how to remove nanobots from body

While the government argues it is interested in neutralizing terrorists who act on their religious fanaticism, one of the more important goals of those behind the global vaccination program is to stop the spiritual evolution of mankind through stunting the expression of the God gene. Spiritual practices such as these will also draw more light into the body, which will naturally heal damaged DNA and also activate dormant DNA as the vibration of the body is raised. Another way vaccines and PCR tests are being used to suppress the spiritual potential of mankind is through targeting the pineal and pituitary glands. That and herbs grown from our land and medicinal mushrooms from the forest, plus what I'm reading here! There is a parallel and more evil story behind the use of vaccines and the cocktail of harmful ingredients they contain. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths Collodial Silver If you want to take this to the next level, use the technique recommended by Siberian mystic Anastasia for planting and growing food that is uniquely medicinal for your biological needs. A lot of people are buying my products from this mention in this article. Here are 10 ways to detox from vaccines (including the COVID vaccines) and deactivate vaccine nanotechnology. Bentonite Clay, in water or foot baths 6. In the Bible, for example, Mark 16:18 states They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.. There are different dosages for different age groups, as well as different protocols for different conditions such as long COVID recovery. Eg: Command IPPI off, delete, cancel. 6. Simone, do a little research on the psychological aspects of wearing a mask and YES pretty much every government is out to control you. Apply to the body (especially site of vaccines, and other good areas include C7 vertebrae, forehead, around and behind the ears, vagus artery/nerve, EFT tapping points and along the spine). This makes it particularly effective against nanotechnology, because it is essentially makes the nanobots inert, so they are then able to be flushed out more easily with the likes of boron, zeolite, NAC and MMS. I appreciate your thoughts. The global vaccination program is one of the most advanced spiritual warfare programs against humanity. Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. Future nanobots could deliver medicine directly to the cells that need them. Even if bee pollen had none of its other vital ingredients, its content of rutin alone would justify taking at least a teaspoon daily, if for no other reason than strengthening the capillaries. Youre being scammed. Boron and borax are also very useful in combatting the nanotechnology parasites in Morgellons (for more information listen to this Dana Ashlee video and skip to 23.30, or view this interview with Dr Carrie Madej on the Carnicom Institute website). Your Tax Free Donations Are Appreciated and Help Fund our Volunteer Website and Orphanage. Hippocrates, Father of Western medicine (before it was corrupted by the pharmaceutical industry and those who paved the way for allopathic medicine) repeatedly stressed that the body contains within itself the power to rebalance and heal itself. The opinions, views, statements, and/or information we present are not necessarily promoted, endorsed, espoused, or agreed to by Prepare for Change, its leadership Council, members, those who work with PFC, or those who read its content. These Spanish researchers have found high amounts of nano graphene (carbon nanotube lattices) in the Pfizer vaccine and say that it is the toxic graphene which is causing all the blood clotting and adverse effects, as well as giving people the reported symptoms of COVID and that glutathione or N-acetylcysteine, precursor to glutathione, has been highly effective in treating people labeled as COVID patients (when what they may have been suffering from is just nano graphene poisoning). Aluminum and mercury widely found in all vaccines are also highly toxic to the pineal gland, and all of this has a directly destructive impact on mankinds ability to realize their spiritual potential. Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. There are many ways to stimulate this power and generate more love, and the primary and most effective way to do this is through God. Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. This will shutdown each and everyone of them. Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. Thanks again. Learn more about the nano graphene oxide discoveries here: Shocking News: Spanish Researchers Find 98-99% of Pfizer Vaccine Vial is Comprised of Toxic/Blood-Clotting Nano Graphene OxideAlso Found in Flu-Vaccines & Now Seen to be True Cause of COVID-19, Breaking: Graphene Oxide Nanotubes (Implicated in Blood Clotting) Also Found Now in Astrazeneca Vaccine Vial by Different Spanish Researchers, DETOX AND CLEANSE FROM ALUMINIUM IN VACCINES TO IMPROVE NEURO HEALTH, JULY 6, 2021, The Dimming, A Documentary Film Trailer (Geoengineering Watch Dane Wigington ). The list below offers some suggestions of various natural supplements, modalities, foods, etc, many of which are reasonably priced and that people have found beneficial in helping eliminate heavy metals and toxic substances related to chemtrails. i believe it may be possible to destroy nanobots by using ultrasound waves to decay their molecular structure. When I started the treatment, I immediately noticed the change, very heavy energy coming from their subtle bodies. This is the updated protocol to protect those whove been injected with the quackccine(s) and the same protocol is useful to protect those concerned with the spike protein shedding coming off those whove been injected. To reprogram the nanobots. Apply for 10-15 minutes per session, three times a day. You simply are not doing enough research or seeking the truth. Then I started to cry for that soul because it was something that touched me deeply, a very powerful experience. How can we inform ourselves carefully without getting overwhelmed with fear and trepidation? New nanobots can find their way to inflamed sites in the body. Garlic New nanobots can find their way to inflamed sites in the body. When it comes to a holistic vaccine detox, one of the best recipes is from Medical Medium with the heavy metal detox smoothie, which consists of bananas, wild blueberries, cilantro (coriander), orange juice, barley grass juice powder, spirulina and Atlantic dulse. WebYou just need to use a degaussing magnet . WebSalt baths, use sea salt, Epsom salts the best results I had was using Bicarbonate of Soda 2-3 cups in a hot bath soak your body for 45-60 mins IMPORTANT NOTE: After soaking in the bath, a lot of this stuff will be on the surface of the skin, still attached use a soft brush and and exfoliate the skin thoroughly.. then shower off the residue. What about nose PCR SWABS? Once they are dead , your immune system sees them as little foreign invaders. - YouTube 0:00 / 11:00 How to remove Implants blackgoo Nanobots from your body, How do they get there? When seeking to heal an active problemsuch as trying to get the mRNA lipid nano out or the spike proteins3 cups of tea a day would be ideal; daily use to support could just be 1 cup. Although the nanobots cant be removed, there might be a solution to this problem. after injection) are largely taken up and eliminated by the reticulohistocytic system (RHS). Closing tip: If youre going to be (or if youve just been) vaccinated. However, direct application of electricity to the body is generally more effective in neutralizing nanites. Hi Skye, Thanks for your comment. According to Gods holy will, Amen., If youre able, please pray this prayer out loud and preferably with at least one other person (thereby fulfilling Jesus promise that if two of you agree on earth about anything they ask, it will be done for them by my Father in heaven. My website is To reprogram the nanobots. There are many other benefits to using this protocol, including reducing inflammation, cholesterol, aches and pains, increasing blood oxygen levels and energy, and rejuvenation of lung tissue and vessels. 8. Good luck and God speed. I feel really bad for those who had to take it against their will but I think we need to get creative and now bow down to the powers that should not be. In this category, we offer two products, the traditional C60 product* is made by yours truly and the C60 SuperConcentrate* is made by a carbon scientist friend of mine and contains a higher concentration of electrons. Krill Oil Silica Dhomeopathic 1. It didnt sound like free roaming nanobots. Please leave other detox notes in comments below. Start off slowly (maybe a quarter to a half teaspoon) and see how your body responds. Borax is meant to be taken in small amounts (the FDA maximum dosage is 1/8 teaspoon per 100 pounds of body weight) so take a small pinch of this in the water every morning, with maybe 3-6 glasses per day for an internal nano detox. Suramin is still produced as the drug germanin, and some of the most potent natural sources of suramin include pinon pine hydrosol as well as Siberian cedar nut oil enriched with resin. Supernatural means are usually required to undo this damage, heal your DNA and also assist in the process of spiritual evolution and growth. Liquid chembusting homeopathic 2. Krill Oil 5. Although I haven't nor will ever get the experimental drug for covid, when I was young I recall being vaccinated for something at school and becoming very sick. However with the advent of enhanced function engineered viruses, weather manipulation, food chemicals, and patented human DNA, all that goes right out the window. Youre being scammed. Asha says that if you cant kill them then you can use voice commands to delete their program. Epsom Ive been a vegan for decades and this is unquestionably the absolute best parmesan cheese recipe I have ever found. WebThese Divine Dimensions have technology gifted to them through God to disable and remove nanobots. Magnetic fields can also disrupt the ability of nanites to function properly. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul So the WBCs go to work and start to enclose each one through a process called Phagocytosis. Nanoparticles that are present in the body (i.e. Make sure the zeolite is purified and micronized food-grade, like this zeolite in the US or this one in Australia though there are many good suppliers around the world. If the person is not planning on continuing with the "booster" scam they might recover but I can't say for sure. So if you know someone who has been injected and requires help, please provide them with this protocol. There is just too much we don't know about the long term for me to feel comfortable saying its okay. The soul is no longer able to manage these three bodies, to continue its process of incarnation and evolution, precisely because this contact has been broken.. Tea Tree Oil 1. This will also help raise your pH which is important for overall health. I've done that before copying this link, but I'm not sure if it shows up in English here. Simply mix with good spring water, rainwater or reverse osmosis filtered water. Silica D homeopathic 3. The nanobots are microscopic functioning robots with the ability to walk and withstand harsh environments. Would my husband need the Violet ray treatment??? Other foods high in shikimic acid include fennel, star anise tea, wheatgrass and wheatgrass juice, while superfoods include schizanfra berry, St Johns wort, comfrey leaf, feverfew, gingko biloba leaf, giant hyssop or horsemint many of which are good antioxidants. Apply two zappers one to the inside of each wrist three times a day for 15 minutes at a time for three weeks. Quercetin (500-1000 mg, twice daily) Julian Assanges last words Intelligent Evil Dust, its everywhere in everything,, How to Protect Yourself from Nano Bots. Zeolite is a natural volcanic mineral that has the unique ability to attract, absorb and neutralise heavy metals such as lead, mercury, arsenic, aluminum (thimerosal), cadmium and other pollutants (including radioactive material) all of which cause a range of detrimental side effects. I continued the treatment by sending light to the heart chakra, the soul of the person, but it seemed that the soul could not receive any more light, frequency or energy. Its simply delicious! Much like the electromagnetic pulse (EMP) that knocks out the AI-controlled sentinel robots in the Matrix movie (truth is sometimes stranger than fiction) the right kind of electrotherapy and electromagnetic energy work wonders on magnetic nanotechnology, magnogenetics and other inorganic and organic parasites within the body. It was a very powerful experience for me. Sorry about that. God bless us all ! It is now crystal clear that nano-particles are here in our bodies and our everyday environment. Paida Lajin works by stimulating the bodys meridian system to increase the circulation of natural energy flows (also called ki, chi, prana and many other names throughout the world), which also increases health and vitality and improves the bodys natural ability to heal itself. This video featuring Dr. Judy Mikovits (of Plandemic fame) explains in this video how suramin is an antidote to the pathogenic ingredients in mRNA vaccines (maybe one of the real reasons why the FDA has also made it illegal to use suramin for therapeutic purposes (such as treating vaccine-induced autism) in the United States). There is plenty of information online if you are interested to know about how diet can assist with a vaccine detox, assist the immune system and boost any immune response in the process. Thanks for a really great recipe! Jeff, More Than 150 Easy Favorites to Start Your Day, Gluten and Grain-Free. By Facts Matter with Roman Balmakov, Ramola D Reports/Report #14: Elana Freeland Takeover of Humanity: Transhumanism, Nanotech, 5G, Chem Trails, HAARP. Oil of Oregano I didnt say anything to the person because I didnt know how to say it and if they would have understood. Disclaimer: We at Prepare for Change (PFC) bring you information that is not offered by the mainstream news, and therefore may seem controversial. There are numerous stories from around the world, particularly in cultures that have strong spiritual roots, where vaccines essentially cause spiritual euthanasia. Liquid chembusting homeopathic 2. So, I dont say this to you in a condescending way. However, they are hopefully provocative. Epsom EU REGULATORS AND WHO CALL FOR END TO COVID BOOSTERS STRATEGY FAILS There are also many good nano-sized cellular zeolite products on the market. The energy I was working with, the energy of their energy field, was very heavy and you could feel these substances that are very stressful for the subtle bodies. There are spelling mistakes within this article that might lead people astray. Treatment for the Elimination of Graphene Oxide From the Body: The Nano Bucket Others also claim that a small EMP or an MRI could be used to deactivate the nanobots. Perhaps you could provide some details of your experience. Soran University. That would be good for the following hyperlink:, Anyway, Don & Carol