DC. People with Jupiter in the sixth house often have rules or . Fixed star Aldebaran, Alpha Tauri, is a 0.9 magnitude giant orange star in the Left Eye of the Bull, Taurus Constellation. Other star seed type commentators describe a switch from service-to-self (Leo) towards service-to-others. Answer (1 of 9): 6th house represents debts, diseases, weapons, thefts, enemies, wounds or injuries, evil deeds, sins, fears or phobias, slavery etc When Saturn aspects 6th house, he will sure to impact diseases and debts to a greater extent. Regulus, in Leo, ranks as a 1st-magnitude star, that is, one of our sky's brightest stars. Woody Allen; A good example of the downfall aspect of Regulus. Thank you. Nights on the town, days lounging on the beach, and romantic holidays are all fifth house activities. Having Regulus in a tight conjunction with Sun, Mercury and Venus in the 1st house might mean stepping into my own power in some way. Vulso was then recalled, leaving Regulus to finish the war. Char, I see a heavenly screed coming with Regulus. Surprised about the position of Mars The importance of this star is accentuated by its nearness to the ecliptic. Regulus is actually a quadruple-star system composed of four stars that are organized into two pairs. Pluto conjunct Regulus: Makes activists concerning human rights and suspicion about what big government and corporations are hiding, interested in conspiracy theories. Audrey Hepburn 013, William S. Burroughs 118, Don King 203. Here's a quick approximation of how often each planet goes into the 29 th degree & then goes on to change signs. Both are numbers of service in numerology. In the latter year (during the First Punic War, 264-241) he and his colleague Lucius Manlius Vulso defeated the Carthaginian fleet off Mount Ecnomus, in southeast Sicily, and landed an army in Africa. Regretting having washed her bloodstained face and hands, she stated I want them to see what they have done to Jack [2] Of course the woman was an icon, more poised and regal then most real life royals and exuded bravery and loyalty. Honor, preferment, good fortune, high office under Government, military success. Do tell. Elton has sold over 250 million records which ranks him as one of the most successful singer-songwriters of all time and received an knighthood for services to music and charity. Bill Gates 052 (and Jupiter), Bill Maher 112 (and Jupiter), Sid Vicious 118, Nancy Spungen 138, Ellen DeGeneres 225, If with a malefic and the Moon with Antares, Praesepe or the Pleiades: blindness or injuries to the eyes. I did some research and found that Regulus moved into Virgo on 11/29/2011 and will stay there for over 2,000 years. Hey My love life ended at 30 too. She inspired two films about her life, one of which alluded to the fact that she got away with a mere 4 month prison sentence because a few of the judiciary had been entertained by her ladies at some point. Dealing with difficult people is a drag, choose your best friends carefully. Regulus is pure divine-masculine energy, which these days isoften portrayed in Hollywood at its lowest, crudest vibration. In Babylonian, it was Sharru, the King, and LUGAL, the star that stands in the breast of the Lion: the King.. Leo the Lion's brightest star is Regulus, the Lion's Heart. Juctorul are opiunea de a renuna n acest moment, deoarece presiunea este ridicat i. 11 is strongly represented in all of my life. [1], 030 orb: This is one who takes command and gives orders. Jacqueline Kennedy Onassis 003 (and Neptune), Charles Ponzi 038, Clint Eastwood 053 (and Neptune), Mata Hari 108, Bernadette Brady 117, Marquis de Sade 205, Jim Carrey 214, Liam Payne 216. I think it depends on each individual natal chart. Lilith in 1st House When Lilith is located in the 1st house of a natal chart, she is strongly connected to one's physical self, both the body and the mind. Great honor and wealth, but violence and trouble, sickness, fevers, acute disease, benefits seldom last, favor of the great, victory over enemies and scandal. In Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince, Professor Slughorn, upon his first meeting with Harry inside the house Slughorn is occupying in the village of Budleigh Badderton, shows Harry a picture of himself sitting with several former Slytherin Quidditch players.Slughorn specifically points out Regulus Black to Harry. With garden. Mercury is Rowlingschart ruler and of course also rules children and writing. On the MC it is not only a good omen for a military career, but also for careers connected with the public, such as lawyers, civil servants, bankers and the clergy, especially if Regulus is also in conjunction with the Sun or Moon or with a benefic stellar body. Mary Shelley; Creator of Frankenstein which reflects the beastly side of Regulus. The basic keywords I use for this house are "work" and "health.". I have Jupiter/Mars at 0/2 degrees Virgo (Tropical) respectively, and in September 2011, I decided to transition gender from male to female. Tito had kept Yugoslavia together, after his death, the country became divided due to racial violence. [1], A splendid and illustrious life; great, distinguished and opulent nature. She stood for parliament as a candidate for the Payne & Pleasure party. Although Jamie doesnt particularly mention it, Regulus is sometimes considered to be the most royal of the four royal stars or Watchers, even though it is not the brightest of them. Jimmy Page; Rock singer with wild blond mane. I would guess that anyone having planets in Virgo in any house will be affected by Regulus move into Virgo. The object or person associated with this house finds favor. Your comments have helped, thank you again. Illustrious generals, who subjugate regions and cities and peoples, govern, are inclined to act, are submissive, speak frankly, have a taste for fighting, and carry out their purposes. My life, taken as a whole, has been a bit frantic and strange. You have both given me much food for thought, and I thank you for that! Dorothy Parker; Writer who was a notorious drinker and known for her wild behaviour. Princess Margaret; Was often a disgrace to the rest of the royal family with her smokin, drinking and unwise choice of playboy partners. A Ninevite tablet, according to R.A. Allen, states: If the star of the great lion is gloomy, the heart of the people will not rejoice. [4], Regulus rules two inches below the top of the kidneys. (Also Venus.) The Noble and Most Ancient House of Black; House Rivalry; Regulus Black Deserves Better; POV Regulus Black; Bisexual James Potter; Gay Regulus Black; Marauders Era (Harry Potter) . Psyche encompasses the soul, the mind, and the self. This is graphically demonstratedwith Jackie, for afterJohn Kennedy was shot, she refused to remove her bloodstain pink Chanel suit. Looking at the Regulus chart with March 18 transiits. Neptune has more likely dissolved some of our masculinity. Hi Jaime, I too have Rahu conjunct Mars & Jupiter. Thats interesting. Its chief concern, however, is to elucidate the conditions surrounding the work or duty involved and the reaction where co-workers, employers or employees are . The Sixth House is commonly referred to as the House of Health. Keith Moon; The greatest rock and roll drummer burnt out with a drugs overdose at 33. Henry Ford 000, Imelda Marcos 020 (and Neptune), James VI and I 040, Antonio Salieri 137, Caitlyn Jenner 140, David Cameron 151, Ronaldinho 200 (and North Node), Donald Trump 218, Princess Diana of Wales 221, Ariana Grande 225. Regulus was so called by Polish astronomer Copernicus (1473-1543), as a diminutive of the earlier Rex, equivalent to the (Greek). theres Lilith again. Riches and power could fall to these natives easily. If culminating, high ecclesiastical honor, martial preferment, prosperity in business.) Proclus (412-485) called Regulus the Royal Star and asserted that those born under it have a royal-like nativity. When you follow the dreamer languages of her (image, art, ancient art, weaving the goddesses together in many culutres), one sees that virgo was the earthly foundation of heaven, or mandate of heaven as the daoist call it but without mens gifts of power and war. Dolly Parton; Queen of country with a huge mane of gold hair and flamboyant clothes. The difference is that the 9s service is more on a universal level, more about going out into the world and helping humanity. Total area 116 m 3 bedrooms 2 bathrooms. Astrologers are saying that Jupiter and Saturns move into Aquarius will cause people to be more open-minded and flexible, which is also a trait of the mutable signs. Page ; Rock singer with wild blond mane I turned 45 too has handicapping. Of astrology and from my intuition would guess that anyone having planets in Virgo - 2011 -. The mind, and power to all who are born under it have a royal-like.! Of Black, an old wizarding family which probably started around the Middle.. That contract [ 1 ], a splendid and illustrious life ; great, distinguished and opulent.. House of health was then recalled, leaving Regulus to finish the war system located in the Leo... The Middle Ages School of Witchcraft and Wizardry in 1972 and was sorted into the Slytherin house BITCH. 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