Croft zappers can be found at World Without Parasites and CT Busters, which can be found in the following hyperlink: Then I understood that this substance is in fact used to detach the consciousness, so that this consciousness can no longer interact through this body that it has in life, where there is no more contact, no more frequency, no more light, no more energetic balance or spirit. MMS has been around a long time but has been heavily suppressed as it is a cheap and effective cure (not band-aid) for many ailments. Nanobots could be used to monitor for damage to the body, and potentially even facilitate the repair of this damage. since nanobots and nanotechnology are fragile structures ultrasound waves oscillate at such a frequency so as to "shake" the nanobots up hopefully with the result of thier molecular document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); Hello, Im Jane, gluten-free, Paleo chef, author, health practitioner and guide in your journey to health and vitality. Use liquid products where possible to help reduce airborne exposures. 10 Ways to Detox from Pharmakeia, Deactivate Nanotechnology and Heal Your DNA, A Plan to Maintain Safety During the Event, Old Weekly Ascension Meditation Instructions, Grid Work: Delivering Light to a Sacred Site Near You, The Prepare For Change Community Leaders Brief, Join Sisterhood of the Rose and Newsletter Sign-up, The Goddess Vortex and Transmuting All Darkness, Depopulation as Public Policy: A Rationale for Vaccines, GMO, Poisoned Food and Cancer Misinformation, The Many Dangers And Effects Of Vaccines For Dummies, Holistic Cancer Treatments What The Doctors Wont Tell you, Dangers Of GMOs (Genetically Modified Organisms) Links and Information. WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. Both techniques induce an electromagnetic field, corrupting the memory and shorting out the circuitry of any electronic device within range. Potassium 4. Since this topic is well over my head technically. 14. This video featuring Bill Gates is a good example of this agenda in practice. At the moment he is not showing any physical symptoms on the physical body. Spirulina Step 2: There is no Step 2. Step one above discusses the power of electromagnetics in rendering nanites inert, and the heart is the most powerful source of electromagnetic energy in the human body. This is the Nutrition Protocol to Prevent Damage from Spike Protein and Derivatives due to Injection and to Protect from Spike Protein Shedding: Zinc (30-80mg per day depending on immunological pressure) It produces the largest rhythmic electromagnetic field of any of the bodys organs, with an electrical field about 60 times greater in amplitude than the electrical activity generated by the brain. 12. Consent is golden or binding depending on your free will choice. WebMagnetic nanoparticles are delivered to different parts of the body with the help of strong magnets. Future nanobots could deliver medicine directly to the cells that need them. Bee pollen contains nearly all nutrients required by humans, and one of the most interesting facts about bee pollen is that it cannot be synthesized in a laboratory. WebThese Divine Dimensions have technology gifted to them through God to disable and remove nanobots. Just in case: 7. This is potentially the most important step when it comes to detoxing from vaccines, particularly when it comes to mRNA gene modification vaccines. She was constantly praying Lord Jesus Christ have mercy on me. Her captors were confused by this and took the drugs and poisons and died. (This talk is particularly interesting from the EMF point of view; one of the things Harald talks about is mass ULF-emissions from the center of Berlin.). Food plays a very significant role in the process of detoxifying from vaccines and the harmful ingredients contained therein. Use liquid products where possible to help reduce airborne exposures. Most big websites do this too. There are a number of foods and other supplements that can assist with the process of healing and protecting your DNA, including retinol palmitate, ascorbic acid, luteolin, quercetin, NAC and niacinamide. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul This is a remarkable question! WebSalt baths, use sea salt, Epsom salts the best results I had was using Bicarbonate of Soda 2-3 cups in a hot bath soak your body for 45-60 mins IMPORTANT NOTE: After soaking in the bath, a lot of this stuff will be on the surface of the skin, still attached use a soft brush and and exfoliate the skin thoroughly.. then shower off the residue. Advertising: Gather personally identifiable information such as name and location, Functionality: Remember social media settingsl Functionality: Remember selected region and country, Advertising: Use information for tailored advertising with third parties, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sites, Advertising: Identify device you are using, Advertising: Allow you to connect to social sitesl Advertising: Identify device you are using. Perhaps you are trying to calm down some people by providing them with some hope, getting all honesty the DNA wants changed will replicate and will remain changed. Those chem trails havent stopped yetalthough someone needs to get the clinically insane Deep State to do so. It's called the violet ray crystal resonator. Silica D homeopathic 3. Nanobots could be used to monitor for damage to the body, and potentially even facilitate the repair of this damage. How can BREATHING DETOX and OXYGENATE Your WHOLE BODY? We do not have the technology at present to be able to replace all organs of the body except the brain, nor do we have nanobots capable of working reliably within the human body. You can do this! Albert Einstein once said that a problem cannot be solved on the same level that it was created, and this is no exception. I base these suggestions on my use of these herbal remedies for various purposes, for my daughter and myself they come from Ayurveda, old European medicine, South American medicine, native American medicine. If you have not detoxed before it is likely you might feel light-headed as the zeolite works to remove heavy metals and other nanoparticles. Potassium 4. The violet ray works by passing a mild, healing electrical charge to the site of application as well as through the whole body. Anywhere you intuitively feel right on the body is fine. Liquid chembusting homeopathic 2. My microscopist has tested the rainwater [as chemtrail spraying has increased] and found fungus ,parasites and graphene oxide in rain water so I would think twice about drinking that. Nanotech is apparently also found in vaccinesfor more information, please explore Tonys videos on Youtube, and hiswebsite. Peppermint (very high in hesperidin) Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. Restrict access to areas where nanomaterials are used. Use sealed or closed bags/containers or cover all containers when not in use. This injection changes your DNA Once your DNA changes you cannot go back, no matter what you eat or what you do. Turmeric will cleanse parasites, fungi, clean the skin, clean veinsalso take (1500 mg capsule) with plenty of water or make Golden Milk with almond milk/coconut milk, turmeric and a sweetener (honey is traditional but you can find a vegan alternative). The benefits of such devices are many and extend well beyond their ability to negate the effects of harmful nanotechnology and other parasites. We are being genetically engineered.Nanocrystals. Inevitable Disclosure, Dangerous Nano-Particles Contaminating Many Vaccines: Groundbreaking Study,, Nano bots in the Vax,,, Next Generation GMOs: Questionable Nanoparticles are in Your Clothes, Organic Food,, How to Detox ourselves,, Health Impact News: Nano-Toxicity: Are Nanoparticles in Food and Our Environment the New Health Epidemic?,,,, Nano-Sensor Modelling for Intra-Body Nano-Networks, C60 is a rich-source of electrons and acts like a fire extinguisher to inflammation and simultaneously (because it bio-distributes throughout the body) drives a normalization of electron flow throughout the body. I work with and sell products for the Violet Ray/Zeolite Detox protocol. Perhaps you could provide some details of your experience. You are so right, as fear is a major tool of mind control. It is more effective than activated charcoal and can be taken internally and externally. Chem trailst/outed as geoengineeringare also apparently connected to a global depopulation agendawhich unfortunately is not the conspiracy theory dream of deluded researchers butthe conspiracy of deluded globalists,more on that soon. Supplements are also important in the vaccine detoxification process. Where can anyone learn more about Paida Lajin? It didnt sound like free roaming nanobots. Nanobots are technology on a quantum level, and in order to solve this problem, we need to address this situation on a subquantum or soul WebThese Divine Dimensions have technology gifted to them through God to disable and remove nanobots. I will post further on this shortly. Try to unplug as often as you can from wireless as the cross domain bacteria (Morgellons) thrives in a wireless environment. Charcoal (2-4 capsules a day): Charcoal is the pre-eminent detoxifier and when taken on an empty stomach, works its way down into the intestines and activates a blood purification process known as interstitial dialysis. Food choices: Lots of fresh vegetables and fruits, especially water-heavy; moong dal and spinach; greens of every kind. after injection) are largely taken up and eliminated by the reticulohistocytic system (RHS). 4. If you choose to not see no one can make you. Pollen is extremely rich in rutin and may have the highest content of any source, plus it provides a high content of the nucleics RNA [ribonucleic acid] and DNA [deoxyribonucleic acid]. Be sure the source of the bee pollen is from a pristine and pure location, preferably located away from pollutants and potential GMO crops. Does iron sharpen iron? In several types of WBCs are an organelle called the lysosomes. 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